Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 639 - Falling Person, Falling Elevator

Chapter 639 - Falling Person, Falling Elevator

Chapter 639 Falling Person, Falling Elevator

Behind him, the woman who had seen her life flash before her eyes in those short twenty seconds was shaking all over and could barely hear the screams around her.

It wasn’t because she was a coward.

Anybody would be considered brave if they didn’t piss their pants after falling a hundred meters.

The fact that she could still stand on her own feet showed how tenacious she was.

At that moment, security inside the building poured out to escort her inside.

The earthquake had already stopped. Without transportation, it was more dangerous to linger outside the building.

On the other end, Luke arrived at Vidics Plaza in less than ten seconds.

The sirens in the near distance indicated that the patrol cars were on their way, but there was nothing they could really do.

Without professional equipment and time running out, they could only stare helplessly and anxiously at the tottering elevator.

The firefighters might have a way. They were professionals and had more tools, but they wouldn’t get here in time.

With two grappling hooks in both hands, Luke threw them out in turns and moved up the wall non-stop.

These grappling hooks had been specially designed with his extraordinary physique and rapid ascension in mind.

In just a few seconds, he reached the top of the elevator.

He shot out two alloy rope darts, which wound around the sightseeing elevator several times before they tangled together underneath the elevator.

The ends of the two rope darts were bound to the metal parts of the building as an additional safety measure for the elevator.

Only then did Luke speak. “Everybody in the elevator, listen up. The elevator has been secured, and you’re safe for the moment. I’m going to break the glass on the inside and get you out. Please don’t move around or panic.”

As he spoke, he moved to the side of the sightseeing elevator which faced the building.

He couldn’t touch the glass facing outward; because of the tilt in the elevator, everybody inside was gathered in that direction. If he broke the glass there, someone would instantly fall.

The dozen people in the elevator were trembling as some yelled “WTFs” and “OMGS”. while some were about to piss themselves.

Luke ignored them.

The elevator was in bad shape. The metal support above it was groaning and twisting at a visible rate; it wouldn’t be able to hold out for very long josei

Luke took out a curved knife from his back and stabbed it into the glass wall of the elevator.

The knife cut forcefully into the glass, which shattered.

This was just regular tempered glass. The entire thing would shatter as long as one part was broken.

It was also the reason why Luke only dared to touch the glass wall of the elevator that was facing the building.


The dozen people in the elevator cried out again, and some of them even started to flail about. “No, God, save us! Stop this lunatic...”

Luke was completely unperturbed.

They were dozens of meters up in the air in a transparent sightseeing elevator; it was understandable that their emotions would be unstable.

Luke took out another rope dart and tied it to his dagger before he suddenly threw it at the glass wall of the building, shattering it.

Luke looked inside, only to see that there was nowhere to secure the rope darts.

Putting the dagger away, he threw out the rope dart again to wrap around the largest and heaviest table in the room. He then attached the end of the rope dart to a buckle on his waist, before he leaped into the sightseeing elevator through the hole.

The people in the elevator shrieked again.

Luke, however, just said, “Crawl away once you’re inside if you don’t want to get crushed by someone else.”

With that, he grabbed the two people closest to him and threw them behind him.

With miserable shrieks, they flew out of the broken hole.

They passed through the hole in the elevator and the broken glass wall of the plaza and fell into the room inside the building.

But they were still screaming wretchedly and for one moment forgot to stop.

Luke didn’t stop moving at all and grabbed another two people before throwing them behind him.

With another two screams, two more people were thrown into the building.

By the time it came to the fourth pair, they were no longer screaming as Luke grabbed them.

The first two people to be thrown into the building had been screaming loudly, but when they saw the building’s interior decor in front of them, their voices quickly dropped as if someone had turned the volume down. They mumbled disbelievingly, “Am I saved? Am I saved?”

Luke, however, grew impatient. “Didn’t you hear what I said? Crawl away once you’re inside. If you can’t, have someone help you.”

The people inside were too elated to hear what he said.

Luke didn’t repeat himself, and just threw two more people in.

Bam! Bam!

The first two people were hit by the incoming people from the elevator.

These latter two were more clear-headed, and swiftly retreated on all fours. The gutsier of the two also dragged away the two unlucky bastards who had trouble catching their breaths after being hit.

Because he was in a hurry, Luke’s rope darts weren’t overly reliable, and he didn’t dare exert too much strength, so the people he threw inside were still three to four meters from the edge.

If they all crowded around the opening, they would block the way for the last few people.

That would just delay him from earning credit!

With the two unlucky bastards as an example, everybody else learned their lesson.

They could laugh, cry or do whatever they wanted after they crawled off a few meters, as long as they didn’t get in the way. While this big dude in black was gallantly saving everyone, he didn’t seem to have a good temper.

After throwing out seven pairs of people, Luke finally saw two old acquaintances. He had seen them when he was climbing up earlier.

They were famously beautiful ladies, but had been pressed to the glass by everybody else and couldn’t move at all.

Their charming and attractive faces were squashed into weird shapes. Luke could even see traces of their pink foundation on the glass. He almost impulsively fished out his phone to take a selfie with their scary looks. But to maintain his air of mystery, Luke didn’t do this ridiculous thing in the end.

He had just grabbed their arms, when the elevator’s metal support couldn’t take it anymore. It snapped, and the entire elevator tilted 45 degrees and began to drop.

Both women shrieked. Even though he was wearing noise-filtering earphones, Luke couldn’t help frowning – was this the lion’s roar too?

Fortunately, their screams weren’t actually as powerful as Stephanie’s lion’s roar, though they could still make an ordinary person’s ears tingle.

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