Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 482 - Voracious’s Violation and Mr. W’s Haggling

Chapter 482 - Voracious’s Violation and Mr. W’s Haggling

Chapter 482 Voracious’s Violation and Mr. W’s Haggling


The Cohen sisters had already been on the yacht for two days; they hadn’t dared go back to their place, which was being watched.

It was Haley who had proposed that they hide on a boat for a while.

But how had they been tracked down? After he asked the question, Luke could tell from Margaret’s awkward expression that she had slipped up and exposed their location.

Otherwise, it really wouldn’t have been easy for the gang members to find them in Los Angeles, this coastal city which had Santa Monica Beach, a world-famous tourist spot, and too many boats to count.

Luke didn’t take too long asking his questions. He nodded and got up. “Alright, we can open a case now. After all, four thugs fired at you with automatic weapons. This is definitely something we’ll look into.”

Margaret was confused. “I think they were using pistols? Ouch...” Haley stealthily withdrew her hand from her dumb cousin’s butt and said, “Thank you, Luke.”

Luke turned a deaf ear to Margaret’s words and a blind eye to her yell of pain.

This was the stereotypical ditzy blonde beauty.

It was easiest to communicate with her cousin Haley, who understood everything without needing it to be pointed out to her.

Luke went over to the edge of the boat, before he suddenly turned around as if he had suddenly remembered something. “Do you know the man in the green shirt?”

Margaret was about to reply, but yelped when her butt was pinched again.

Haley said with a big smile, “His face was covered. We don’t know who he is.”

Luke nodded, and looked like he was deep in thought. “That’s true; you don’t see a lot of good guys in masks who help other people without asking for anything in return.”

The lips of both girls twitched. They could only wave goodbye to him.

Luke jumped back onto his own boat. “When are the people from the department coming?”

Selina said, “In about twenty minutes, mostly because the boat they’re going to take hasn’t arrived yet. Do you want to pick them up?”

Luke chuckled. “No way. If we pick them up, wouldn’t we have to take them and the bodies back with this boat, which I rented with my own money? Okay, time to catch some rays.”

Selina was stupefied, but quickly became elated and went inside to change.

When it came to goofing off, Luke was always as good as his word.

As long as Elsa and Dustin didn’t say anything, he really would slack off until it was time to get off work.

Luke called for Dollar. “Do you remember the rules Selina told you? Don’t appear or talk randomly, and don’t act too smart. As long as you follow these rules, you can go play on your own.”

“Is there anything to eat?” asked Dollar in an extremely low voice.

Luke raised an eyebrow. “There is, but you’re now not allowed to eat anything for the next hour, and you can only watch Selina eat.”

“Why?” The low voice was furious.

“Second violation,” Luke said unhurriedly. “Now it’s two hours.”

Voracious despaired. Damn it. I wouldn’t have spoken if you hadn’t especially asked me a question!

But it finally wised up and didn’t say anything

Luke rubbed the dog’s head with a smile. “Okay, Dollar, go to Selina.”

Dollar instantly took off.

On the other side, the Cohen sisters were still whispering to each other, when they saw a hot girl in a bikini emerge on the boat next to theirs.

Seeing that it was Selina, both of them were stunned. What was she doing?

Selina waved at them with a smile. “Haha, we’re sunbathing while we wait for the forensic staff to arrive. Our boat’s small, which is why we didn’t call you over.”

The Cohen sisters: “...”

A moment later, they saw Luke come out of the cabin with a fishing pole, and he waved at them as well. They were even more speechless. So, you’re actually here for fun, and you only took our case in passing?

But when they thought about it carefully, they found that they had nothing to say.

The moment Luke showed up, he cleanly flipped the speedboat over, and he now had to wait for the investigation team to clean up the mess; this was all because of the two of them.

But these two girls couldn’t be as carefree as Luke and Selina.

With four bodies floating in the sea not far away, they didn’t want to stay here longer than they had to.

Starting up the yacht, they said goodbye to Luke and Selina and sailed away.

When the boat left, Haley, who was steering it, turned back to look at Luke, as if she was deep in thought. She then nodded and her lips curled up; this detective was quite interesting

Her phone rang at that moment.

She picked up, and a man quickly said, “Miss Cohen, even though I wasn’t the one to kill those criminals, we already agreed before I took this job that the down payment is nonrefundable...”

Haley interrupted him. “Okay, I get it. But that wasn’t the extent of the job, right? Mr. W, instead of worrying whether I want a refund, shouldn’t you deal with the rest as soon as possible?”

The man laughed and said, “As long as you don’t want a refund, it’s all good. But I did block them in the operation today. Do you think you can give me a bonus? I lost one of my sandals, and I have to buy a new pair...”

Haley interrupted him again. “Mr. W, shut up and do your job, or we can start talking about a refund.”

“Okay, okay, I’m on it, I’m on it. However, if I’m neat and tidy about it, can I get a bonus...”

Haley rolled her eyes and simply hung up.

Margaret asked, “Is it really okay for someone like that to handle things? I heard that mercenaries aren’t very good people.”

Haley chuckled and rubbed Margaret’s head. “Do you think I’m as dumb as you? Yes, he’s not a good guy, but he has the best reputation in this line of work. Why else would I pay him in full beforehand? He’s taken my money, he’ll make sure to get things done.”

Margaret slapped her hand away angrily. “Hey, I’m not a child anymore. I, I was married before.”

Haley shook her head helplessly and sighed. “Is this what they mean by ‘ignorance is bliss,’ or are you just too unlucky?”Margaret and William’s marriage hadn’t been a sham.

William had really loved her, and had never told his naive sweetheart about his underground enterprises.

After his death, Margaret inherited everything. She had enough wealth to last her for life, but it had also drawn the attention of some gangs.

But all this would be over soon, and Haley would figure out a way to hide her silly cousin’s identity and make her disappear from the sight of the Los Angeles gangs. All that remained to be seen was whether or not Mr. W was as good as the rumors claimed.

As for Luke and Selina, she didn’t think much of them.

If Margaret hadn’t insisted on asking for Elsa’s help, Haley wouldn’t have wasted time meeting with them.

It was really impossible for two minor detectives to cope with those ruthless gangs that were greedy for money.

Otherwise, L.A. wouldn’t hire so many police officers, and law and order wouldn’t be deteriorating day by day.

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