Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1945 - A Good Defense Can’t Beat a Quick Delivery

Chapter 1945 - A Good Defense Can’t Beat a Quick Delivery

Chapter 1945: A Good Defense Can’t Beat a Quick Delivery

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke put down the tablet and smiled. “Long time no see, beautiful Miss Hill.”

Both Haley and Natasha frowned.

Haley was naturally unhappy with the “beautiful lady,” but Natasha was unhappy because the Joker’s attitude toward Hill was indeed unusual.

As if waking from a stupor, Hill raised her hand, and the palm cannon lit up. “Remove your hypnosis on me. Now! Now!”

“Hypnosis?” Luke was stunned for a moment, before he shook his head in amusement. “Sorry, I’ve never used it on you; I can’t remove something that doesn’t exist.”


Haley and Natasha frowned again.

The two women had done a lot of analysis of the Joker’s personality.

He was a serious mental case, but it was beneath him to lie about something like this.

If he truly had hypnotized Hill, there was no need for him to deny it.

As for being afraid that Hill would shoot him with the palm cannon? What a joke – Knight had shot the Joker dozens of times with the palm cannon, and this guy was still lying here basking in the sun in Hawaii.

Hm, he had even hooked up with a female doctor. The female agent cursed inwardly.

Hill was stumped for a moment before she shook her head. “That’s impossible. You’re lying.”

Luke stood up and walked toward Hill.

“Don’t move!” Natasha raised her hands slightly, and the tasers, tranquilizers, and nets were all activated.

Luke turned his head and gave her a bright smile. “Don’t worry, Miss Romanov. If I wanted to attack her, I wouldn’t have waited until now.”

Frowning, Natasha finally didn’t attack.

It wasn’t that she was hesitating, but that his words made sense.

According to the intelligence, the Joker had killed a lot of people, but most of them had died in his ‘survival game.’

The survivors of the game never saw him again.

These people were more like the game spectators. The Joker just wanted these people to ‘witness’ the deaths of other people.

Because of this, the Joker was on the American government’s Wanted list.

Some people had even contacted the Avengers and wanted them to deal with the Joker.

But the Joker had killed a lot of Hydra members and upper-level figures who were in cahoots with Hydra.

Apart from traumatizing those who had ulterior motives, this mental case had practically no impact on social order or civilians.

Tony had also told everyone early on not to provoke this lunatic, and that Knight would deal with him.

Thus, there had never been a direct conflict between the Avengers and the Joker.

This time, the Avengers’ intelligence system had discovered the Joker through an F2F photo uploaded by the little girl in 32.

Hill and Natasha had come together on their own.

They had come in armor mostly for safety reasons.

Given the armor’s current shielding function, the Joker using hypnosis would trigger an alarm, and it wouldn’t take effect immediately.

If they couldn’t beat the Joker, taking off and leaving was just a matter of giving an order.

Everybody was silent. Luke walked over to Hill and gently pushed the arm with the palm cannon to one side.

Natasha cursed inwardly. Was this hypnosis? It had to be!

Luke didn’t stop. Instead, he pressed his finger to Hill’s forehead. “The armor won’t solve your problem. Only by opening your heart will you be free.”

After a brief silence, the mental shield function on Hill’s armor was turned off.

Natasha was too tired to mock anymore, and just silently prepared to throw out a stun grenade.

If someone else wanted to offer themselves up, she could only look after them for a bit, not forever.

However, she was thinking: Should she go back and find Knight to get rid of this Joker?

It would be best to completely crush him and scatter his ashes so that Hill stopped acting like this.

It wasn’t that she wanted to interfere with her friend’s private life – it was just that the Joker wasn’t a suitable candidate. josei

Staring at Hill for a moment, Luke nodded. “My apologies, it seems I was the one who caused this problem.”

He turned to look at Natasha. “You can contact Big Dipper, right?”

After a brief silence, Natasha replied, “Yes.”

Luke said, “Have him take a look at Miss Hill and also find a psychiatrist he can trust.”

Natasha couldn’t help but look at the female doctor. Haley’s eyes flashed with eagerness. “Why don’t I treat her now?”

Natasha immediately warned her, “Your psychiatrist license has been revoked, Miss Haley Cohen.”

Haley didn’t think much of it. “But my professional abilities are trustworthy.”

Natasha curled her lip and sneered.

She wasn’t brainless. Why would she let Haley treat Hill?

As for the Joker? Hill had offered herself up too quickly, and Natash had been too late to stop her.

Luke couldn’t be bothered with the two women. He sat down on a beach chair and picked up the tablet again. “This is the extent of my preferential treatment for beautiful ladies. You can go now.”

But his words just now made Natasha even more suspicious, and she really didn’t want to do anything.

After Luke sat down, Hill suddenly woke up.

Looking at Luke, who had lowered his head to look at the tablet again, she had a complicated expression.

Natasha coughed. “Hill, we should go.”

After hesitating for a few seconds, Hill finally looked away and walked to the back of the house. Her footsteps slowed down before she finally rushed onto the Quinjet, as if she was running away from something.

Natasha, on the other hand, had her helmet up, and she didn’t put her hands down as she slowly retreated backward.

Most sneak attacks and counterattacks happened when you had your guard down. She didn’t want to die here.

But right up until she retreated to the fighter plane and it took off, nothing happened.

In the pilot’s seat, she looked at Hill next to her, who had taken off all her gear. “What happened just now?”

After Hill removed the mental shield, there was no alarm, and the Joker didn’t make any particular moves, which meant that he hadn’t used hypnosis on Hill.

But why did he say that?

Hill was silent for a moment, not knowing where to start.

The Joker wasn’t lying.

Could she tell Natasha that she suddenly realized that the reason she often dreamed of that game was because the Joker had left a deep impression on her?

It didn’t feel like love, but more like a mental suggestion.

It was like how someone telling you not to think of something had the opposite effect.

The Joker had left a deep impression on her. Given Hill’s personality, she wanted to get rid of it herself.

However, the more she tried, the more she couldn’t break free.

Hill’s mind was in a mess. It wasn’t until Natasha slapped her thigh that she smiled bitterly. “He made me understand that there’s something wrong with my mind.”

Natasha was lost for words. Why do you sound like you want to see him even more?

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