Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 332 - Communicating Important Business Matters

Chapter 332 - Communicating Important Business Matters

Chapter 332 Communicating Important Business Matters

Luke decisively let Dustin take responsibility.

Dustin was a professional at dealing with complicated situations. Plus, he had Director Brad behind him.

Luke walked out of the parking lot and threw his mask to Elizabeth. “Get a good taste of the daily life of a forensic scientist. It’ll be good for you.”

Elizabeth didn’t know what to say. Gee, thanks very much!

Luke and Selina went back to the Major Crimes Division to look for Sonia. Luke said, “We’re following up on the officer’s murder, but what happened today will be handled by someone else. Just keep it between us, okay?”

Sonia nodded and asked, “Luke, exactly what happened on your side?”

Luke was too lazy to explain. He simply gestured to Selina, before going off to buy a few drinks from the vending machine.

He got soda water for himself, Dr. Pepper for Sonia, juice for Sonia, and milk for Alessandro.

Looking at the milk in his hand, Alessandro was stumped. “... This is for me?”

Luke snorted and looked around. “I think you’re below average in terms of body build. Milk will be good for you.”

With a bitter smile, Alessandro could only drink the milk.

Luke was famous for his capabilities in fighting, Selina was one of the top three fighters in the Major Crimes Division, and even Sonia could defeat him single-handedly.

After all, each of Sonia’s legs was almost as thick as Alessandro’s waist.

Alessandro knew that this was a friendly reminder from Luke, expressed as a joke.

If a detective of the Major Crimes Division had health problems, they would likely switch to a desk job or retire in a few years.

Alessandro was only 23 and hadn’t been a detective for long; he had no plans of retiring any time soon.

Selina had already told him and Sonia about the battle between the robbers and the county police, which shocked them and made them sigh.

They were shocked at the unexpected event, and sighed at missing it. However, they also felt lucky that they hadn’t gotten involved randomly. josei

When Selina described how the robbers had taken down two county officers with an M249, Sonia and Alessandro were dumbfounded.

Why would anyone use a machine gun in a robbery? In that famous North Hollywood bank robbery years earlier, the two robbers only carried AKs with a hundred bullets.

At that point, Sonia and Alessandro felt that it wasn’t entirely a bad thing that they hadn’t followed Luke.

Police usually kept an eye on their target from behind.

If they had been behind the county police, wouldn’t they have been in the M249’s line of fire as well?

Luke smiled. “However, there’s good news. Nick has agreed to talk about the Mark Owen case with us.”

Sonia was delighted at first, but then her expression turned heavy. “Luke, is it possible...”

Luke nodded slightly. “Let’s hear him out first. Things can’t be worse than they are right now, can they?”

Sonia had her doubts. Considering Nick’s attitude, it was possible that the case was more complicated than it seemed.

The power struggle in LASD was as bad as in LAPD.

After the meeting, everybody went home.

After taking a shower, Selina had dinner, and was the happiest as she lazed on the couch afterward.

Luke’s phone rang.

He picked up the phone and said a few words, before he got dressed. “Well, I’m going out for a business negotiation.”

Selina was surprised. “What?”

Luke said, “You haven’t forgotten that you own 5% of my company shares, have you?”

Selina was astounded. “Seriously? My two hundred thousand dollars really turned into shares in your toy company?”

Luke was speechless. “Let me tell you some good news: Jenny reached out to a VP at Google and is going to sell two products to them.”

Selina wasn’t entirely convinced.

Luke didn’t try to convince her, either. He was only letting her know in advance, to prevent her from trying to extort new snacks or food out of him in compensation for her shock later.

Selina said, “So, I can lock up the house tonight?”

Luke hummed in assent. “Also, turn on all the alarms, and don’t sleep too deeply.”

Selina nodded her head listlessly. “Okay, get the hell out of here.”

Luke didn’t forget to remind her, “Don’t skimp on your training today.”

Selina said, “And you’ll be training in bed tonight, I’m guessing.” Luke shrugged and drove off.

He went to the hotel in Beverly Hills again and knocked on the door of a suite, which was answered very quickly.

He hugged Jenny, who jumped on him, and entered the room with a smile.

They sat on the couch and talked business first.

On Google’s side, Jenny directly found her Uncle Lamarck instead of talking to the staff at the lower levels.

The VP of the company had better foresight than the Google staff whom Bobby had met. He confirmed that Luke’s products were very valuable.

However, this VP Lamarck also felt that Luke’s asking price was excessive.

Luke wasn’t surprised. He said with a smile, “Don’t worry about it. Also, do you mind if we use your Uncle Lamarck’s name?”

Jenny asked, “How, exactly?”

Lamarck said, “For example, we can tell Easygo that Lamarck is very interested in our technology.”

Jenny didn’t get mad, but pondered the idea.

Business was business.

If Lamarck refused because it was too expensive, there was nothing to stop her from marketing it elsewhere.

Luke didn’t interrupt her musings. He sipped on his wine.

He wasn’t a fan of wine, but he would drink some since he was with Jenny.

A moment later, Jenny nodded and said, “It shouldn’t be a problem.”

Luke smiled. “It’s just a suggestion. If you’re not keen, then forget it; you can keep negotiating with Google. I’m not in a hurry, anyway. Hm, are they interested in the touchscreen technology?”

Jenny said, “Yes, but...”.

“But the problem is the price as well, isn’t it?” asked Luke.

Jenny nodded.

Luke thought for a moment and said, “They’re not involved in manufacturing phones yet, so I don’t have to sell it to them. Well, Jenny, are you interested in becoming a CEO?”

Jenny was surprised. “What?”

Luke chuckled. “Smartphones. We can create them ourselves.”

Jenny was lost for words. “Do you have any idea how much money that requires?” Luke said, “That’s fine, we can take our time. You can lay the groundwork first.”

Looking at Jenny, who was deep in thought, his hands started to move sneakily.

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