Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 611 - Big Seafood Cuts Off Its Leg to Save Its Life, and I’ll Have a Chat with Robert

Chapter 611 - Big Seafood Cuts Off Its Leg to Save Its Life, and I’ll Have a Chat with Robert

Chapter 611 Big Seafood Cuts Off Its Leg to Save Its Life, and I’ll Have a Chat with Robert

The tentacle which touched the red liquid regenerated quickly; like a movie’s special effect, new flesh grew out of the wound in dozens of seconds.

Mind whirling with thoughts, Luke looked at that oval head which swayed with excitement, and suddenly took out a glass bottle from his inventory and chuckled to himself. I’ve got stronger stuff here!

He gave the glass bottle a light toss so that it was above that big head.

The moment he threw out the bottle, he raised his gun, swiftly adjusted his mindset, and shot the glass bottle when it was about to fall onto that big head.

Bang! Bang!

Greenish-yellow fluid and broken glass sprayed all over the big head.

The big head which had been swaying with delight suddenly paused, and then started to shake like crazy.

Faint vapor wafted up from the greenish-yellow fluid on its head.

As if it was being devoured like crazy by invisible ants, that part of its body caved in at a visible rate.

Looking at the giant monster, Luke smiled. “You’re not the only giant monster I’ve seen.”

The big seafood was in such agony that it slapped its own head with its tentacle.

Unfortunately, it was useless. The Aliens’ corrosive fluid couldn’t be fixed with a slap to the head.

Luke opened fire once more, this time at the hole in the big seafood’s head.

The big seafood screamed even more miserably.

The acidic fluid which had only been corroding its skin at first flowed into the new channels created by the bullets and entered deeper into its body.

Confident now, Luke quickly took out his special M500 revolver from his inventory.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Five armor-penetrating bullets created even deeper channels in the big head.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Five highly explosive bullets blew up and widened these new channels even more.

The giant octopus couldn’t take it anymore and started to curl up, its dozen or so tentacles whipping the deck randomly.

Luke put the revolver away and moved forward ten meters. Glass bottles filled with the Aliens’ acidic fluid appeared in his hands one after another, and he threw them into the wound on the big head whenever he had the chance.

Avoiding the giant tentacles that were lashing about like crazy, Luke was like a cat nimbly avoiding a giant’s hands. He threw ten of the glass bottles into the giant octopus’s wound before he stepped back and took out the M500 again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! josei

He shot another five highly explosive bullets into the wounds on the octopus’s head, and they blew up with loud bangs.

The big seafood suddenly stopped moving, before its entire body began to shake.

Retreating to his original position, Luke could see that the dark area inside the head wound that was the result of corrosion was quickly expanding.

The big seafood spasmed for a few seconds, as if suffering an electric shock, before it finally started to move again.

This time, it no longer struggled, but rolled madly back and forth on the ship.

The enormous ship shook with its movements, as if it was about to capsize.

Luke also felt quite helpless. Exactly how thick was this big seafood’s skin? Even after a minute, the Aliens’ corrosive body fluid still couldn’t kill this guy?

A large body was indeed an advantage! At least, it was unimaginably difficult to kill this creature.

As Luke pondered this, he fired his gun again, adding salt to the big seafood’s injury. Thick skin? Then I’ll help the marinade sink in deeper.

Over ten seconds later, there was a deafening rumble which dumbfounded Luke... as the big seafood dropped into the ocean.

After rolling back and forth, it finally rolled into the ocean and didn’t come back up again.

The water under the ship surged violently for one moment, before it slowly settled.

Luke slapped his forehead. Was this mutant giant octopus actually smart enough to escape? Could it be that it had a bigger brain because it had a bigger head?

At that moment, the system notification popped up to verify his speculation.

System: Stop the deep sea kraken’s attack and save all the people on the cruise liner. Completed.

Total experience: 52,400. Total credit: 52,400.

Contribution rate: 100%. EXP +52,400. Credit +52,400.

System: As experience has reached 70,000 points, the host is now level 14.

Experience: 9,280 / 90,000

Extra stat points: 5.

What a pleasant surprise! That giant octopus really would’ve killed everybody on the ship. Thus, by beating it back, Luke had basically saved the lives of more than a thousand tourists and hundreds of crew members on the ship.

Judging from the total experience and credit points, it could be more than 2,500 people in total.

Luke could only regret that this Atlantic ocean liner wasn’t at full capacity.

This ship could accommodate 2,600 tourists in total and roughly a thousand crew members; he could have earned even more experience and credit.

Even so, a harvest of more than fifty thousand experience and credit points was his biggest haul yet.

On the other hand, the system notification implied that the mutant giant octopus wasn’t dead yet.

Maybe the Aliens’ acid was diluted by the seawater, or maybe its skin was so thick that even ten bottles of the acid wasn’t enough.

No matter how potent the Aliens’ acid was, that was only in terms of quantity or concentration.

It couldn’t corrode all the way through Earth, nor would a single drop turn the entire ocean into acid.

But while this kraken looked a lot different from an octopus, some of its behavior was very similar.

For example, this giant tentacle in front of Luke’s eyes.

During the struggle just now, the giant octopus actually broke off one of its tentacles before it escaped. Was this because it couldn’t think straight from the pain?

Pondering for a moment, Luke glanced at the giant tentacle nearby, before he went back to look for Robert.

Walking into the room, he smiled at Robert. “It’s over. I need to ask someone to take care of this. Let me use your phone for a bit.”

Robert handed him the satellite phone right away.

Luke dialed a number. “Hello, this is Luke Coulson. I have something here. You better step on it before someone else beats you to


Several minutes later, he hung up, and saw the strange expression on Robert’s face. “What’s the matter?”

Robert heaved a sigh. “Rick Flegg, the operations supervisor for a particular division in the FBI, right?”

Luke was surprised. “You know him?”

Robert nodded. “Let me talk to him later.”

Luke: “...Okay. I need to watch the deck. There’s something there that shouldn’t be touched.”

Robert: “Got it. Go on, then.”

Luke walked out of the room. He had only taken a few steps, when a voice came out of his walkie-talkie. “I smell something really, really delicious.”

Luke was stumped for a moment. “What?”

“That big thing on the deck and the liquid on the ground seem very tasty.” The voice of the dog head rang out again.

Pondering for a moment, Luke asked, “Even tastier than lobsters and king crabs?”

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