Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 502 - A Farewell That Isn’t Awkward

Chapter 502 - A Farewell That Isn’t Awkward

Chapter 502 A Farewell That Isn’t Awkward

Blank for a moment, Rebecca then burst out laughing. “You think that can stop me from recognizing you next time?”

Luke also said with a smile, “Yes, safety first.”

He knew very well how a woman could hold a grudge.

Mr. X, whose balls had been roasted for ten minutes before his head was blown up, could attest to that. Unable to stop laughing, Rebecca grabbed Luke’s flashlight. She didn’t point it at his face, and only aimed around his neck. For a moment, she observed his face in the shadow of the light.

Then, she turned the flashlight off and sighed. “You’re a lot more handsome than you were at the apartment building, huh?” Luke chuckled. “My looks have always been my strong point; I can’t cover it up, it’s a real problem.”

Rebecca couldn’t help but laugh again.

In this guy’s company, she suddenly didn’t feel as sad.

Or rather, there was no time to be sad.

Tossing the flashlight aside, she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed hard. josei

However... Luke didn’t move at all!

Luke’s expression was strange. “What are you doing?” Rebecca couldn’t help but laugh again. “What do you think? If a man buys a woman a drink at a bar and she doesn’t refuse, what does it mean?”

Luke: “That we can have a pleasant chat?”

“Shut up, you annoying fellow!” She lowered her head angrily.

“...Are you referring to that?” he asked curiously, and the words turned heavy with cryptic meaning. Not far away, the waves surged again and again as they crashed loudly on the beach for a long time.

The sky was dark, the wind blew, and the noisy beach quieted down.

On the beach, Rebecca got up and silently put on her clothes on the blanket.

Looking at Luke next to her, she sighed and found her shoes before she put them on. “Are you going for a morning jog?” A voice suddenly rang out.

Rebecca jerked with shock; it was rare for her to be caught unaware.

She then looked at the man on the blanket. “You’re awake?”

Luke shrugged. “Yes. I woke up before you did.”

Rebecca: “... Then why did you keep your eyes closed?”

Luke: “What if you wanted to sleep longer? It would’ve been awkward if I opened my eyes.”

Rebecca: “And you think this isn’t awkward?”

Luke chuckled and said, “There’s nothing awkward about saying goodbye, right? We’re acquaintances now, aren’t we?”

Speechless for a moment, Rebecca nodded. “Okay, then. Goodbye.” She turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait,” Luke called out.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. “What now?”

Luke got up and took a card out of his knapsack. “This is my contact. You can look me up if you’re ever in any trouble that you can’t take care of.” Rebecca accepted the card offhandedly and put it in her pocket without looking at it. “Anything else?”

Luke shook his head. “Nope.”

Rebecca jumped on him resentfully and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Are you doing this on purpose?”

Luke chuckled and supported her weight, before giving her a deep kiss. They didn’t separate until a long while later. Luke then said, “Go out and see the world; you don’t have to come back until you can calmly face what happened.”

Looking at him, Rebecca nodded and hummed in agreement. She jumped off of him and turned around to leave.

Her steps were a little unsteady in the dark and the injury on her right foot still hurt, but her heart was a lot more at peace.

Maybe it was time to let bygones be bygones.

Thinking that, she slowly disappeared down a street next to the sea.

Luke watched her leave. Then, he lay down again and opened a can of Barbados cherry juice. After a mouthful of the drink, he murmured, “I hope you get through this.” He hadn’t taken pains to comfort Rebecca since no amount of comfort would help her get over her painful past.

If it were him, he would only be able to silently endure the painful days on his own until the day he was able to let it go.

Thankfully, nothing similar had happened to him yet, and he would do his best to make sure it never did.

Lying on the beach before daybreak, Luke pondered a lot of things as he drank the juice.

After sunrise, Luke returned to Wild Jungle and checked in at a nearby hotel.

High up in the hotel which faced Wild Jungle, Luke carefully observed the surroundings. He didn’t leave the hotel for a whole day. He even had lunch in his room.

At night, he set out once again. This time, he didn’t enter the club, but simply sat on the side of the road some distance away from the back door of the club and looked at passers-by, like a tourist who was tired from walking.

Everything about this place was great, except for the fact that there were too many people.

They were everywhere, and it was impossible for Luke to deploy the drones anywhere.

Standing up and walking into an alley, he nimbly climbed a wall up to a rooftop.

In one corner, he took out a drone from his inventory and swiftly sent it up as he controlled it on his fake phone.

It was already late, and the black drone was quiet and inconspicuous. The noisy crowd didn’t notice it at all.

Setting the drone on autopilot and activating the warning system, Luke leisurely took out a can of juice.

There was nobody to disrupt things tonight. He had plenty of time and patience to wait for that Mr. Pedro.

At eight o’clock, Pedro finally returned.

Luke began to pack up, ready to break in and tangle with this small boss.

The more chaotic and seedy a place was, the less scruples he had, since the police wouldn’t bother.

But just as he was about to head down, he saw the image transmitted by the drone and stopped.

A vehicle which had clearly been modified drove up to the back door.

Luke didn’t need to examine it carefully to know that it was an armored van designed to transport cash or drugs.

The back of the van was opened to reveal that it was empty, but it backed up toward the back door of the club.

Was something going to be loaded into the van from the club? Luke scratched his chin and wondered.A moment later, he clearly saw stuff being moved into the van. Less than a minute later, it was all done, and the van started up.

Small boss Pedro came out as well. Two SUVs guarded the armored van between them as they drove off.

Luke didn’t move for the time being and continued observing.

Ten seconds later, after confirming the direction the three vehicles were headed in, he simply ran over the rooftops.

There were no surveillance cameras in the slums of Rio, and the eyes of regular people couldn’t keep up with him in the dark night.

By leaping and taking shortcuts over the rooftops, he tailed the three vehicles at a measured distance.

The three vehicles didn’t head for the central district. Instead, they circled around the slums before they stopped in front of what appeared to be a factory.

The back of the armored truck opened, and holding the things they had brought over, Pedro and his two men knocked on the metal door of the building.

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