Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 430 - A Bullet For An Eye

Chapter 430 - A Bullet For An Eye

Chapter 430 A Bullet For An Eye

Ignoring their expressions, Luke pointed at the blonde and the old Asian man and said, “These two were the people who shot Bruce with their... ‘guns’ just now. Of course, you can check where I just shot this lady in her legs.”

The eyes of the FBI agents all fell on the blonde’s legs.

Her dress was too short to cover her legs. Since she had already taken off her thin black cloak, the two gray and black holes were clearly visible.

Looking at his angry partner, the old man sighed and said, “Gentlemen, here are our credentials.” He fished out an ID and tossed it over to Charles.

After Charles caught it and had a look, he scanned the ID with a device, which gave a short beep.

He threw the ID to Flegg helplessly and said, “Fine, we’ll contact your superior on this matter. You’re free to go now, if Agent Flegg agrees.” josei

The blonde looked at Luke arrogantly and raised her middle finger at him, before she turned around and walked away.

Luke scoffed. You think I’m scared of you?

He dropped the muzzle of his gun.

Pa! Pa!

“Ouch, that hurts! You f*cking asshole, I’m going to kill you!” There was a hole in the blonde’s butt, and smoke wafted out of it. It hurt so much that she couldn’t help but grab her butt and hop around.

The old man smiled bitterly and said, “Officer, we’ll file a complaint if you don’t stop.” Luke shrugged and said, “You do that. Don’t forget to send over her medical report while you’re at it.”

Lost for words, the old man tugged at the blonde and caught the ID which Flegg threw at him before he quickly left. Watching them leave in the Chevrolet Laguna, Luke asked Charles and Flegg, “Gentlemen, are we calling it a day here?” Neither Charles nor Flegg had good expressions, but they both nodded.

They were both familiar with Luke. They couldn’t have caught Bruce without Luke’s help. Though it had all been for naught in the end, that wasn’t Luke’s fault, and there was no reason to detain him.

Luke nodded and said, “Then I’m leaving. I’ll leave you two to deal with this.”

He had seen the havoc that Bruce had wrecked, and he didn’t want to get involved at all.

He wondered how many people would call the police or file a complaint; a good number of homes had broken windows or dented walls, not to mention that the third floor of Odyssey Hotel had blown up.

Luke certainly didn’t want to take the blame for that.

Gesturing that he would call Charles later, Luke got back into his car and returned to the hotel.

He found Jeff and Karen at the hotel and said, “Do you need a ride, guys?”

Jeff and Karen were delighted to see him back. “You’re alright? That’s great.”

Luke said with a smile, “Of course I am. Don’t speak to anyone about this incident. Someone will bring over non-disclosure agreements for you to sign very soon.”

Jeff asked nervously, “Really?”

Luke nodded. “Yes, but you won’t have to do anything except keep your mouths shut. Right, where are Tim and Natalie? Oh, I see them.”

Tim and Natalie had driven their car out and stopped next to Luke’s.

Luke gestured for Jeff and Karen to get in. Then, the six of them went home.

Stopping in front of Jeff’s house, Luke got out and asked Tim, “Will your people clean up this mess?”

Luke and Jeff had been in danger because of tonight’s operation, so Tim revealed, “We have an acquaintance among the FBI agents who showed up. They’ll wrap this up, don’t worry.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Flegg?”

Tim and Natalie looked at him in surprise. “Do you know him?”

Luke nodded and said, “I met him once before. Today was the second time. Everything should be fine. Everyone go back and get some rest. Good night.” Saying this, he waved and got back into the car.

Looking at the two couples talking and then hugging in the rearview mirror, Selina couldn’t help asking, “When do you think Natalie and Karen fell for each other?”

Luke shrugged. “You spent more time with them. If you don’t know, how would I?”.

Frowning and thinking hard, Selina said, “But I don’t think they ever had a chance! We spent that whole day together, except in the fitting room. But that’s too short a time compared with over ten years’ worth of feelings between Jeff and Karen.”

Luke couldn’t take it anymore, and burst out laughing

Selina looked at him in confusion.

As he laughed, Luke said, “Karen was only bullsh*tting. They aren’t in love at all. It was just a distraction. If we hadn’t done anything, Natalie and Tim would’ve taken action.”

Selina was stunned. “But why does it feel like Karen was telling the truth?”

Luke sighed. “That’s why it’s a shame that with her talent, she’s just a housewife. As for her paranoia... Tsk, anyone who has a dark secret will definitely be found out.”

Selina laughed too. “Of course. You don’t have any secrets, but she also suspected you.”

Luke said, “It isn’t bad for a woman to be a little more paranoid, as long as she doesn’t use it on her husband.”

Selina pondered for a moment, then shook her head. “Thank god Jeff is so honest that Karen has no reason to doubt him. If he were like Danny, Karen would’ve divorced him a long time ago.”

They chatted on the way home.

When Selina went off to train, Luke called Charles. “I know you’re busy, so I’m going to be frank: What are those two people?”.

Hearing Luke’s blunt question, Charles was stumped for a moment. He then said with a wry smile, “That’s not something I can randomly talk about.”

Luke said, “Charles, they reacted in exactly the same way as Bruce when they were shot. If I run into these sorts of people again, should I beat them up like with that monster Bruce, or should I let them go like you did?”After a moment of silence, Charles said, “How about this, I’ll ask for Captain Wales’s opinion before I give you a reply. Will that


Luke said, “If it’s some secret, you don’t have to tell me. I can always beat them up first and then call you to come and verify it later.”

Charles was lost for words. “Thank you for your trust in us, Luke.”

Luke hung up with a smile.

He wasn’t surprised at the reply he got.

A monster that could ignore gunfire definitely wasn’t any small thing, as proven by Charles and Flegg’s attitude.

At the very least, S.H.I.E.L.D., which Charles worked for, and Flegg’s Joint Advanced Research Unit knew a thing or two about the agency that the blonde and her partner belonged to; it was even a government contact, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to confirm the strangers’ credentials.

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