Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1868 - Another Robbery, and the Love

Chapter 1868 - Another Robbery, and the Love

Chapter 1868: Another Robbery, and the Love Between Father and Son

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

This Ultron was extremely strong and quick to react. Its body was sturdy and durable, and wasn’t operated by a person on the inside; it could be considered a top-notch version of the Iron Man Armor.

Without a doubt, this guy had used a lot of Tony’s secret tech for this body.

Readings also showed that part of this body had been made with the ‘special metal,’ which Luke had named vibranium.

This was what Ultron had successfully obtained from the black market merchant after beating back the Avengers at the port in Kenya.

The tycoon was really good at making trouble! He actually prepared everything for this cheap ‘son.’ Luke cursed inwardly.

Despite that, Luke gloated a little; things were about to heat up with a lively show of a father thrashing his son.

As the thought flashed through Luke’s mind, there was a rumble, and another hole appeared in the wall of the research building. A gold-and-red suit of armor charged in with its hands up, the palm cannons already charged. They aimed at Ultron, who had just turned around.


With a violent roar, Ultron, this cheap son, was sent flying. It smashed through several walls and shot out of the research building.

“Squash your son,” Big Dipper shouted at Tony over the team channel as he appeared next to the Regeneration Cradle.

Seeing his and Selina’s movements, Tony knew what they were going to do.

He didn’t have the time to retort as he charged out through the hole created by Ultron and continued to chase after his cheap son.

Big Dipper swung his blade and cut all the wires.

With his other hand, he helped Selina, who was in a slightly awkward position, throw the Regeneration Cradle onto her back.

The android Selina was using shot out several metal restraints to secure the cradle to her back.

“Get on the plane and evacuate,” Luke said. He resheathed one longsword on his back and took out a pulse gun. “Go.”

Firmly gripping the edges of the Regeneration Cradle behind her, Selina exerted strength in her legs.

She charged in the opposite direction from where Ultron had been sent flying.

Ultron’s army of robots had swarmed back into the research institute. They lunged forward recklessly, and looked like metal zombies.

Luke raised his pulse gun.

Bang! The light blue pulse blast and the huge shock wave it kicked up cleared a ten-meter path in the hallway.

Unhindered, Selina happily charged forward with the Regeneration Cradle on her back.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Luke slashed his sword and sent the other robots flying, and didn’t give them a chance to touch Selina and the cradle.


A second pulse blast exploded at the right time and cleared the next ten meters.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Another group of robots was sent flying.

Close to 50 robots couldn’t even stop Selina for 0.1 seconds before their line was broken.

Bang! Crash!

Luke blasted through the last hallway and outermost glass wall.

Amidst the smoke, dust and shattered glass, Selina and the Regeneration Cradle appeared outside the research building.

For one moment, the battlefield seemed to suddenly fall silent.

Ultron, who had been forced back hundreds of meters by Tony, Steve, Natasha and Hawkeye, roared, “No! That’s mine!”

Originally, there had still been more than 20 robots entangled with the Avengers. They now turned around and lunged at the Regeneration Cradle.

The cannons and mini missiles on their bodies flew over.

At that moment, Ultron could no longer care about the integration with the Regeneration Cradle. The most important thing was to take back its perfect body.

Its perfect body was gone, and Helen Cho had been stolen away. If Ultron had to put together another machine to modify its new body, it would need at least ten days, if not half a month.

During that time, the Avengers and the Bat Squad definitely wouldn’t leave it alone.

It couldn’t let them get away.

Boom! Boom!

With two loud explosions, Selina and Luke fully activated the thrusters on their suits and shot into the sky as they fled the research institute.

“Don’t think about running!” Ultron’s eyes flashed with a blood-red light. He stopped defending against the storm of fierce punches from the Avengers, and was about to give chase.

In the end…

“Wow, Daddy’s here, kiddo!” Tony grabbed Ultron and pulled it back down to the ground.

The Avengers also received battle notifications on the team channel, and they knew that Batman’s trio had actually made off with Ultron’s perfect body, the Regeneration Cradle, and Dr. Helen Cho in one go.

Since the Bat Squad had done so well, the Avengers couldn’t back down.

If they really gave Ultron a chance to turn things around, the Avengers would forever have to defer to the Bat Squad in the future.

For a moment, all sorts of attacks rained down on Ultron, and the damage to its body increased rapidly.

In the distant sky, Big Dipper held guns in both hands and used his extraordinary marksmanship to intercept the gunfire and missiles from the army of robots.

Everything went smoothly, and Selina stuffed the Regeneration Cradle and Ultron’s perfect body into the back of the Quinjet.

As soon as she entered, the door closed, and the plane sped up and left. At the same time, the stealth system activated and released a lot of missiles as a distraction so that nothing could lock onto the Quinjet.

Ultron roared again and again on the ground, but was only able to fly several hundred meters before it was dragged down and besieged again.

The Avengers were too used to fighting bosses together, not to mention that most of Ultron’s tech was from Tony.

Just like how Tony made armor to directly counteract them, some people had had vague thoughts before about beating up this flashy tycoon.

For now, they had no chance to use these tricks on Tony. Then, couldn’t they use them on his cheap son? josei

The battle was extremely intense. There were nonstop explosions, vegetation was sent flying, and traces of fallen buildings stretched over hundreds of meters north of the river.

The Avengers had been working hard to prevent the battle from spreading south.

A few days ago, the Hulk had caused a huge problem in the Kenyan port city. Seoul was the center of South Korea; it would be even more troublesome if something went wrong here.

Ultron went crazy when it saw its new body, equipment, and human tool stolen.

Relying on its semi-vibranium form, it clashed violently with the Avengers. For one moment, it had the upper hand.

After Tony played out a ‘love-hate, father-and-son’ show with Ultron, many parts of the Hulkbuster delivery system was blown up. The Mark armor was also riddled with damage and was about to fall apart.

Natasha had no choice but to use the Black Widow suit, and the armor sustained 32% damage.

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