Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1632 - A Good Talk and Dealing with the Aftermath

Chapter 1632 - A Good Talk and Dealing with the Aftermath

Chapter 1632: A Good Talk and Dealing with the Aftermath

Phineas was stumped for a long moment before he exclaimed, “What did you say?”

He then hurriedly asked, “Can you really save my daughter?”

Luke nodded with a smile. “Yes. Also, whether you agree or not, Cook won’t come after you.”

Phineas hesitated.

After asking for the details, he found out that the man wanted him to work as a lab researcher for him. After thinking for two minutes, he agreed.

For one thing, that was his old line of work.

Secondly, even if the other party didn’t have any proof, as long as he told the Soderbergs that Phineas was suspicious, he and his daughter wouldn’t be able to escape.

Cook was the son of the mayor, while the father and daughter were on the bottom rung of society, and didn’t have the power to protect themselves.

It wasn’t unusual for bigshots to kill indiscriminately in pursuit of their enemy. In any case, it didn’t matter if they killed the wrong person.

After reaching an agreement, the first thing that Phineas wanted to know about was his daughter’s treatment.

Luke simply smiled and said, “Mr. Mason, please remember that you never met me. If a miracle happens with your daughter, give your thanks to God.”

Phineas was stumped. “But don’t you want me to…”

In order to work for the other party, a work contract was indispensable. How could it be kept a secret?

“No, we never met.” Luke waved his hand and stood up. “Someone will give you an address at nine in the morning in three days for you to go to.”

As he spoke, he gestured for Phineas to leave.

The two went out, and Luke closed the door. “I hope we never meet again, Mr. Mason.”

With that, he moved forward, his body gradually turning transparent in two or three steps before he disappeared in the dark hallway.

Phineas swallowed.

Only then did he remember that the family photo in the living room just now was clearly of a regular family of three. The old man hadn’t been in the photo at all.

Could it be… that he had seen a ghost? Phinnias trembled slightly as he picked up his pace.

When he returned to the hospital and saw that there were still people coming and going, he gradually calmed down.

It was only at that moment that his engineering background and scientific outlook came back online.

Phineas stood there for a moment before he suddenly slapped his forehead. “F*ck, that was just optical stealth. What was I afraid of?”

Also, the old man didn’t want anyone to know that he had been there, so the living room might just have been temporarily “borrowed.”

For someone who could use optical stealth, it wasn’t hard to enter an ordinary apartment.

From beginning to end, it hadn’t been a ghost story.

Cursing himself for being an idiot, Phineas returned to his daughter’s ward.

Sitting on the bed, he looked at his daughter, who seemed to be sound asleep, and his emotions surged.

He wondered when the old man in black would come and treat Beverly. It would probably be after he signed the contract.

These damn bloodsucking capitalists weren’t that kindhearted – they definitely needed to get something out of it.

Looking at his daughter, he couldn’t help but place a hand on her forehead.

She was frowning, as if she was having a bad dream, just like when she was little. As he thought that, Phineas suddenly paused. Wait, she was frowning?

The deeply unconscious Beverly hadn’t responded at all in the past few days.

If it wasn’t for that, he wouldn’t have been so angry that he lost his mind and used the drone to feed the culprit, Cook, enough illegal drugs to knock him out, in an eye for an eye.

His hands shook, and he called out softly, “Beverly, can you hear me? Dad’s here.”

On the bed, Beverly’s lashes fluttered as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around blankly for a moment before she finally saw her father’s face. She murmured, “Dad, where… am I?”

Phineas’s eyes turned red. “You’re sick. You’re in the hospital. Don’t panic, I’m here.”

As he spoke, he pressed the button.

It wasn’t until the doctors and nurses pushed him away from the bed that he finally calmed down.

Suddenly, he remembered the old man’s words:?If a miracle happens with your daughter, give your thanks to God.

His daughter had been in a coma for so long, but she woke up after he struck a deal with the old man? The implications were clear.

After a general examination, the doctor had the nurse take Beverly for a comprehensive checkup.

After getting most of the results, the doctor smiled in disbelief. “Mr. Mason, congratulations. It’s a miracle.”

Phineas: “Huh?”

The doctor was used to seeing this expression on the family members of patients, and didn’t keep Phineas in suspense. He simply said, “Your daughter is in good condition – it’s as if she’s only been sleeping. I don’t see any problems. We’ll keep her in the hospital for another 48 to 72 hours for observation. If there’s nothing wrong, she can be discharged.” josei

Phineas nodded quickly in gratitude.

After seeing the doctor off and persuading his daughter to go back to sleep, Phineas mulled over it in the quiet ward. She could be discharged in 48 hours, and he could sign the contract in the morning three days later?

Could it be that the other party had also thought of this? Phineas was secretly alarmed.

If his guess was correct, that meant that the old man had been absolutely confident that he could treat Phineas’s daughter, or he wouldn’t have given Phineas a pre-warning and a fixed time.

When Phineas asked about the contract, the other party had only told him to keep it a secret, and didn’t say what would happen if Phineas broke the contract.

At that time, Phineas had thought that the old man was too good at pretending, but now, he understood that the old man wasn’t afraid of him going back on his word.

I’ll take care of any trouble for you in the future, and I treated your daughter in minutes. Dare break the contract? Then taking care of you will only be a matter of minutes?— Phineas felt that this was probably the meaning behind the old man’s actions.

But he had no complaints.

This was all just speculation to begin with. It wasn’t like he could complain that the other party had treated his daughter so quickly and hadn’t made him sign a contract on the spot, right? It wasn’t like he could disdain the other party for trusting him too much.

Luke’s clone had spent a few minutes in the hospital to treat Beverly’s brain injury.

Then, he switched to his alias as the bigshot, Pennyworth, and began to help this new member of New Hope Research Institute wrap things up.

Compared with a professional like him, Phineas had left too many clues behind. It would keep him busy for almost an hour.

Luke wasn’t lying.

Before their talk, Luke had taken away the most vulnerable thing — the fake drone.

As long as the drone wasn’t around, it wouldn’t be easy to track Phineas down.

The main reason Phineas hadn’t taken it away was because he hadn’t had the time.

The Soderbergs had locked down the apartment very tightly, and he had to take care of his daughter. It was impossible for him to wait for an opportunity to enter the apartment building.

Besides, it would be very hard for ordinary people to find him through the drone.

In fact, the investigators the Soderbergs had hired didn’t think anything of the drones at all. They simply took out the memory cards as instructed.

The videos inside weren’t a big deal. They would cause a minor scandal at most. It wasn’t as serious as Lindsay thought.

Mayor Soderberg was only taking this cautious approach because he felt that someone was using his son, Cook, to deal with him.

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