Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 387 - Unexpected Guest, and Rebecca Again

Chapter 387 - Unexpected Guest, and Rebecca Again

Chapter 387 Unexpected Guest, and Rebecca Again

Luke was amused by the images transmitted by the drone. He muttered, “A nude party? Oh, wait, not entirely nude.”

The men in the villa wore regular clothes, but the women were mostly only in their underwear. Both men and women wore masks that covered their faces, as if it were a masquerade.

It certainly didn’t look like a legit party.

After getting the drone to cruise around the villa, Luke lay down leisurely and watched the feed on his laptop.

There were a lot of security guards in and outside the villa.

Both the security guards and the other men here were clearly used to the half-naked women among them.

This definitely wasn’t the first time this sort of party was being held. Suddenly, Luke stared blankly as he straightened from his lazy recline to swiftly operate his laptop.

The drone, which was hundreds of meters in the air, turned to one side, where a shadow was moving toward the villa.

That shadow wasn’t a car, but a person.

Luke could even infer from her posture that it was a woman.

She wasn’t just a woman, but an unbelievably fast one. In just half a minute, she had sprinted hundreds of meters from the seaside to break into the villa.

An alarm suddenly rang out in the villa, and the security guards took out their guns.

The searchlights on the top of the villa were turned on as they swung in the direction of the intruder.

Luke secretly chuckled. This villa wasn’t so simple after all.

While the villa was in chaos, the drone pushed forward and readjusted its focus for a clearer picture, and Luke kept watching.

The woman who broke into the villa was well-prepared. Not only did she have long and short guns, she even threw out several grenades.

Several sections of the villa exploded and were set ablaze.

Luke was astonished, as what the lady threw out weren’t ordinary grenades, but special incendiary bombs.

The moment she threw them out, she had picked up a rifle.

Luke was dazed to see the gun. HK416? What a rich woman!

The gun had only been released not long ago, and it was very expensive! Also, after a quick glance, he knew that the gun had been significantly modified.

She was a professional!

Only a professional would modify such a valuable new weapon.

The following battle confirmed Luke’s speculation.

In her hood and black combat uniform, the woman was like the God of Death as she easily killed a couple of bodyguards around her with the HK416.

She then rushed deeper into the villa.

Narrowing his eyes, Luke tapped the car door lightly as he stared at the screen.

This woman’s actions were a little odd.

If she was an assassin, she could’ve snuck in, and with her abilities, that would be a piece of cake for her.

If she had other plans, she should’ve asked more people to come with her.

But now that she was attacking the villa on her own, she couldn’t suppress the enemies inside at all.

Suddenly, there was a series of explosions.

The drone captured the part of the villa that had blown up.

A moment later, a team ran out of a side door in a flurry.

Luke made a soft sound of surprise when he saw a very familiar person — Wolf Elsworth.

He was fleeing under the protection of several security guards.

A few seconds later, that fierce woman arrived.

Her HK416 was already gone, replaced with two Uzis. She fired a barrage at the team from behind, and three security guards in the rear screamed and collapsed.

Wolf and the other security guards, like horses that had just been whipped, ran even faster.

Luke, however, frowned.

After a gunshot, the woman in black jerked and staggered as she ran, nearly falling over.

But she reacted very quickly, and dropped to roll over to a wall. Tossing the empty Uzi aside, she took out two pistols and fired like crazy behind her.

The next moment, the wall that had been sheltering her suddenly collapsed, as a sturdy figure broke through it and sent her flying ten meters away before she hit the ground and rolled several times.

Luke raised an eyebrow. The man had broken through the thick wall with his own body? That wasn’t something that an ordinary person could do.

But of course, this woman wasn’t ordinary either.

She was clearly heavily wounded. She struggled to her feet and quickly reloaded her guns, before she shot at the man that was running at her.

The man raised a special bulletproof shield, and the bullets clinked off it.

He sped up and charged at the woman behind his shield.

The woman struggled to her feet and spread her arms open, before she abruptly brought her right arm up to fire a bullet in a curve. josei


Luke was stunned. Why did this motion seem so familiar?

In just a moment, he remembered why.

Rebeca! That woman was Rebecca from the Fraternity!

She was the super shooter who almost blew up Luke’s head on the roof of William Johnson’s apartment building.

On the lawn outside the villa, that robust man who was charging forward behind the shield screamed after Rebecca fired the shot.

Blood spurted out of his head, and he lost control of his body as he crashed and rolled over the ground before falling still.

It was Curve Shooting!

There was no mistake; the woman was Rebecca.

Luke saw Rebecca struggle to get up and continue chasing Wolf Elsworth. She was still determined to go after Wolf despite her severe injuries. What grudge was there between them?

On the other side, Wolf Elsworth was escorted to a Lincoln car by his security guards. The car set off and drove in Luke’s direction.

From the lawn, Rebecca saw the Lincoln speed off. She was infuriated, and gritted her teeth to continue the pursuit.

That inhumanly strong man had broken her left arm and several ribs.

Wolf had had a life-saving trump card after all!However, she had just shot the super bodyguard in the head with Physical Outburst and Curve Shooting. She didn’t think that Wolf had anymore cards up his sleeve.

Yet, Wolf had escaped.

Rebecca was unwilling to give up.

Using the last bit of Physical Outburst, Rebecca took a shortcut over a hill toward the road that Wolf would have to take.

Running hard for hundreds of meters, she felt dizzy.

Physical Outburst had a time limit. If she used it for too long, her body would collapse. She knew that her body had reached its limit.

She would die if she kept running.

But Wolf was still alive. How could she die before he did?

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