Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 667 - Coffee, Tea or Me?

Chapter 667 - Coffee, Tea or Me?

Chapter 667 Coffee, Tea or Me?

Led by a maid, they entered the main building of the luxurious manor.

Luke was calm. He was able to maneuver around Tony Stark and his vicious tongue.

No matter how formidable Thompson was, could he be worse than Tony Stark?

It was hard for Luke to feel intimidated by a bigshot with nothing special about him.

In the end... less than half an hour later, Luke and Jenny were “sent off with tea.” America didn’t actually have this saying.

However, the younger brother of the missing Miss Thompson, Rupert, had come out with an impatient expression and only said a few words before stating that he was going to have coffee in the rear garden, leaving them high and dry.

Thankfully, however, Luke had achieved his goal.

Before this young master Rupert went to take his coffee, he allowed Luke and Jenny to visit his sister Beth’s room, but only in the company of two maids, and they couldn’t touch any personal items.

Getting into the car, Jenny looked at Luke apologetically. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think he would be the one to receive us.”

Luke waved his hand dismissively. “At least he didn’t spit at me, or take off his pants and shake his butt at us.”

Jenny burst out laughing. “He’s a young master, not a street thug.”

Luke shrugged. “Which is why his attitude wasn’t that bad; it could have been ten times worse.”

Seeing that he didn’t look angry, Jenny sighed and explained, “Rupert was born to Malachi’s current wife. Miss Beth was born to his first wife, so...” Luke hugged her. “I know. Don’t talk about this young master. I don’t like men.”

Hearing that, he immediately understood why Jenny looked so disappointed.

Would Jenny’s half-brother also be like this with his sister when he grew up? It was hard to say.

Jenny hummed in acknowledgement, but still frowned and shook her head. “But Malachi still... ‘values’ Miss Beth very much. Why would he let a playboy like Rupert receive us? It would have been more reasonable for the butler to send us off.”

Luke rubbed Jenny’s forehead and said, “Alright, if you frown for too long, you’ll get wrinkles.”

Jenny exclaimed and immediately took out a mirror from her purse to examine her forehead. “Looks like the start of one. God, I’m only 21. I don’t want to age so quickly.”

Seeing how worried she was, Luke said, “Then don’t think so much about other people’s family matters. In any case, I’m going to go look for her. Finding her will be a good thing for us. If I can’t find her, we’ll just take things step by step. It’s not a matter of life or death. Don’t worry about it.”

Jenny was lost for words. Only someone like you would think nothing of the development of a company worth billions, right?

On their way back to Los Angeles, Luke made his decision to take this trip.

Rescuing Miss Beth Patrick Thompson was just a side goal.

Based on what Jenny knew, the Thompson family had also sent people to look for this young lady. By the time Luke arrived, the young lady might already be safe and enjoying coffee as she sunbathed in a five-star hotel.

Rich and powerful. The efficiency of this combination wasn’t something ordinary people could imagine.

And given the current situation with the phone company, Jenny could also be considered to have reached that level.

Using her connections, she easily got Luke on a private jet two hours later for a direct flight to Poland’s capital, Warsaw.

Luke had already called Elsa about leave.

At the mention of Senator Thompson’s name, Elsa didn’t ask any more questions.

She wouldn’t stop Luke from expanding his connections, especially with such a powerful senator. josei

Also, Luke only took two days off.

Two days later was America’s National Day long weekend (fourth of July). Since the police academy would be on holiday, he could put aside his task of inspecting the students.

Elsa simply told him not to overdo it before she hung up. There was no need to explain anything to Selina; they had already discussed it yesterday.

He just had to let Claire know, or she would definitely grumble about him sneaking out.

It was a different matter if he was upfront about it. She wouldn’t kick up a senseless fuss.

On the private jet, the two flight attendants took turns asking Luke if he needed anything.

The young and beautiful attendants both asked him, “Coffee or tea?”

Luke could only smile and say, “Give me a pot of tea. Green tea would be best.”

Of course, these two weren’t here purely for the money.

Luke had always kept a low profile. It was obvious that he wasn’t poor, but he wasn’t extravagant either.

However, since he was able to take this private jet, he looked more and more pleasing to the eye. It was no wonder that the two flight attendants were so close to asking, “Or me?”

After receiving a clear rejection from Luke, the two attendants could only tactfully stop bothering him.

To be able to take this job, they weren’t dumb.

Some passengers might look forward to certain services, while some who were preoccupied would be fed up with the “harassment.”

They didn’t want to lose this easy, high-paying job.

Luke found a quiet place to sit down and read the files as he drank his tea.

It had to be said that private jets were much better than passenger planes.

Unlike his last trip to Paris, Luke was a lot stronger now, and the jetlag didn’t affect him at all. He couldn’t sleep even if he wanted to.

During the almost twelve-hour flight, he had plenty of time to gather a lot of relevant information and plan his upcoming search.

It was already the afternoon when Luke arrived in Warsaw.

He was setting off from Warsaw because Miss Beth Thompson and her two classmates had started their “free-and-easy trip” here.

Miss Beth was an art student in college. She had come to Europe during the holidays with her teacher and class to draw, and she told her family that she would go out sightseeing when she was free.

Supposedly, she told her bodyguards that she was going to Prague before she went missing. The arrangement made sense. In Poland, one had to go to Warsaw.

In the Czech Republic, one had to go to Prague.

It was like how one would visit the Forbidden City when in Beijing.

Actually, Beth Thompson and her two classmates had left their Warsaw hotel early in the morning for some reason without letting the bodyguards know. It was only a few hours later that they discovered she was missing.

They couldn’t reach her phone, and the girls’ car was still in the hotel parking lot. Only the empty room and the hotel receptionist’s words proved that they hadn’t been coerced into leaving. The surveillance cameras also verified this point.

Naturally, Luke didn’t have access to this information.

He didn’t have an identity suitable for use in Poland, nor could he use most of his methods for working cases, which was a little troublesome.

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