Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 685 - Young Person Who Doesn’t Know Love, Old Person With Quick Hands

Chapter 685 - Young Person Who Doesn’t Know Love, Old Person With Quick Hands

Chapter 685: Young Person Who Doesn’t Know Love, Old Person With Quick Hands

“...Good,” said Michael.

“...This is so embarrassing.” With a complicated expression, Roussel pushed the door open and left.

Looking at the shut door, Michael suddenly slapped his head in frustration. “Damn it! Why did I say that?”

In the living room, Luke finally said, “Good! Looks like you’re aren’t completely dumb.”

Michael turned his head. “Huh?”

Luke shrugged. “You haven’t had a girlfriend in a while, have you? Well, maybe you had some ‘female’ friends when you were rich, but this girl is probably the only one who really loved you.”

Michael narrowed his dead fish eyes. “How old are you? Do you know what love is?”

Luke chuckled. “It’s because I don’t have a girlfriend yet that I don’t have to worry about love, young man.”

Michael’s lips moved, but he realized that he couldn’t argue with that. He could only change the topic and point at Kincaid. “Shouldn’t you change your friend’s clothes?”

Luke crossed his arms and looked at him strangely. “Why are you here?”

Michael also looked at him strangely. “To protect that damn old man.”

Luke spread his hands. “So, he’s your mission objective, not mine. Besides, I don’t know him very well. Why should I help him change?”

He was just an old man. Who would want to help him change?

Michael choked again. A moment later, he gave Luke a thumbs up. “How lucky for him to be friends with you.”

Luke didn’t think much of it.

Lucky? Of course.

It was easy to find someone to help you change clothes in this world, but it was very hard to find someone to save your life.

Kincaid regained consciousness and looked at the bag of blood hanging above him. He then looked at his other hand. “What the hell is that?”

Michael adjusted his equipment. “Handcuffs. You haven’t forgotten that you’re a prisoner, have you?”

Kincaid: “No, I mean, who put this’ fashionable’ outfit on me?”

“You’re lucky that I brought two sets of clothes.” Michael started putting on his coat.

Kincaid looked at his “new” outfit, which was a singlet. “You dare wear something so basic? Let me guess, don’t tell me you bought this when you were a bodyguard a few years ago, did you? You did look like a little girl back then, haha.”

Michael curled his lip and ignored the question.

Kincaid said, “Huh? I don’t think I’m wearing underwear. It’s a little chilly.”

Luke finally said, “He did it, not me.”

Michael rolled his eyes. Thanks so much.

But he still said, “You have underwear on, or I wouldn’t dare change your pants, okay?”

Kincaid curled his lip. “How boring.”

Suddenly, an old-fashioned telephone in the room rang.

All three of them frowned.

Michael quickly stood up. “This is an Interpol safe house. If nobody answers the phone, or if we pick up and can’t verify our identities, they’ll send someone to check.”

Luke’s ears twitched. “I think... they’re already here.”

He lifted the curtain slightly and saw several police cars on the street not far away with their sirens on.

And at that moment, two black SUVs stopped outside the building, and eight armed men rushed in. They clearly weren’t police officers.

There was indeed a mole in Interpol, whose men had actually reached the safe house before the police.

Michael quickly unlocked Kincaid’s handcuffs.

Kincaid, however, was unperturbed. “Where’s the beautiful police officer? Hm, I think her name is Roussel?”

Luke said, “She left.”

“Damn it, I liked that girl...” Kincaid saw some interest in Luke’s eyes. “She’s quite lively. I want a daughter like that in the future. ”

Luke sighed regretfully. “I thought your love had switched to a new target.”

Kincaid wiped his nonexistent cold sweat. “I’ll always love my Sonia.”

Luke got up and picked up his backpack. “Let’s go, unless you want to kill dozens of police officers.”

Kincaid also got up. “That many?”

Luke said, “Yes, at least twenty of them are SWAT officers.”

Michael was already waving at the door. “If you dare touch them, it’ll be the SAS next time.”

Kincaid fell silent.

SAS wasn’t easy to deal with.

If it was one or two of them, Kincaid might still be able to fight back, but once SAS was deployed, they wouldn’t just send one or two agents. At the very least, they would send out a full team that could take down the injured Kincaid.

After the three of them left the room, Michael was about to go right, but Luke stopped him and gave him a few tactical signs.

The two of them leaned against the wall just as two men on the other side pushed the door of the stairwell open.

Almost at the same time, one of them was punched in the back of the head and the other was strangled by Michael.


Michael watched as Luke drew his fist back from the face of the unconscious criminal that Michael was holding. He gestured at himself before he helplessly dropped the unconscious criminal and followed Luke.

They had just opened the door to the stairwell when there were two bangs behind them.

Both of them rolled their eyes and turned around.

Kincaid lowered his gun from where he was standing at the door to the stairwell on the other end. “Thanks for your protection. I was almost shot in the butt by these two.”

Michael: “...Well done. Guess what the police officers downstairs will do?” josei

With his keen ears, Luke could already hear several police officers shouting downstairs. “Gunshots! Gunshots upstairs!”

Footsteps came from the bottom of the stairs.

Luke sighed and pointed at the roof.

Killing a few criminals was fine, but there were dozens of police officers downstairs who were just doing their jobs. He really didn’t want to fight them.

He gestured at Michael, and the three of them ran to the roof.

Kincaid had been prepared to suffer, but Luke practically dragged him to the top floor. He smiled and was about to say something.

Luke, however, gestured at him to stop talking.

As Michael ran past an exit up ahead and continued toward the top floor, two armed criminals snuck into the stairwell.

Bang! Bang!

Luke kicked one in the stomach and smacked the other in the face, knocking the two criminals to the ground at the same time.

There was no need to kill anyone.

There were a bunch of police officers down there, and he didn’t want them chasing his butt.

In any case, the guy who had been kicked in the stomach would be pissing blood for at least a week, and the person who had been slapped had a severe concussion; his corneas might even be knocked out of whack.


Michael, who was running in the front, stopped and turned his head to see that a criminal who had just appeared at a stairwell exit in the distance had been knocked down.

Of course, this shot had been fired by old Kincaid.

Luke slapped his forehead. “Kincaid, there are dozens of police officers downstairs. Can’t you keep a low profile? Look at how I just slap and kick them.”

Kincaid: “I’ll... be more careful next time?”

Luke was lost for words. Why should I believe you, you flashy black baldie?

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