Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 543 - Was Your Head Squashed By a Car Door?

Chapter 543 - Was Your Head Squashed By a Car Door?

Chapter 543 Was Your Head Squashed By a Car Door?

Wade thought for a moment, then asked, “Who are you looking for?”

Luke repeated what he said to the bartender just now, and Wade had a strange expression on his face. “You… want to hire them for a


Luke nodded with a smile. “I’m not sure yet; I should at least interview them first.”

Wade snorted. “You may as well hire me. I’m more of a professional than they are.”

Luke shrugged. “Aren’t you a hitman? How can I hire you for a petty assignment?”

Wade opened his mouth, but didn’t know how to respond to that. Rolling his eyes, he nodded. “Fine, I’ll take the job. I guarantee I’ll get you their precise location in three days. However, you need to give me half the payment in advance.”

Luke chuckled and fished out five bills from a roll of cash as well as a name card, and pushed them in front of Wade. “Deal.”

He then took out another bill and placed it on the counter. “Your drink’s on me.” He then left with Selina.

Watching Luke and Selina disappear through the door, Wade suddenly slapped his hand down on the hundred-dollar bill. “Like he said, my drinks are on him.”

Sam, the bartender, unhappily gave him the middle finger, and drew back his hand which had been a second too late.

Luke’s two glasses of iced water, plus Wade’s half-glass of whiskey that was mostly iced water, couldn’t be worth more than fifty dollars.

The bartender was a step too late and promptly lost fifty dollars.

However, faced with Wade, who was even more shameless, he wasn’t confident that he could filch the hundred-dollar bill from him, and could only hold back.

Wade pocketed the six hundred-dollar bills and smiled. “Ha. I can look for my dear Vanessa later for some fun.”

In the meantime, he took out a handful of crumpled bills which came to a total of twenty dollars, and gave them to Sam. “This is for the drinks.”

Sam said grimly, “They also ordered two glasses of water.”

Wade smirked. “Cut it out. You want to charge me for two glasses of water that you poured from the tap and then put ice in? Goodbye.”

With that, he got up and left the bar.

Sam could only raise both his middle fingers at him to indicate his two-fold disdain of Wade.

On the other side, Luke and Selina walked back to where their car was parked, only to see a man with his back bent next to the driver’s seat and busy at work with a crowbar.

Selina was about to yell, but Luke raised his hand to stop her. She instantly closed her mouth.

They silently snuck up behind the man and heard him mumbling, “Good boy, you’re a really good boy. Don’t bark. I’ll buy you a hot dog later.”

Dollar sat obediently in the backseat with its head tilted slightly and its black eyes fixed on this idiot who was courting death.

Seeing Luke and Selina coming over, the dog still didn’t make a sound, but had a schadenfreude expression on its face: You actually want to use pig swill like a hot dog to trick me? Get your head squashed by a car door!

Luke quietly stood behind the man and craned his neck to look over the man’s shoulder to examine his car.

The car was undamaged, except for a few scratches around the window.

What was going on in L.A.? Had hell arrived on earth? He had run into two car thieves in one day. Luke heaved a soundless sigh.

He then took out the remote for his car.

Next to him, Selina turned her head away, unable to watch. She widened her eyes and shot a look at the fool next to the car door. Luke lightly pressed the remote in his hand. Zi! Zi! Zi!

The busy professional suddenly jolted upright and his entire body trembled, his fluffy hair suddenly puffing up as if it had exploded.

Three seconds later, Luke pressed the remote again.

The guy finally stopped his violent shaking. He stood there blankly for one moment, before he fell to the ground with a thump, his legs still twitching.

Luke then pressed another button on the remote and unlocked the car. Going around the thief on the ground, he opened the door and got in.

Trying her best to hold in her laughter, Selina covered her mouth as she got into the passenger seat. The car started up and slowly drove off.

In the car, Selina looked in the rearview mirror at the dumb thief who was still lying on the side of the road and couldn’t hold it in anymore. She held her belly and burst out laughing. “Hahahaha! He wants to steal a police car? Hahahaha, he really has guts.” josei

While this car didn’t have the police colors, anyone who examined the windshield carefully would still be able to pick up some clues.

Like the police radio on the central console, or the police light on the rear windscreen that wasn’t especially conspicuous. But this man had noticed none of these things and simply tried to pry the door open. On top of that, Dollar was still in the backseat.

Had it not been possessed by Gold Nugget, Dollar would have been barking like crazy a long time ago.

Of course, the idiot thief might not be so unlucky then, and could have avoided being taught a profound electric shock lesson.

Conversely, a certain alien dog head was feeling sympathetic; it didn’t end well for anybody who touched the fiend’s property without permission!

It knew this from experience.

After she was done laughing, Selina asked, “Why does that Wade look so familiar?”

Luke snorted. “You’ve met him before, except that he had even worse taste in clothes back then; it was like caterpillar shit.”

Selina didn’t get it. “What do you mean?”

“The sh*tty Hawaiian shirt, and the shoes full of holes – that Mr. Best Hitman. Have you forgotten?” Luke reminded her.

Selina’s eyes widened and she slapped her forehead. “That’s why he felt so familiar! So it was that chatterbox.”

Luke said, “He’s indeed a little eccentric, but you’ve seen his capabilities, right? Don’t underestimate him.”

Selina nodded, and then chuckled. “But I should be able to beat him now, right?”

Luke heaved a sigh. “You might be able to scare him off if you have your badge on you, but the guy is an expert when it comes to firearms and sabers. It’s best not to piss him


Selina was quicker to react this time. She rolled her eyes and asked in surprise, “Those criminal homicides, was he the culprit?”

Luke said, “Probably.”In fact, he was a hundred percent sure that it was Wade, but he couldn’t tell Selina that he knew because of Wade’s scent.

“Will he really be able to find George and Crystal?” Selina was a little doubtful.

Wade didn’t really come across as a reliable person.

Luke said, “We hired the ‘best hitman’ with five hundred dollars. That’s as good as a bike.”

Selina: “Huh? What bike?”

“You can’t expect to buy a new racing car with five hundred dollars, right?” Luke explained casually.

Elsewhere, Wade left happily with the six hundred dollars he had just earned.

“Those two guys are my targets too. After I catch them, I’ll call the kid so that they can meet. Then, I’ll have completed my mission, right?” As he walked to the strip club not far away, he murmured, “In any case, that kid only asked me to look for them. The one thousand bucks doesn’t include catching them.”

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