Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 630 - “Third Wheel”

Chapter 630 - “Third Wheel”

Chapter 630 “Third Wheel”

Stunned for a moment, Selina then smiled as well.

She certainly wasn’t praising the SWAT captain when she analyzed him like he was a criminal.

Especially now that he was the prime suspect, she couldn’t say anything like this outside. Gold Nugget whined in the backseat.

Luke: “Okay, it won’t take long. Your feast isn’t going anywhere.”

Satisfied, Gold Nugget turned its head away to look at the scenery from the backseat once more.

The car soon reached HQ, and Luke went to look for Harrison right away.

The guy’s situation wasn’t bad. He hadn’t been handcuffed, and before things were cleared up, he wasn’t willing to leave HQ.

He and Sanchez were sitting in one corner of the office, both frowning and thinking hard.

Luke greeted them and comforted them. “Okay, I’ll try my best to help.”

Harrison nodded his head and forced a smile. “Thanks in advance.”

Luke didn’t waste any time and turned his head to say to Sanchez, “Tell me what happened to you from yesterday to today, and give me as accurate a time frame as possible.”

Sanchez looked at Harrison, who nodded. “Trust Luke. If he can’t do it, we’ll have to wait for the Internal Affairs’ investigation.”

Sanchez snorted. “What’s the big deal? I’ve been investigated plenty of times.”

Harrison: “Stop playing the tough guy...”

Seeing everybody’s strange looks, he hurriedly amended, “You’re a woman, but this isn’t just a minor case of hitting some suspects. Just answer Luke’s questions.”

Then, Luke began to ask questions, and Sanchez answered them.

Different from when he was interrogating criminals, Luke was very quick and only asked each question once before he moved on, only repeating a question now and then to confirm the time frame.

It was different from when the same questions were asked again and again when suspects were interrogated.

Harrison and Sanchez both felt better, since Luke wasn’t treating them like suspects.

Luke was very quick, and finished asking his questions in ten minutes.

After asking for Sanchez’s permission, Luke and Selina drove Sanchez to her home.

He did a round of Sanchez’s place unhurriedly. He didn’t enter her bedroom, but paid special attention to the hot girl’s makeup and toiletries.

Leaning against a wall and pondering for a few minutes, he said, “Let’s go back.”

Sanchez was puzzled, but they all went back in the car.

On the way, Luke received a call from Harrison, who gave him a new piece of information.

The three of them took a detour to an alley on the south side before they finally returned to HQ.

After looking for Harrison, Luke got right to the point. “I’m basically sure that this has nothing to do with you, but some things are hard to explain. We’ll still need the professionals to handle this.”

Harrison and Sanchez were both stunned.

Looking at their expressions, Luke said in a low voice, “You should know that some people are naturally endowed with ‘unusual abilities,’


Seeing their enlightened expressions, Luke smiled and made a call.

This time, he called Wales.

He didn’t have a good feeling about Flegg’s agency, and would rather hedge his bets with Wales that the twins hadn’t fallen into Hydra’s hands at S.H.I.E.L.D. Wales arrived very quickly along with seven other agents.

After a routine inquiry with Harrison and Sanchez, Wales spoke to a certain bigshot at HQ and took over the case.

On these sorts of matters, the FBI’s 17th Division clearly had a tacit agreement with the police department.

Everybody in the know was asked to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Thankfully, to contain the impact, the bigshots at HQ hadn’t let word of Harrison and Sanchez’s matter spread from the very beginning, so things were still under control.

Harrison and Sanchez weren’t transferred or punished, which sent a clear message to all the officers in the know.

The police department often dealt with dubious officers by suspending them or handing down disciplinary action.

Conversely, if this didn’t happen, that meant that the officers were innocent.

After Wales said that he would be taking over, Luke and Selina said goodbye and left.

Although Harrison and Sanchez were no longer suspects, they had to work with the investigation. He left before they could say their thanks, and they could remember this favor.

In their car, Selina asked, “Why are you sure that Sanchez is innocent?”

Luke chuckled. “The Sanchez yesterday wore Coco Chanel Eau Fraiche, but she didn’t have that scent on her or at her place today. You saw her perfume bottles too, right?”

Selina was enlightened. “I was wondering why you kept staring at her lingerie near the nightstand! It turned out you were just looking at her perfumes.” Luke: “... Right. I also checked her body wash and shampoo.”

Selina laughed at him inwardly but didn’t say anything.

She would never admit that she thought Luke had such strange interests, to skip over the bedroom and check out the bathroom instead!

“She uses peppermint shampoo and body wash. The Sanchez who sat next to me yesterday didn’t have that smell,” Luke continued.

Selina was startled. “You actually remembered details like these?”

Luke shrugged. “She was the only other person in the backseat yesterday except for Alex. He stank from not bathing in a while, and I couldn’t focus on him.”

Selina: “...Fair enough!”

What Luke didn’t say was that he smelled traces of the extraordinary twins in the room, along with the Coco perfume which Sanchez had worn yesterday. But tangled up in the Coco perfume was the unfamiliar scent of another girl.

As the first ability which Luke acquired and the one he used the most, using Sharp Nose came to him more naturally and smoothly than even shooting. josei

He could analyze how a scent might have come about without even thinking. The feeling was very hard to describe. It was like how some top basketball players could charge into the zone and shoot the ball using various different postures and just by relying on their senses, without even needing to look at the ring.

Actually, Luke was even more adept at Sharp Nose than that.

It only took him a brief moment to know that the unknown girl had sprayed on the Coco perfume.

Even more strangely, she and the Sanchez from yesterday used the exact same amount of perfume in the exact same way. With both smells mingling together in one room, the differences between the two “clones” were even more obvious.

Furthermore, Luke had already noticed the bizarre combination of “Harrison + the Coco perfume” in several locations at HQ.

The car which “Harrison” had used to take the twins out of the police department had also been found abandoned on the side of the road in a neighborhood on the south side.

They had detoured to the alley on the south side earlier precisely to examine the scene.

In the car, the combinations of “Harrison + the Coco perfume” and “the strange girl + the Coco perfume” appeared again in the driver’s seat.

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