Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 562 - The Fiend Isn’t Home, Let’s Go Out and Play

Chapter 562 - The Fiend Isn’t Home, Let’s Go Out and Play

Chapter 562 The Fiend Isn’t Home, Let’s Go Out and Play

Selina continued roaring, “And it’s the HBO premium channel? Is that something you can watch?”

The dog didn’t lift its head or make a sound as it continued eating.

Luke chuckled. “Why don’t you lay down rules for it and forbid it from sharing random stuff with you?”

Selina hummed and then chuckled. “Actually, those TV dramas are quite interesting. There’s a lot of strange men and women...”

Luke: “...What were we talking about?”

Stunned, Selina recalled for a moment, then said uncertainly, “It seems someone gave you a call...”

Luke was amused. “The chairman of the board of Weyland Corporation just called about giving me a personal assignment. I don’t know if he has a young and beautiful daughter, but my job is to escort him somewhere.”

Selina asked, “You’re going on a trip again?”

Luke pondered for a moment. “Do you want to come with me?”

Selina’s face lit up with surprise. “Can I?” Luke shrugged. “He didn’t say anything, but I can negotiate with him.”

Selina asked, “Where’s he going?”

“The South Pole,” replied Luke.

Selina almost fell over. “Seriously? Are you kidding?”

Luke: “I’m really not.” Selina suddenly looked in the rearview mirror. “But what about Gold Nugget?”

Luke hesitated too. A moment later, he said tentatively, “I could try asking Weyland if we can bring a dog with us?” Gold Nugget whined unhappily in protest.

Luke just ignored it.

An alien dog head was still a dog.

Selina hesitated for a moment. “Let me think about it.”

It didn’t take her long to decide — she wouldn’t go.

The reason she gave Luke was that the South Pole wouldn’t be fun.

But Luke knew that was only a secondary


The biggest reason was that it would be tricky to bring Dollar with them.

At the South Pole, even human beings had to tread cautiously, not to mention a dog.

Dollar wasn’t a husky, otherwise it could have passed as a sled dog.

But while it was in much better condition now, anybody who raised dogs would be able to tell from its face that it was very old. Leaving Dollar alone at home wasn’t an option, not because they were worried that something might happen to Dollar, but because Dollar might stir up trouble. josei

This guy was still new to Earth, and they really couldn’t relax and let it act on its own.

If both of them went to the South Pole, Gold Nugget might not slip away on its own, but there was a very high chance that it would stir up trouble.

Luke told Selina that he could decline Weyland’s request, or ask for Weyland’s opinion on the matter first.

If he allowed them to take the dog with them, they could all take a trip together.

Selina thought for a long while, but in the end shook her head. “Forget it. If it was Rio, I wouldn’t mind going with you. Rio has a lot of good food. I don’t think there’s anything good to eat in the South Pole, right?”

Luke thought for a moment. “Whale meat? Seal meat?”

Dollar instantly drooled, but Selina frowned and asked, “Raw?”

Luke nodded regretfully. “I read before that it’s great raw.”

Selina quickly shook her head. “Forget it then. Gold Nugget, close your mouth. You’re getting the cushion wet.”

Gold Nugget swallowed its drool unhappily and lowered its head; it had to quickly lick the cushion clean, in case some person used it as an excuse to punish it. Luke called Elsa and asked for leave.

Elsa readily approved his request, even if she didn’t really want Luke to leave. However, it had already been decided in the police department that Luke and Selina had to keep a low profile for the time being.

That was also the reason why she only assigned minor cases to them.

It was always like this if you wanted to avoid drawing attention in troubled times.

Avoiding the limelight reduced the chances of them being tracked down.

The police department had already planned to give Luke and Selina unofficial paid leave.

Luke had voluntarily taken a few cases in the last few days, and Elsa hadn’t turned him down.

Now that Luke planned to leave and avoid attention, she had no problem with that too.

The next day, Luke said goodbye to Selina and drove off.

Watching Luke leave, Selina went back inside the house.

A golden ball emerged from Dollar’s body and jumped at her. Hahaha, the fiend is finally gone. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go out and play. Selina was helpless. That’s not what you promised.

Gold Nugget: “Huh? Then we won’t play, we’ll go out and work. We’ll learn from Luke, and look up information at work; after work, hehe...”

Selina was suspicious. How do you know all that?

Gold Nugget: I noticed it long ago. He often looks up gangs that have nothing to do with your cases at work. Why else would he be interested in those trash men if he isn’t gay?

Selina was lost for words.

Gold Nugget was quite proud of itself. With the fiend gone, isn’t it a great time for us to cultivate our teamwork? Look, there are criminals everywhere in Los Angeles right now. This is the best chance to act.

Selina hesitated. Get rid of all of them? That’s too much!

Gold Nugget: Hmph, mercy like that is meaningless. Fine, if you don’t want to kill those gang members, just break their limbs and make sure that they can’t do anything bad for the next couple of months. That’ll be fine, right?

Selina was relieved. That... should be okay.

Gold Nugget was already nagging her impatiently. Okay, okay, enough talk. Let’s go out already. Don’t forget to bring money with you. The fiend isn’t here today, and nobody will pay for our food.

Selina rolled her eyes. So, you actually still want to go out to play, right?

Gold Nugget: We’re big eaters in the first place. Right, remember to take the gangsters’ money after you beat them up.

Selina was stunned. You want to rob them?

Gold Nugget replied matter-of-factly, What’s wrong with earning some extra pocket money when cracking down on criminals? They’re criminals, anyway.

Selina: ...Where did you learn that?

Gold Nugget hesitated for a long while, but in the end could only confess the truth. I learned from Luke.

Selina thought for a moment, and was instantly astonished. You broke the rules again? You followed him? Gold Nugget hurried to defend itself. No, but the cash he pays with smells of heroin.

Selina mocked the dog. Do you know that every bill in this country has that smell? That isn’t evidence at all.

Gold Nugget fell silent and didn’t say anything else.

If Selina refused to see things clearly, Gold Nugget didn’t think it could convince her.

Some of the cash that Luke took out had a much heavier scent of heroin than regular cash.

Of course, what Selina said was also true, and there was no need for the dog to quibble about it with Selina.

In any case, Selina had already agreed to pick up a bit of pocket money while they beat up criminals. Gold Nugget had achieved its purpose.

Realizing that it would have its own savings very soon, Gold Nugget couldn’t be any more delighted.

Going out with its own money to buy whatever it wanted to eat was its ultimate dream.

On the other side, Luke drove to the airport, boarded a private jet that was waiting for him, and flew straight to Ushuaia in Argentina.

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