Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 558 - You Can Call Me Phil

Chapter 558 - You Can Call Me Phil

Chapter 558 You Can Call Me Phil

As he said that, the officer waved at his colleagues and had them move the spike strip out of the way.

Luke nodded with a smile. “Thank you.”

The officer said, “You’re most welcome, Lu... Detective. This is only what we should do.”

Silently looking at this scene, Weyland found it strange. This officer and the detective weren’t in the same chain of command, but why were they so courteous, if not respectful, toward Luke?

What Weyland didn’t know was that the officer had been at the security checkpoint in the lobby earlier, and had personally witnessed how bravely Luke fought and how he saved him as well as many other people by taking the two bags of explosives away.

So, the officer was naturally very friendly toward Luke.

But since extremists were involved, a confidential notification had already been issued within the police department. The officer didn’t call Luke by his name because he didn’t want to get Luke into any trouble.

The car drove forward slowly. Finally, Luke showed his badge again and escorted them through the police barrier around the perimeter.

He waved at the two old men and said, “Gentlemen, I have other duties to attend to. This is as far as I can escort you. See you.”

Takagi bowed. “Thank you very much, Detective Luke.”

Weyland barely moved but simply nodded.

Luke nodded with a smile and returned to the park. After the car started up, Weyland watched Luke put on his face mask again and walk back through the blockade, and his unhappiness was dispelled; it showed that Luke wasn’t wearing the mask because of the odor on Weyland.

Weyland finally asked, “Who is he? Why was he able to bring us out so easily?”

He had pulled some strings just now, but all he was told was that he had to give the police a statement if he wanted to leave.

Naturally, Weyland understood that since his company was involved in the attack, he shouldn’t have been able to leave that easily.

A smile lit up Takagi’s solemn face as he recalled the past. “He’s just a minor detective. Rumor has it that he’s backed by a bigshot in LAPD, but that doesn’t sound very likely to


Weyland asked curiously, “Then why did the police let him through?” Furthermore, they were let through as soon as the officers saw Luke’s face.

Takagai pondered for a moment, but in the end didn’t directly reveal Luke’s past exploits.

Luke’s job and the criminals he dealt with were too dangerous.

Takagi simply said, “He’s an absolute professional who’s best at dealing with violent incidents.”

Weyland asked, “SWAT?”

Takagi shook his head with a smile. “No, but I guarantee that he’s definitely one of the most professional and effective officers in all of Los Angeles, including SWAT and even the FBI and DEA.”

At least, Takagi had never heard of any agents from these departments who could fight fifty enemies and emerge unscathed.

Weyland looked at him in surprise, “He’s that


Takagi nodded decisively. Unlike a random stranger like Weyland, Takagi had a far deeper understanding of Luke.

Through his own sources, he had also gotten a rough idea of what happened at Stark Industrial Park earlier.

He didn’t even need to think to know what part Luke had played in the incident.

The officer at the underground parking lot had the exact same expression as the SWAT captain during the Nakatomi Plaza robbery.

It was still unclear, however, if Weyland was involved in the extremist attack, and Takagi wouldn’t tell him too much about Luke until the authorities came to a verdict.

Stark Industrial Park, on the other hand, was now utter bedlam.

The police and Stark Industries’ security had locked down the park and begun to vet the visitors. Everybody in the park could only leave once their identities were verified.

They had to ensure that the criminals, who could’ve killed hundreds of people if they had set up the bombs in the right spots, had no other accomplices lurking in the park.

After seeing Takagi and Weyland off, Luke returned to the bathroom.

The two dustbins from which the criminals had taken their guns were still there.

After making a call, he frowned and fell into deep thought.

Earlier, he had been too busy fighting and dealing with the bombs to consider the two dustbins.

But now that everything had settled down, he realized that the two dustbins were the source of the whole problem.

Without the weapons and bombs from the two dustbins, the criminals wouldn’t have posed any threat to the building or visitors.

Killing a person barehanded or with a gun were completely different, not to mention that the security guards and the police officers in the lobby were all armed.

And here was the question: Why did Luke detect a familiar scent from the dustbins?

The fact that Luke had an impression of the scent was proof that it was from a person of some significance, or he wouldn’t have remembered it. But he couldn’t recall who the person was off the top of his head, which meant that he wasn’t very familiar with the person; perhaps he just “saved” the scent at some point.

It couldn’t have been recently, because his ability to remember things had been boosted ever since his Mental Strength skyrocketed.

At that moment, Luke ruled out everybody who had left an impression on him but had ordinary statuses and capabilities.

Whoever could smuggle a bunch of weapons and explosives into the main building in Stark Industrial Park couldn’t be an ordinary person.

Soon, Luke recalled someone from the last few months whose scent matched the one from the dustbins.

Him?! Luke frowned.

Luke, Tony and that man had unexpectedly appeared in the same location at the same time once again.

However, back in Aurora Hotel in Las Vegas that time, that red-skinned monster had been thrashed by that super scary, long-legged woman.

Why did this man dare to come to Los Angeles and attack Tony Stark again?

Luke was perplexed.

If the man wanted revenge, he should be going after that long-legged woman, right?

When he thought this, Luke got it: Only someone who was looking to die would dare look for trouble with that long-legged woman.

Luke was now far stronger than he had been during that Las Vegas trip, but he still wasn’t confident that he could beat that long-legged woman.

Just like that, Luke spent half an hour in the hallway by himself. josei

Nobody else entered. Everybody inside the building had left, even the police officers.

Apart from Luke, the police officers were on the alert outside the building and in major locations.

Although Luke was certain that the criminals had taken the two bags of bombs from just these two dustbins, nobody could guarantee that no other dangerous items had been smuggled into the building.

Suddenly, Luke heard unhurried footsteps.

It was two men, and Luke was pretty familiar with one of the set of footsteps.

Turning his head, Luke stood up straight and greeted them with a smile. “Hello, Captain Wales. And this is...”

The moment he looked at the man, both of them perked up.

The man looked at Luke with a big smile and stretched out his hand. “Hello, Luke. You can call me Phil.”

Luke shook hands with Phil and nodded. “I’ve already told Captain Wales the details. The man who was invulnerable to bullets is over there.” He pointed with his finger.

Phil and Wales shifted their gazes and saw the body on the floor.

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