Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 495 - Can You? Hm, Of Course Not

Chapter 495 - Can You? Hm, Of Course Not

Chapter 495 Can You? Hm, Of Course Not

The two brawny men next to the tattooed man fired without hesitation and the sound of gunshots rang out.

But the moment they fired, Luke suddenly shifted one meter to the side. Crouching, he leapt forward to squeeze past the tattooed man and one of the bodyguards so that he was behind them.

Wresting the M1911 from the tattooed man, he didn’t even raise it and swiveled the muzzle left and right.

Bam! Bam!

The two bodyguards had only turned around halfway, when their hands dropped limply, and each of them had a hole in their head.

Luke heaved another sigh. “Like I said, isn’t it nice to earn easy money? Why the need for murder?” Saying that, he raised the gun.

The middle-aged man was sweating hard. Even though there was the smell of burning hair from where the gun was pressed to the back of his head, he didn’t dare move.

“Y- Yes. We can talk, we can talk.” He gave the three people in front of him a meaningful look, then suddenly lunged to the side. The half-naked young man and one of his fellows raised their guns at the same time.

Bam! Bam!

A hole appeared in the center of each of their foreheads.

Luke curled his lip and lowered his arm before he pulled the trigger again.


The tattooed man who had just lunged to the side was shot in the butt. He instantly screamed and clutched his butt as he writhed on the floor.

Luke looked at the doorway. There was someone there.

He was also the only person in the room who hadn’t raised his gun or done anything since the beginning. Luke asked, “Why didn’t you attack?”

This person was in fact the big boy who had accepted the lollipop from Luke. When he heard Luke’s question, his lips trembled, but he didn’t say anything.

Chuckling, the lollipop in Luke’s mouth switched from the left to the right and pushed out his right cheek. “You’re smarter than they are...”

As he said that, he lowered the gun and fired



The tattooed man gave an even louder scream; he had been shot in the knee. “Only a smart person knows to make the right choice at the right time. And you...” Luke crouched down and sneered at the tattooed man on the floor. “You’re not even as smart as a kid.”

Drenched in sweat and moaning in pain, the tattooed man didn’t forget to beg for mercy. “S- Spare me. I can give you anything you want.”

Luke shook his head. “And you still won’t admit that you’re dumb? I already told you what I want. Why are you pretending that you didn’t hear me?”


The man screamed again. His other knee shattered.

Luke didn’t let him struggle this time. Stepping on the man, Luke searched him until he found a clip, and he reloaded the gun. “Now, I have seven more bullets. Do you think I should shoot your left hand or your right hand next? Maybe I can blow up your d*ck after that...”

As he spoke, he raised his gun without looking up.

Bang! Bang!

Two men who had just come charging in with rifles in their hands fell with a bullet hole between their eyebrows.

The tattooed man yelled in pain. “Wait! I’ll talk, I’ll talk! What do you want to know?” Luke shook his head helplessly. “How have you survived this long with such a bad memory? Lisa Feng, that Mexican doctor. Where. Is.


The tattooed man didn’t hesitate this time. “Christophe. Christophe’s men took her.”

“Where?” asked Luke. He went over to the door and casually stuck his gun out without taking a look.

Bang! Bang!



After two screams, there was the sound of rolling bodies as two criminals who crept over fell down the stairs.

The tattooed man’s heart was utterly cold as he watched Luke’s each and every move.

This guy was too relaxed. He was definitely a professional! The tattooed man replied quickly, “I – I don’t know...”

Bang! “Ahhhhh!”

The man writhed on the floor again; Luke had shot his right hand. He said, “Tell me the answer, or you’ll die an even more painful death.”

The tattooed man despaired. He didn’t know a lot, and it didn’t long to spit out everything on Christophe’s gang.

After getting the intelligence he needed, Luke raised his gun. “A word of advice: In your next life, don’t rob anyone when you can do business with them.” The tattooed man pleaded, “Can you...”


“Hm, of course not!” Luke answered the unfinished question with action. josei

Grabbing the guns off the bodyguards and taking back the ten thousand dollars from the dead boss, Luke smiled at the big boy who had been silently observing everything from a corner.

“See that? If you want to be a bad guy, you might run into me again in the future; me, I love running into bad guys the most.” He stepped out of the room. “I wish you a lifetime of good luck.”

Bang! Bang!

Another two screams rang out as two more criminals who had been coming over were taken down.

Then there was a chaotic burst of gunfire. A moment later, someone yelled outside, “Where is he?”

“I don’t see him...”

“Hurry up and check on the boss...”

“Boss... the boss is dead. Mario and Sanchez are dead too! Ah! They’re all dead...”

The teenager in the corner watched everybody pour in and yell as they gathered around the boss’s body.

Looking at the boss whose head had been blown up, what happened flashed through the teenager’s head, and the words seemed to echo in his ear: Me, I love running into bad guys the most.

That smiling face seemed to pop up again with those words.

The teenager couldn’t help but shudder, and he stealthily withdrew from the noisy room. Once he was far, far away, he finally raised his hand which was still holding the unopened lollipop.

He hadn’t pointed the gun at Luke because of this lollipop

And because of this lollipop, he was the only person in that room to survive.

Raising the gun in his other hand and hearing the noise from the house in the distance, the teenager thought for a moment, then stuck the gun behind his back before he slipped home.

While everybody was panicking, Luke had already passed through a gap between two buildings.

Flitting between a dozen buildings, he came out onto a “main” road.

A two-way bike lane definitely counted as a main road in the slums.

The moment he jumped out of the gap between the buildings, Luke instantly reverted back to normal and leisurely followed a group of tourists who just passed by. The tour guide spoke Chinese, and there were plenty of people in the group who were from China too, which made Luke feel quite close to them.

The ruckus dozens of meters away was already very faint, and Luke listened to the tour guide’s explanation with keen interest.

A middle-aged woman in the group suddenly noticed Luke. She asked curiously, “Ni hao xiang bu shi wo men tuan de (You don’t seem to be from our group?)?”

Luke smiled.

The woman stared blankly at his easy-going smile, before she patted her forehead. “Wang le. Ni shi wai guo ren. Ting bu dong zhong guo hua de (I forgot. You’re a foreigner. You don’t understand Chinese).”

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