Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 426 - Pulling the Monster’s Aggro

Chapter 426 - Pulling the Monster’s Aggro

Chapter 426 Pulling the Monster’s Aggro

To everybody’s shock, Bruce didn’t die and was still yelling. “Ouch, that hurts! You actually dare hit me!”

“It’s precisely you I’m hitting!” Luke mocked while he mumbled inwardly, Don’t tell me this guy can’t die.

Seven or eight bullets had hit Bruce just now, but nothing else happened after they pierced his body.

There were several bullet holes in him, which smoked faintly, but there was no blood.

Seeing this, Luke promptly… ran away.

Who knew what weird thing Bruce was; he didn’t die even after multiple shots.

After fumbling around in the swimming pool, Bruce crawled out, his eyes fixed on Tim and Natalie who were about to run.

Without any hesitation, Luke fired again at his big head. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! “Ouch! It’s you again! I’m going to kill you! Ahhhh!” Rubbing his forehead, Bruce charged at Luke with large strides as he no longer paid attention to Tim and Natalie who had duped him earlier.

Pulling aggro, success! It was time to run!

Luke dashed down the widest path. After passing the bar, he burst into the hotel lobby and then ran out into the street.

Behind him, Bruce was still roaring. “Stop there, you goddamn bug! I’m going to stomp on you!”

Luke rolled his eyes and came to a stop. josei

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! In the lobby, Bruce fell flat on his face before rolling over the floor.

The bullets couldn’t kill him, but there was still the force from impact, and Luke’s bullets easily disrupted Bruce’s balance as the latter ran.

“Idiot, come and get me. If you can… cough, cough.” Luke awkwardly stopped mid-taunt, before breaking into a run once again.

At the same time, he said to Selina, “Call Captain Wales. D*mn it, tell him that I’m being chased by a monster on the streets in downtown Los Angeles. Remember to send him pictures and a video.”

Selina said, “I’m sending them right now. But what you did just now was too cool. Would Wales think you’re shooting a movie? Hollywood isn’t far from here, after all.”

Luke didn’t know what to say. “Can you blame me for being cool? This is a gift from God, alright? Right, tell Dustin and Elsa to let the police officers en route know to stay clear of Bruce, or they’ll die even quicker.”

Selina simply tapped twice on the mic this time since she was already speaking to Captain Wales.

What Luke didn’t know was that Tim was making a call as well. “Flegg, I have a situation here that you may find interesting. I’m at Odyssey Hotel in Los Angeles…”

Several minutes later, two helicopters with the FBI logo on them took off from two locations in Los Angeles at almost the same time as they headed toward the same destination.

On the street, Luke ran circles around Bruce, as if he were playing with a dog.

He didn’t need extraordinary power or special equipment; he just used the M4A1 he was holding and his astonishing reflexes to tease the infuriated Bruce.

Thanks to the Quick Reflex he learned, his movements were like that of a fish in water, and his vague ability to anticipate things became clearer little by little.

Luke knew that his body was gradually adapting to the ability and that his true potential was now revealing itself.

With this gain, he became even more cool-headed.

It wasn’t easy to find an extraordinary opponent, especially one like Bruce who seemed immune to death.

Luke also noticed that except for being a little more sensitive about his parking space being in Section D, Bruce’s state of mind had still been relatively normal before his transformation.

After his transformation, however, his resentment soared, and he bellowed non-stop with a miserable and aggrieved face, “You’re all liars! You all laugh at me for being a failure! Go to hell, all of you!”

Bang! Bang!

Another two bullets hit the guy in the back of his head; once again, that produced nothing but two smoking holes. Bruce was still alive and kicking. “Ouch, that hurts! I’m going to beat your ass!”

Bang! Bang!

Two bullet holes appeared in Bruce’s chest, but he was still jumping around. “Ouch! That hurts!”

Bang! Bang!

Two more bullet holes appeared in Bruce’s crotch. Covering it, he hopped around on the street. “Ah, ouch, ouch…”

But a moment later, he was as lively as ever as he chased Luke again and repeated the same lines.

He was human and yet not. Luke scratched his head.

Gunfire, or more accurately, physical attacks were useless on him, and he had ridiculous stamina.

If Luke’s own stamina wasn’t as good or if he didn’t have any guns on him, he would’ve beaten it.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t defeat the monster, but that he didn’t want to reveal his secrets.

Many elite special soldiers could run dozens of kilometers with dozens of kilograms on their back, but it was impossible for them to run and fight an opponent for ten minutes without any rest.

That was because they couldn’t move at a constant speed in a battle. They had to stop and switch directions constantly, and roll and jump as they fired their weapons, which was very taxing on the body.

Thanks to his newly acquired Quick Reflex, Luke could easily stay out of Bruce’s reach; the guy was all brawn and no skill.

While he was shooting the breeze, he asked Selina, “What’s Captain Wales’s ETA? Tell him that this guy is invulnerable and a real


Selina said, “Their helicopter has taken off. It’ll take them about five minutes to get here.”

Luke was helpless. “Fine, looks like I can only play a little more.”

Saying that, he slung his gun over his shoulder and ran to a streetside building.

He jumped onto a windowsill on the first floor. Pushing off of his feet, he grabbed the ledge on the second floor, and in two seconds, had climbed up to the third floor like a lizard.

He was able to do this thanks to a combination of Extreme Parkour and Quick Reflex.

Extreme Parkour enabled him to pick out climbing holds, and Quick Reflex gave him quick coordination.

He could climb up three floors easily before all this, but had just slightly lacked that satisfying sense of flow in his movements.

Quick Reflex was like a lubricant which made his slightly rough and blunt movements agile and smooth, and he now only needed half the amount of strength required to accomplish the same thing

Bruce roared and jumped to grab at Luke on the third floor… but failed.

He was now 2.5 meters tall and extraordinarily strong, but because of his short limbs, Luke was still out of his reach.

Luke laughed and jumped to the next window before shouting at Bruce who was hopping around down below. “Lo-ser~!”

Infuriated, Bruce pressed down with his hands and plastered his body to the wall.

Looking at this scene, Luke was stupefied.

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