Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1883 - Has Anybody Ever Told You That You’re Despicable…

Chapter 1883 - Has Anybody Ever Told You That You’re Despicable…

Chapter 1883: Has Anybody Ever Told You That You’re Despicable…

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Of course, he was referring to Wade.

Big Dipper, who was protecting the vibranium pillar with his electromagnetic rifles, said, “He won’t die that easily even if he wanted to – he’ll just be half-dead at most.”

Thor:?…Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who’s going to be blown up with Ultron.

Even as he derided Big Dipper inwardly, Thor pointed the hammer at Ultron without hesitation.

Zi! Zi! Zi!

The immense power of divine lightning also blasted Ultron.

Ultron was hit from all sides.

Wade, who was clinging to Ultron, was caught in the crossfire. He could only cling to Ultron’s back, weak and helpless.

He didn’t forget to scream, “Boss, don’t forget to give me more money…”

Boom! Bang!

Just when he said that, Ultron’s body was torn in two by three types of energy. josei

Wade was sent flying. He yelled, “Ah~~! I’m dying!”

The corners of Tony and Thor’s eyes twitched.

Thor couldn’t help but murmur, “Can I kill him? We could say he sacrificed himself in order to defeat Ultron.”

Recalling what happened during the Battle of New York, Tony tossed out, “I’ll give you a million if you shut up. For every word you say before we leave, I’ll take off 100,000.”


D*mn! Luke almost got goosebumps and resisted the urge to kick away this half-smashed avocado. “Get lost. If you make that sound again, I’ll deduct the repair cost of your armor from your credit points.”

Wade’s nostrils flared and he shook his head. “Hu~ hu~ hu~”

Everybody: …

Luke didn’t want to bother with this completely shameless guy anymore, and he thrust his collapsible staff forward.

Clang! Crack!

There was a metal clang and the sound of something breaking as the staff pierced the semi-vibranium body and shattered the energy core in Ultron’s chest.

Luke then pulled out the staff and pierced the core chip in Ultron’s head before he flew up. “Let’s not waste time here. If any one of those robots escapes, we’ll lose everything.”

Tony had still wanted to say something to Ultron, but lost interest when he heard that. His cheap son wasn’t dead yet; it was indeed too early to show it some ‘concern.’

Hm, it definitely wasn’t that he was trying to get back at Ultron.

When the core of this semi-vibranium body was completely destroyed, the army of robots that had been attacking wildly suddenly turned around and scattered.

At that point, Ultron knew that it could no longer gain anything.

It only had one goal left — to survive.

The Avengers and New SHIELD agents who had been evacuating the civilians received the notification, and they joined the hunt.

At that moment, Ultron no longer had the energy to attack civilians.

Every second that the robots were delayed was a drop in Ultron’s chances of survival.

Without the threat of the anti-gravity system and the super combat ability of Ultron’s semi-vibranium body, the superheroes could kill the remaining 700 ordinary robots in two minutes.

The situation was unlike before, when the city had still been full of civilians.

After the evacuation, the city center was already empty by the time the battle broke out, and the Bat Squad’s five firepower support units bombarded the place without any qualms.

There weren’t a lot of intact older buildings here to begin with. After this battle, some more donations to construct dozens of new apartment buildings would definitely be better than these old buildings.

A few minutes later, Dark Knight informed the entire channel with a solemn expression, “Ultron isn’t dead yet. Everyone, investigate the remains of every robot. Make sure you completely destroy their cores… Huh? F*ck!”

Stumped for a moment, Tony then immediately sent a private message: “Language. You’re the great Knight.”

Luke rolled his eyes and suppressed his helplessness. “Alright, it’s over now!”

Tony asked, “Just like that?”

Luke said, “…Alright, you should hurry up and think of a way to remove the anti-gravity system. It contains a lot of vibranium.”

Tony’s interest was immediately piqued. “Really? It just so happens that I’m short of vibranium…”

Luke interrupted him. “It doesn’t matter to me if you scurry some away for yourself, but return as much of the unprocessed stuff in the anti-gravity system as possible to Wakanda.”

Tony exclaimed, “What? Why? They were robbed because they were useless.”

Luke said, “Because I want you to ‘return’ Wakanda’s ‘stolen property’ via the most official channel, like in the name of Stark Technologies and Innovations (Tony’s personal and exclusive research organization).”

Tony could tell from Luke’s tone that he had a plan. “Wait, are you… going to try something with Wakanda?”

Luke didn’t say anything.

The tycoon was suddenly enlightened and started yammering non-stop. “So that’s why this has to be done officially. It can’t be returned in private, in case they renege on this debt.

“No, no, this will make Wakanda angry…

“You said to officially announce that we’re returning stolen property, not outright say that it’s vibranium…

“Heh, if they don’t show some ‘sincerity,’ then we’ll publicly announce that what we’re returning is vibranium.”

Luke said, “Well, you came up with all that yourself. It has nothing to do with me.”

Tony: “…Bruce, has anyone ever told you that you’re actually despicable?”

Luke said, “Probably ten thousand times less than people saying the same thing about you.”

Tony: “…Then listen carefully: You’re despicable.”

Luke: “Ha~ ha~”

After explaining the matter of the vibranium, which was the most important thing, to Tony, Luke’s two clones split up.

Big Dipper went to where the civilians were gathered and treated those who had been heavily wounded during the escape.

When his clone used Light of Life to treat their injuries, it consumed three to five credit points, but saving a heavily wounded person gave him around ten experience and credit points.

Treating the civilians would reduce their hatred for the Avengers and the Bat Squad.

Both America and Russia didn’t have a good reputation here.

This was the sorrow of citizens in small countries torn by war. They couldn’t do anything, and could only blindly hate outsiders.

As the saying went, better to be a dog in a time of peace than a person in a time of war.

In a warring country like this, people weren’t even treated as well as dogs in a time of peace.

Doing this would only reduce the citizens’ hostility; it wouldn’t completely get rid of their resentment, let alone make them feel grateful.

Luke didn’t feel aggrieved.

The Dark Knight clone, on the other hand, turned invisible and searched the city for remains, taking away the more sensitive items ahead of time.

For example, two of Ultron’s semi-vibranium bodies. Half the spoils belonged to Tony, and Luke would give them to him later.

As for whether or not the tycoon would hand them over to Wakanda, that was none of Luke’s business.

As he dealt with the small things, his dejection slowly faded.

Earlier, just as he had been telling everyone to check the remains of the robots, a system notification had suddenly popped up:?Destroy Ultron and save the people of Sokovia. Mission accomplished.

In other words, Luke’s plan to kill the last Ultron with his own hands and earn a lot of experience and credit points from this big boss had failed.

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