Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1872 - Stark, Are You Trying Something Again?

Chapter 1872 - Stark, Are You Trying Something Again?

Chapter 1872: Stark, Are You Trying Something Again?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Wanda and Pietro’s dynamics were quite interesting.

The person in charge was basically the little sister, Wanda, while Pietro… was devoted to protecting his sister?

He had been stabbed in the abdomen when he anxiously blocked a knife for his sister, even though he was one of the fastest men in the world.

In the port city before, Wanda had also been hit in the head with a taser arrow from Hawkeye. She had convulsed at the electric shock, and hadn’t been able to complete the magnificent feat of taking down all the Avengers.

If Luke had the siblings’ abilities, it would be impossible for something that ridiculous to happen.

Firstly, the siblings had only obtained the abilities three months ago, and weren’t familiar with them.

Secondly, they lacked professional training, and were easily distracted on the battlefield.

For example, Daredevil Matt, who was also a superhuman, was able to hear almost everything in the Clinton area.

However, his brain couldn’t process so many sounds at one go, and he had still been surrounded by ninjas.

Now that the siblings had fallen into Luke’s hands, he had to ‘educate’ them properly for a while so that they wouldn’t continue being noobs.

They had no family and schooling, and had a lot of personality issues.

In the end, however, Wanda had turned on Ultron, and could be considered worth ‘saving.’

As they chatted, the three of them flew to the underwater base.

Looking at the base as it quietly rose up and the protective shield opened, Wanda suddenly sensed something and couldn’t help but ask, “Is Ultron’s new body also here?”

Luke landed the plane steadily. “Yes, it was sent back three hours ago.”

Wanda’s expression turned ugly. “Is Tony Stark with it?”

“I’m not sure.” Luke shook his head. “Let me ask.”

Big Dipper, who had been resting in the base and browsing through intelligence and formulating a plan, quickly got up and walked to the lab where Ultron’s perfect body was stored.

He couldn’t be blamed for acting so carelessly. It was just that he and Tony were too familiar with each other.

Besides, there wasn’t anything Tony could do to the new body. josei

Ultron’s existence had been sheer happenstance; something like that wouldn’t happen again.

The chances of two Ultrons appearing were countless times lower than winning hundreds of millions of dollars.

But who was Tony? And who was the witch?

These two had just ‘teamed up’ to create Ultron. Now that the witch suddenly said that, it was a little foreboding.

Big Dipper walked into the lab a few doors away, and indeed saw Tony, Dr. Banner, the Black Widow and Hawkeye bustling around.

The cables of the Regeneration Cradle which he had cut had been reconnected. Clearly, it was already working.

Tony turned around and said in a normal tone, “What, you’re interested in this, too?”

Big Dipper frowned. “Stop.”

Tony raised an eyebrow and didn’t stop working. “Why?”

Big Dipper: “Because you just created Ultron.”

Tony’s expression froze, but his fingers were still flying over the keyboard as he replied distractedly, “Which is why we have to deal with this disobedient kid as soon as possible.”

At that moment, Steve ran in. His face darkened when he saw the situation in the lab. “Stark, are you trying something again?”

Tony’s face fell. “Again”? Hm, fine, it was indeed “again.”

An afterimage flashed through the hallway. It was Pietro, who held his sister with one hand and the Dark Knight with the other.

Everybody exchanged glances, and Steve gave the Dark Knight a “you try” look.

He was probably the only person present who could make the tycoon a little more obedient.

Without any hesitation, Luke as Knight said, “Tony, stop. At the very least, think about whether or not it’s safe.”

Tony’s face darkened. He paused and turned around. “Bruce, we don’t have time.”

Luke frowned. “What do you mean?”

Suddenly, Pietro’s shadow flashed around the Regeneration Cradle, and an energy cable was pulled out.

Everybody: …

Pietro said, “I think… Hm, let Mr. Knight finish asking the questions first.”

Tony glared at him for a moment, but knew that it was hard to guard against this guy’s speed.

He could only explain quickly, “Ultron has been evolving rapidly. At this rate, it’ll be able to completely control most of the Internet on Earth in less than a week. In a month, it’ll become a ‘god’ on the Internet. By then, it’ll be impossible for us to kill it, unless we destroy all the Internet on Earth and every place it might be hiding in.”

Everybody was silent. That was an impossible feat.

The Avengers couldn’t make the world destroy the Internet all at the same time, much less blow up countries one by one.

At that time, Ultron wouldn’t need to do anything, and the Avengers would automatically become the world’s public enemy.

Conversely, Ultron just needed to hide online to remotely control its army of robots.

Once Ultron had enough time to digest Tony’s secret tech, the robot army would definitely be able to help it complete a physical connection to any classified network.

At that time, it would just need to issue a command to launch nuclear missiles, and mankind would be facing a countdown.

A Terminator scenario even popped up in Luke’s head – just replace the T800 robots slaughtering humans with Ultron’s robot army, and there wouldn’t be any difference.

After a brief silence, Luke nodded. “So, what are you doing now?”

Tony was relieved. “I’m… well, Dr. Banner is inputting what is left of Jarvis’s program into this perfect body. As long as we succeed, it should be able to help us restrain Ultron.”

Dr. Banner was lost for words.

Everybody was lost for words.

Tony coughed and said, “Skip the details. The key is that this new body has a similar ability to Ultron. It can keep Ultron out of ordinary networks and confine it to its robot army, so the only thing we’ll need to deal with is just Ultron itself and the robot army. We won’t overlook anything.”

Wanda, who had yet to resolve her grudge with the tycoon, couldn’t help but retort, “Are you sure this isn’t world destruction all over again?”

Tony pointed at her. “Kid, you may be young, but don’t forget that you also contributed to Ultron’s appearance. I’ve already come up with a solution. Do you have a better idea?”

Wanda faltered.

She had a very big hand in Ultron’s appearance, and indeed didn’t have a solution.

Luke, however, sneered inwardly. The tycoon was so uncouth, relying on his brains and experience to bully a little girl.

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