Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1899 - A Small Gift, We Won’t Meet Again

Chapter 1899 - A Small Gift, We Won’t Meet Again

Chapter 1899: A Small Gift, We Won’t Meet Again

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

For a moment, the two monsters and two humans were less than ten meters away from each other.

There was a strange silence.

The giant octopus blinked its big eyes blankly.?Erm, who am I? Where am I? What was I about to do just now?

Shriek also felt the same, and was lost for words.

It had completely forgotten why it had charged over here. It couldn’t have run here to be cut down by this black-and white-skull, right?

Luke was once again baffled. What kind of divine move was this?

Most people wouldn’t have noticed anything.

On the other hand, relying on technology and his abilities, he had vast experience with mental fluctuations.

The giant octopus’s large-scale Mental Interference ability had disappeared, just like that?

Not only that, its wild and chaotic attitude had also disappeared.

At that moment, the giant octopus was more like what it had been like on the cruise ship that first time. At most, its mental fluctuations were more solid and steady.

In short, it had become smarter, but not by very much.

Hm, it was probably similar to what the dog head had been like at the beginning. He should be able to fool it. josei

But even as Luke moved, the Ancient One was faster. “This is our first official meeting. Let me give you a little gift.”

Before she finished speaking, she raised her hands and made a twisting motion.

The space occupied by the giant octopus suddenly turned into a mass of mirror fragments which reflected the fragmented body of the giant octopus.

Those huge yellowish-orange eyes looked left and right, but the octopus didn’t seem to be in pain.

The Ancient One then grabbed Luke’s arm, and they flew toward the center of the mirrors.

When they passed through the center, things returned to normal. Even when the giant octopus returned to its intact form, it was still dazedly blinking its big eyes.

The Ancient One appeared in front of the giant octopus in a flash.

She pushed out with her left hand at its head.

Luke held his breath.

Suddenly, his thoughts moved, and he was shocked.

The giant octopus’s soul was suddenly sent dozens of meters outside its body.

It was similar to Carrie’s Spirit Form.

The Ancient One instructed, “You should be able to use Mental Communication on it. Hm, use less strength; don’t kill it. This little thing’s soul is a little weak.”

Luke: ??? This 100,000-ton ‘little thing’ was weak?

But since the bigshot had spoken, there was no reason for him to hesitate.

He activated Mental Communication.

Ten seconds later, Luke heaved a long sigh.

The Ancient One asked, “Did you ‘persuade’ it?”

Her tone sounded a little strange.

Luke smiled. “Of course. I made it an offer it couldn’t refuse.”

With Real Dream, he had used many types of ‘persuasion’ which absolutely felt real in those ten seconds.

The Ancient One knew what Luke’s ‘offer’ entailed. She smiled. “That’s good.”

As she spoke, she turned around and walked out of the mirror space to face the island. She waved the orange fan in her hand again, and another orange rune appeared.

As she waved the orange fan, the rune grew bigger and bigger. Even the patterns in it multiplied by several layers.

An ordinary person would have been blinded by the hundreds of orange and red patterns in the rune.

The Ancient One was clearly using a lot more strength now than when she had been dealing with the giant octopus.

Half a minute later, a huge orange rune more than ten meters in diameter took shape.

The Ancient One pushed with both hands, and the orange rune flew toward the island before flipping and pressing down.


The orange rune crashed onto the island and quickly sank down.

20 meters down, it abruptly stopped, as if it had hit some obstacle.

There was a violent fluctuation of energy.

Luke sensed a Mental Interference that was 100 times stronger than what he had sensed from the giant octopus earlier.

Instantly, it felt like a physical pressure pressing down on him.

What the hell was this?! Gritting his teeth to maintain some rationality, he used Mental Resistance consecutively on himself.

After what felt like a long time, the violent mental pressure suddenly disappeared, and Luke relaxed.

He was drenched in sweat, and his body trembled slightly. It was a sensation that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

The Ancient One teased him unhurriedly. “As expected, you’re strong. You blocked the oppression from a trace of His will on your own.”

Luke smiled bitterly and asked, “Who is He?”

The Ancient One shook his head. “It’s best that you don’t try to learn His name. At the very least, I… Hm, I won’t have to worry about Him appearing for the next ten years.”

Luke’s breath caught. “What about after that?”

“I don’t know,” the Ancient One said. “If no creature deliberately summons Him, He may never appear again.”

With that, she flicked her wrist, and the orange fan disappeared. She raised her hands and put on her hood again. “We probably won’t meet again after this. You will have to rely on your own strength.”

Luke’s eyes flickered. “Ma’am… please take care.”

The Ancient One’s expression was indiscernible under her loose hood.

She simply nodded and drew a circle with one finger.

The dazzling ring of sparks appeared again, and the tall and thin figure floated into it. She waved her hand behind her, and the ring of sparks quickly shrunk and disappeared.

In the middle of the night, the Norwegian Sea was peaceful once more.

Hovering in the air, Luke frowned.

The Ancient One’s last sentence was a little cryptic.

Didn’t this bigshot know that it was best not to set up a flag like that? What if they ran into each other in a diner at dawn tomorrow? That would be awkward.

Should he pretend that he didn’t see her, or should he go forward and say, “We meet again?” It was a difficult choice.

Also, why did that hood look more and more like SpongeBob SquarePants?

Fine, he was just talking nonsense.

What really puzzled him was the information which the Ancient One had passed to him at the end.

Just because the first drawing was resolved so easily didn’t mean that the second drawing would be a small event.

If it wasn’t for the Ancient One’s help, the giant octopus might’ve drawn out that mysterious ‘Him,’ and the consequences would’ve been dire.

However, since she had already said that they wouldn’t meet again, she probably wouldn’t help deal with the bat-winged monster in San Francisco.

As Luke was thinking this, he heard a low hiss.

He slapped his forehead helplessly and turned around.

A big yellow eye more than two meters in diameter stared at him innocently.

Luke slowly approached, and the giant octopus subconsciously jerked back.

It couldn’t forget the three ‘craniotomies’ – thinking about it made its head hurt.

In Real Dream just now, Luke had beaten it to a pulp.

Over and over, dozens of its tentacles were cut off, reattached, and then cut off again. This was a nightmare it would never forget.

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