Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 530 - May I Know Your Name? I Think I’ve Fallen In Love With You

Chapter 530 - May I Know Your Name? I Think I’ve Fallen In Love With You

Chapter 530 May I Know Your Name? I Think I’ve Fallen In Love With You

The hooligan’s mouth opened wide, but before he could scream, the black-haired girl had grabbed his arm and twisted her body to throw him over her shoulder so that he smashed into the ground with a heavy thump.

The hooligan immediately passed out. He never had the chance to scream. What followed was the sound of fists hitting flesh, the sound of tables, chairs, cups and miscellaneous items being smashed, and the screams of the hooligans.

But the most distinctive sound of all was the torrent of loud swearing that came out of the black-haired girl’s mouth.

Even Luke’s face froze despite his usual calm.

Looking at the chaotic fight, he whispered in Vanessa’s ear, “She looks a lot stronger than you.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes at him again, their electrifying allure tickling Luke’s heart.

The black-haired girl was tough, but she wasn’t a professional. She had picked up some things fighting on the streets. Tearing out their hair, pulling their ears, twisting their fingers, slapping their faces, and kicking their groins, she made the hooligans beg for mercy.

But in this one-sided brawl, she had also been hit until her eyes were red and her lips were swollen.

Luke smacked his lips. “Are we really not going to help her?” He actually found this black-haired girl quite easy on the eyes. She was fierce and tough – it was just that she was a little foul-mouthed.

Curses like “I’ll blow up your penis” or “You maggots are only worthy of eating my sh*it” flowed like water. Coupled with her punches and kicks, these were soul-crushing blows to the hooligans.

Unfortunately, she was, in the end, a woman up against almost ten men. After taking down three of them, she was surrounded by the remaining four, who punched and kicked her.

The dry martini in the black baldie’s hand finally slipped and shattered into pieces, but he suddenly got up and walked over with long strides.

Bam! Crack! Pu! Pa! josei

A series of noises rang out, and the four men attacking the girl passed out.

One screamed as he clutched his ankle which had been twisted into a Z, one retched hard as he clutched his belly, and one poor devil was kicked down and the black baldie stomped on his face.

In the midst of his savage movements, the black baldie put on the gentlest smile and stretched out a hand to the black-haired girl, who was struggling to get back to her feet. “May I know your name? I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”

“Pu!” Luke spurted juice all over the floor.

He had expected the black baldie to say something like, “Are you alright?” Who would have thought he would say something like that?

That was because the black-haired girl, who had just taken a beating, had unkempt hair and a swollen face. Her clothes were also dusty and stained with alcohol, and she looked no better than a beggar.

With her current appearance, how could the black baldie still say something like that? Shouldn’t he offer to take her to a hospital first?

In the end, the black-haired girl got back up on unsteady feet and spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, before she disdainfully said to the black baldie, “How old are you? You don’t even have hair anymore, don’t try to act like a young guy to pick up girls!” With that, she limped out of the bar. Dazed for a moment, the black baldie suddenly burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that he could barely stand straight.

Vanessa stared blankly, before she chuckled as well.

After the black-haired girl pushed open the door and walked out, the black baldie stopped laughing and swiftly followed her.

Luke’s blessing followed the man out. “Good luck! I believe in you!” The black baldie didn’t even bother to turn back around. He simply gave the victory sign, before he disappeared out the door.

Luke smacked his lips. “Is this what they mean by ‘beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’?”

A complicated expression on her face, Vanessa hummed in agreement.

At that moment, another group of people came out of a side corridor and walked past her.

Seeing Vanessa sitting at the counter, they paused and turned their heads. “Hi, gorgeous, how about a drink?” They then surrounded her.

Detecting the strong smell of alcohol on them, Luke knew that these people were drunk.

Rolling his eyes, he pulled Vanessa to his side and said, “She’s fine. You can scram.”

The drunkards paid no attention to him. They approached Vanessa with dumb leers and reached for her.

Luke grabbed a bottle opener from the counter with his right hand, and stabbed again and again with it.

In one second, he had stabbed four times, and four men knelt down next to his feet as they screamed and clutched their hands.

“Have you sobered up? If you have, get lost,” Luke said impatiently before he threw away the bloodstained bottle opener.

“Go to hell!” One of the drunkards who hadn’t reached out seemed to sober up a little, and he reached for his waist.

But Luke leaned against the counter in a relaxed pose and looked silently at the guy.

The drunkard pulled a pistol out from his back.

In Luke’s eyes, the guy was as slow as an old COW. He curled his lip and suddenly raised his right leg to kick the hand that the man was holding the gun with. The drunkard’s grip loosened at the pain, and the gun was sent flying before it landed in front of Luke.

Picking up the pistol, Luke aimed and pulled the trigger.


The man yelled and fell to his knees with a hole in his calf.

Luke nodded. “Your gun was loaded, so you only have yourself to blame.”

After he opened fire, the other three hooligans reached for their guns too.

This time, Luke didn’t waste any time talking. He fired again, and just like their buddy, those hooligans immediately yelled and dropped to their knees.

Luke then went over and collected their pistols, before he found the key to a car on the first guy who had tried to shoot him.

“Let’s go. These people probably have accomplices.” Saying that, he left the bar with Vanessa.

Their shabby car was nowhere to be seen when they came out.

Luke wasn’t surprised at all. If you took your phone out in public here, you had to be prepared to be robbed of it at any time, to say nothing of a car.

With the key in his hand, Luke walked straight to a Toyota pickup and opened it.

Vanessa didn’t find that strange since it was the only Toyota parked outside the bar.

In the car, Luke asked, “To the airport?”Vanessa thought for a moment before she shook her head. “Let’s check out more of the city. There are another two hours until my flight.”

Luke nodded and drove slowly.

They wandered around the city aimlessly, going wherever they wanted.

San Pedro Sula was even more chaotic at night.

The occasional gunshots and screams indicated that the city wasn’t destined to spend this night peacefully.

Luke and Vanessa were quiet in the car.

They were about to go their separate ways. While they weren’t exactly sad, they were a little reluctant to let each other go after the ten enjoyable days they spent together.

Behind them, the sound of engines grew louder as two cars sped over and then screeched to a stop to block the Toyota pickup.

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