Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 399 - Teletubby, and Poser

Chapter 399 - Teletubby, and Poser

Chapter 399 Teletubby, and Poser

Luke wasn’t anxious.

If Laybecker couldn’t win, Luke could always shoot the enemy from the dark.

That wasn’t anything unusual for him.

At that moment, William flipped his knife to block Laybecker’s kitchen knife, before he thrust forward.

Laybecker stepped back and deflected the military knife, before he slashed in return.

William backed off and raised his left hand to protect the path from his chest to his neck.


Part of the cuff of his leather jacket was cut by the kitchen knife.

William stepped back again and regained his balance. Protecting himself with the military knife, he said, “Laybecker, your skills are rusty...”

Laybecker didn’t say anything, but his lip curled in a sneer.

He slowly took half a step forward, twirling his knife to distract William.

The next moment, he sped up and took another half-step forward as his and William’s knives collided repeatedly.

Like a game of hide-and-seek, they waved their hands in distracting circles.

Their knives, on the other hand, were like the fangs of a viper, and collided again and again.

Luke observed them with great interest.

He didn’t know that so many tricks could be played with knives!

He decided to replace the kitchen knife at home with Laybecker’s model when he went back.

The two guys engaged in a fierce battle didn’t notice the onlooker at all.

A battle of blades was the most dangerous kind of bare weapon battle.

In a fight between professionals, a slight mistake meant certain death.

As their knives clashed, their free hands continued to make small movements, both to distract the enemy and in search of an opportunity

If they were able to grab the enemy’s wrist with their free left hand, they would have the upper hand in the fight.

William was clearly afraid of this possibility.

He was only around 1.85 meters tall, and wasn’t as muscular as Laybecker. Once his wrist was trapped, he might lose in a battle of strength. As old acquaintances, they knew each other very well.

William knew that Laybecker was good at knives, and extremely strong in a physical tussle.

If Laybecker grabbed his wrist, his hand would probably be immediately broken.

Both of them were fast and nimble, but the soles of their feet barely left the ground and they took small steps.

Conversely, their upper torsos and arms moved wildly to the sound of nonstop metallic ringing.

Ruthlessness flashed in Laybecker’s eyes.

The next moment, he suddenly pressed forward, putting both him and William in a precarious position.

In that moment, neither of them needed to completely straighten their arm in order to stab the other person.

William’s knife swung out without hesitation.

Laybecker abruptly backed off, and there was a long cut on his chest.

Blood instantly started to stain the cut fabric around the wound red.

Luke frowned. No way!

Laybecker was clearly slightly more skilled, and his arms were longer. How could he lose?

Luke’s gun was already raised.

After that successful strike, William pressed forward almost instinctively to take another stab.

Laybecker, however, seemed to have foreseen this attack. After avoiding most of the damage from William’s first attack, he stepped to the side the moment William thrust forward.

Stretching out his left hand, he pressed down on William’s right wrist and pushed it out, while he slashed at William’s neck with the kitchen knife in his right hand.

Shocked, William subconsciously raised his left hand to block, only to cry out when it was cut.

It wasn’t from joy; his eyes bulged with fright. William instantly knew that he was in a losing position!

In any sort of fight, this could be extremely dangerous.

He had been lured into Laybecker’s trap at the price of Laybecker deliberately getting himself hurt.

At that moment, Laybecker was blocking William’s right hand with his left hand. William had instinctively pulled his left hand back after he was cut, and he couldn’t defend himself.

He didn’t have any hands free for defense, and he also couldn’t pull back to readjust his stance.

And while Laybecker’s attack looked vicious, it actually wasn’t that powerful.

The kitchen knife brushed past William’s wrist and didn’t stop, as Laybecker deftly flipped it and it brushed over William’s arm like a poisonous fang.

When the blade and William’s arm were at a right angle, Laybecker thrust down ruthlessly.

Pu! josei

With a dull noise, a handle was left sticking out of William’s skull.

William’s eyes bulged and rolled up, and he promptly dropped. Wiping at the blood on his chest, Laybecker muttered, “See? You told me to go for it, so I did.”

This had happened in a flash, taking no more than two seconds, and William had already turned into a Teletubby with the knife sticking out of his head.

Knife combat was really too dangerous! Mouth agape with speechlessness, Luke lowered his gun and left with dull steps.

He muttered, “Hmph! What a poser! You could’ve just stabbed him without saying anything.”

That being said, Luke couldn’t help but rub his scalp, which felt a little cold.

Very quickly, he returned to the cargo hold.

He grabbed the hand which Private Nash had just lifted up to stop him from pulling the trigger, and said, “It’s me.”

Only then did the utterly nervous Nash relax. “How’s it going up there?”

Adjusting his mood, Luke said with pleasant surprise, “I went up to the deck just now. It looks like the criminals are running, and I heard someone say that the SEALs are coming.” Nash was hugely relieved. “Really? Then we’re saved!”

Luke said, “Yes! The SEALs are probably the best special forces in this country.”Nash nodded quickly. “Yes, they’re very good.”

Luke said, “Then I’ll let the women know the good news. You keep watch. Right, don’t be so quick to shoot, in case it’s the SEALs.”

Nash nodded in embarrassment.

He would’ve shot Luke if the latter hadn’t reacted fast enough.

Excited and hopeful, the young Nash kept an eye on the door of the cargo hold. Smiling, Luke returned to the corner where the three women were hiding. All of them were delighted to see him back. He repeated what he had said to Nash, and the three women were happy as well.

Suddenly, there was an explosion. Luke was stunned. What was going on? Why did it sound like... a cannon? But why would the battleship open fire? Luke went to ask Private Nash, who confirmed his suspicion.

The noise just now was indeed the battleship firing a cannon.

However, Nash said that it was the secondary cannon, and since the Montana was retiring, there was nothing but a flare in it.

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