Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 604 - Reinforcements, Flying, and What Are You Looking At?

Chapter 604 - Reinforcements, Flying, and What Are You Looking At?

Chapter 604 Reinforcements, Flying, and What Are You Looking At?

Claire and Selina rarely saw Luke look so gobsmacked

After laughing for a while, Claire put both hands to her face. “Make a wish, young man! Maybe your dream will come true next year!”

Luke nodded with a smile, put his hands together and made a wish in his heart.

“What did you wish for?” asked Claire with her usual curiosity.

Luke laughed and tapped her head. “You ask that every time!”

Claire lamented, “And you never tell me.”

Luke smiled but sighed in his heart. My wish each time is that everybody stays safe and happy!

But in this world, that was an extravagant wish.

Thus, he made this same wish every birthday, and hoped that it would be a little useful.

After the simple birthday ritual, Selina turned on the lights. “Okay, it’s time to cut the cake.”

A certain dog’s drool was already dripping like a waterfall. It loved cream cakes, particularly those with strawberries.

There were no fresh strawberries on the cake today, but there was strawberry sauce. The dog was already unbearably hungry.

Luke only made one cut before his phone rang. He took it out and said with a smile, “It’s Catherine. Well, I’ve already cut the cake. You can start now.”

The two women and one dog enthusiastically started to parcel out the “booty.”

Luke answered the phone on the couch and smiled as he chatted with Catherine.

Catherine also wished him happy birthday on the other end, then dragged Robert over to say the same thing.

A certain rough man was just this much of a tsundere.

Actually, from the faint sounds Luke could hear over the phone, he knew that Robert had been listening right next to Catherine the whole time.

After the birthday greetings, they began to chat.

Luke asked about their romantic trip, and Catherine jokingly said that Robert was too conservative and was still bundled up tightly on the ship.

Luke chuckled and didn’t say anything.

He didn’t have the right to say anything.

After all, he liked to bundle himself up tightly too.

He always wore a loose shirt to hide his guns and equipment. He didn’t use the waist holster that most detectives used for work, but continued using the inconvenient arm holster.

Robert had similar habits, but also had other concerns, like the scars on his body. Naturally, he wouldn’t expose his body so easily.

They talked for a while. Catherine was about to hang up, when Luke heard the sounds of a disturbance on the other end.

He frowned. “Robert, what’s going on?”

After a brief silence, Catherine finally said, “He went outside to check the situation. It sounds... a little noisy.” There was some bewilderment in her tone as well.

Luke: “Don’t hang up, and don’t go outside. Wait until Robert gets back.”

Two minutes later, there was the sound of Robert’s voice. “There’s a bit of a problem. Unknown armed assailants have appeared on the ship. I’ve already seen more than forty of them. These people are definitely well-trained, and this is very likely a premeditated operation.”

Luke thought quickly. “Don’t be reckless. Catherine is there.”

Robert said impatiently, “Do you think I’m an idiot? If I were alone, I would kill all of them... Ah, sorry, honey, I was wrong.”

Clearly, he had been glared at by Catherine.

Luke: “Try to buy as much time as possible and avoid confronting them. I’ll get you reinforcements.”

Robert scoffed. “We’re floating on the d*mn Atlantic right now. The nearest continent is hundreds of kilometers away. Where are you going to find reinforcements?”

Luke: “I just made a fortune.”

Robert was stumped for a moment. “So what?”

Luke: “It’s twenty million dollars. What do you think I can do?”

Robert choked.

What could twenty million dollars do? It was enough to hire dozens of retired elites like Robert for an urgent assignment.

You could do whatever you wanted when you had money. After a brief silence, he said, “Fine. In that case, I won’t look for other help.”

He could also find reinforcements if he asked, but he would rather not owe some people favors.

Although Luke and him bickered every time they talked, they were, in the end, family.

He had no power to stop Luke from trying to help him and Catherine, nor did he have to.

Luke: “Alright. Remember, for Catherine’s sake, don’t be reckless!”

Robert said furiously, “Scram!”

Wasn’t this just telling him to act like a coward? ...Fine, that was indeed what he was planning to do.

Luke was right. With Catherine here, Robert didn’t dare take any risks.

He even rejoiced inwardly that when he and Catherine had discussed their travel plans, they decided to send Joseph to his grandpa instead of taking him with them.

Otherwise, he and Catherine would be far more on edge at that moment.

Luke hung up and smiled at the two women who were looking at him suspiciously. “There’s a little situation that I need to take care of.”

Claire asked nervously, “Did something happen to mom and dad?”

Luke patted her head. “What are you thinking? Even I get scared when Robert goes on a rampage. Don’t underestimate him!”

However, Claire didn’t seem very reassured.

Luke didn’t waste any time. “Don’t worry. Your brother is rich enough to hire people to ensure their safety.” He gave Selina a meaningful look as he spoke, then gestured to the dog behind her. When he drove the car out of the garage, the dog was in the passenger seat.

“Do whatever you can to find me a plane that can fly to New York ASAP.” Luke called Jenny when he started up the car. “At the same time, get me a small plane in New York for a parachute jump. I need it to get to latitude 43.09 degrees north and longitude 296.31 degrees east, ASAP!”.

Jenny was only silent for a moment. After reconfirming the coordinates, she said, “I’ll get back to you in five minutes.” She then hung up.

Putting the phone away, Luke looked at Gold Nugget sitting obediently on the side and sighed. “You’ll be coming with me later. Are you scared of skydiving?”

Gold Nugget looked at him scornfully and barked.

Luke got what it wanted to say. “Fine, if you do well this time, you’ll get a bonus after we come back.”

Gold Nugget’s eyes lit up and it began to whine.

Luke: “Nothing less than ten thousand bucks, and no upper limit. How does that sound?”

Pleased, Gold Nugget nodded.

After that, Luke’s phone rang.

He picked up, and Jenny gave him the location of a private airfield. She then said, “The private jet will land at a private airfield in New York in four or five hours. I’ll contact someone about a plane for a parachute jump, and you can confirm if it’s suitable before you reach New York. I’ll have it waiting for you at the private airfield in New York so that you can take off at any time.”

Luke: “Thanks.”

After a brief silence, Jenny said, “Be careful.”

Luke put the phone away and glanced at the dog. “What are you looking at?”josei

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