Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1645 - Raise Your Hands? No, Put Your Hands Down

Chapter 1645 - Raise Your Hands? No, Put Your Hands Down

Chapter 1645: Raise Your Hands? No, Put Your Hands Down

The seven or eight SHIELD agents on the side looked at each other. Several of them had their hands on their guns, but no one dared to pull them out.

Who the hell knew what that brief but frightening fight had been about?

Even if this guy called B*tch or whatever was at odds with his comrades, that didn’t mean that he was on SHIELD’s side.

Also… why did this guy look like a lunatic?

This “B*tch” had blown up the heads of twelve people in less than two seconds.

None of the agents in the command room dared to compete with him in speed.

Although he was reloading, he still had a gun strapped to his other leg.

Just now, the man had said that he was best at quick draw.

These twelve Hydra members had actually only enjoyed the “rapid” part. The special agents didn’t want to take over and enjoy the full package.

Besides, whoever took out their gun in the command center might be misunderstood.

For example, they believed that the team that had come in earlier was all Hydra.

While Luke was taking down the Strike force team that was trying to take over the command room, a spectacular show was taking place in Pierce’s office upstairs.

Holly, who was wearing a pair of brown sunglasses, was communicating with Hill. “He definitely has a backup plan, and it definitely doesn’t have to do with the small fry.”

Hill said, “We don’t have that much time.”

Holly said, “Sometimes, you can only force the other party to reveal their trump card by taking action.”

After a brief silence, Hill forwarded the message to Steve and asked in passing, “How’s it going?”

Steve said solemnly, “Not good. This guy is hard to deal with.”

Not far away, a man with a black mask and a shiny left arm fired at him.

It was this Black Mask who had attacked Nick Fury and “killed” him in Steve’s place. josei

Steve had fought him briefly yesterday, but hadn’t been able to stop him from escaping.

Now that this person had appeared here, it was confirmed that he was Hydra’s super soldier.

Pierce was clearly on guard against Steve.

After all, 20 to 30 normal Strike force members would be useless if they ran into Captain America.

Black Mask only said a few words before he swiftly approached and fired his rifle.

Steve raised his shield to block, and charged forward. For the moment, he was unable to talk to Hill.

In the communications center, Hill frowned, but her hands moved quickly.

Yesterday, Nick Fury had summoned Natasha and Steve to a secret safehouse.

Steve hadn’t been surprised to see Black Egg.

He and Natasha had already read the user manual for Life 1.

That bigshot was a businessman, and Black Egg just so happened to have a lot of good things in his hands. Doing a trade for one or two life-saving items was a piece of cake.

At the safehouse, Nick Fury, Hill, Steve and Natasha worked out a plan for today’s operation.

The director was the ultimate trump card. It was best if he didn’t show his face, or he would be blacklisted by Hydra.

Thus, the other three were the main force.

Steve and Natasha were responsible for the attack, while Hill was mainly responsible for providing technical and information support.

Although there were too few of them, Nick Fury simply said, “I’ll call for someone if things become urgent, but it would be best if we do this alone.”

Thus, the situation was now at an impasse, but it wasn’t time to call for reinforcements. However, none of the three individuals panicked.

If they had panicked when they ran into trouble, they wouldn’t be alive right now.

While Steve was fighting, something was happening on Pierce’s side.

The only woman among the council members, Holly, was close to 50 years old. She had a face full of wrinkles and wore a grayish-blue professional dress suit. She was the classic bureaucrat.

At that moment, the woman, who could be considered half a granny, suddenly waved her hands, and two shock devices instantly hit the two Hydra soldiers furthest away.

The two Hydra soldiers twitched and fell.

The granny bent down and charged forward like a leopard. She smacked the two nearest Hydra soldiers in the chin.

Chins shattered, they flew to the sides and passed out.

The granny raised her right leg and kicked a Hydra soldier on the right between the legs. At the same time, she stretched out her left hand and grabbed the hand of the Hydra soldier on the left that was holding a gun.

With another crack, the Hydra soldier’s fingers turned into chicken claws, and the gun fell into Holly’s hands.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

After she obtained the gun, she fired without hesitation.

The last two Hydra soldiers had barely moved away from their fallen comrades when they were shot twice.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

The two people who had been tasered at the beginning and the man who had his gun stolen were shot in the head.

Only then did Holly turn and point her gun at the last Hydra member in the office.

Stumped, Pierce looked at the old woman who was pointing a gun at him and immediately realized what was going on. “You’re not Holly.”

In front of him, Holly sneered and pressed her left hand to the side of her neck. She then ran her hand over her face, and a translucent nanomask was taken off.

She threw away the brown wig, and a young and beautiful red-haired beauty appeared in front of everyone. She said with a smile, “Sorry, did I interrupt your party?”

As she spoke, she raised her gun. “Hey, raise your hands, Mr. Secretary.”

It wasn’t a baseless action

He could do a lot of small things with his hands by his side. It would be very easy for him to send a signal.

Pierce, however, was unmoved, and the surprise on his face faded.

He wasn’t a rookie. He had stared down the barrel of a gun too many times in his life.

With a calm smile, he slowly raised his glass and took a sip of the champagne. “No, Agent Romanov, you put your gun down first and stand aside.”

Natasha casually handed the gun to council member Yan.

Without any hesitation, he took the gun and continued pointing it at Pierce.

This council member was from China, and was the least likely to be controlled by Hydra. At the same time, he was only 30 years old and had field experience.

At a distance of several meters, it wouldn’t be a problem for him to kill Pierce with a few shots.

Walking over to the desk, she asked, “Why?”

Pierce gave an odd smile. “Because of this.”

With that, he ducked out of firing range.

The three council members twitched and fell at the same time. Yan couldn’t even get off a shot.

Pierce then smiled at Natasha, and their eyes met.

For a moment, there was silence.

When she noticed Pierce’s gaze, she subconsciously glanced at her left chest.

She waved a hand in front of her chest, and a small tool stretched out of the mechanical glove to send the silver pin flying.

Pierce had gotten the four of them to wear this pin, which acted as a temporary access pass – it was understandable if he had done something to it.

It was a pity that Natasha was wearing the nanosuit, and the left side of her chest was well protected, which was why the pin had been useless.

Pierce’s expression changed. He took two steps forward and bent down to pick up the pistol that Yan had dropped.

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