Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 698 - New Case, Old Enemy

Chapter 698 - New Case, Old Enemy

Chapter 698: New Case, Old Enemy

Luke put his hand to his forehead. “Are you sure you want to discuss the relationship between Bohemia and the bohemian style with a man who doesn’t know anything about fashion?”

The little monkey was lost for words. A moment later, she said, “Sorry, my bad.”

Selina, on the other hand, looked at the English labels on some of the clothes and didn’t say anything.

Of course they weren’t from Bohemia; Luke had bought them from a shop in the airport.

The little monkey wasn’t that observant, while Selina couldn’t be bothered.

As the two of them split the loot, their spirits were lifted.

Like Luke had said, Selina had gotten red, brown and yellow colors.

Claire’s clothes were mostly gray, black, and navy blue.

There were dresses and pants of different lengths, as well as both covered and strapless shirts. There were also shawls, small jackets and scarves in all sorts of loose and intricate styles.

It was a style they rarely wore, but it was very attractive.

Both of them were very satisfied with the gifts and gave him a kiss each.

Luke accepted them with a smile, and then indicated that they were about to start their day. In the end, both of them said that they were going to put on their new clothes.

He could only remind the little monkey, “You have training. Are you sure your clothes will be fine after training?”

The little monkey looked at him like she was indulging an old man. “Everyone uses the same sportswear for training. I can only wear this to the dorm at most, and I’ll have to change out of it.”

Luke could only admit that he was stupid.

The nonsense he had spouted just now had purely been to tease the little monkey; he wouldn’t be serious with this sort of family bickering.

Three people and one dog split up and headed for their own destinations.

When Luke arrived at the police department, he went to greet Elsa as usual and leave her some lunch before he slipped back out.

There was no need to pick up new cases. Selina had been working on a case with Elizabeth’s team recently, and Luke had just returned.

Driving out, Luke listened to Selina’s description of the case and frowned. “Isn’t this a state police matter?”

Selina said, “But the state police sent us a notice about helping them check if there are any similar old cases.”

Luke asked, “A serial killer?”

Selina said, “That’s probably what they suspect, but they aren’t willing to reveal more details.”

Luke chuckled. “Then how are we supposed to check? Throw paper balls or read tarot cards?”

Selina grew solemn. “This case... is a little weird.”

Luke hummed to indicate that he was listening.

Selina said, “The earliest incident dates back to 1950. A female body was found on a farm in Sacramento...”

Luke listened for a few minutes before he asked, “So, this case was closed almost ten years ago, but the state police is sending us a notice now?”

Selina said, “Yes, and I found this.”

As she spoke, she showed him a photo

Looking at the bodies of the two men in the photo, Luke narrowed his eyes.

“These are the two suspects who were killed years ago. The state police found two kids in their residence, one dead and one injured.” Selina said, “I remember that the mastermind behind the hunters in Wolfkyle also had this dog head tattoo.”

“This dog is a bloodhound,” said Luke as he pondered.

Selina asked in a low voice, “Were those guys already doing this that early on?”

“I’m afraid it’s much earlier than you think.” Luke shook his head. “They’re far more powerful than you think. I also saw a similar dog head tattoo on Wolf Elsworth.”

That was the truth. When he disposed of Wolf Elsworth’s body, he had seen the tattoo on his neck.

Selina asked, “Then... should we continue investigating this case?”

Two men of the Elsworth family’s current generation had mysteriously disappeared, and their influence in Los Angeles had suffered a huge blow.

However, the Elsworth family wouldn’t fall so easily. josei

Selina knew very well that the both of them were in conflict with the Elsworth family.

They hadn’t sent anyone to cause trouble for Luke and Selina. Thanks to the family’s bad luck, Henry and Wolf had disappeared without a trace, and no one knew if they were dead or alive.

Luke and Selina, on the other hand, were doing alright.

Even so, the family had left a deep impression on Selina.

This was also the first family she had come into contact with who could toy with the law and dare to interfere with law enforcement by casually saying that it was a “family matter.”

Luke said, “Keep investigating, but Elizabeth and Billy have to be discreet. Apart from us, keep this absolutely confidential.”

He had only provoked Dylan Elsworth last time, and Wolf, the uncle that seemed more like a father, had sent the Fraternity to kill him.

He wasn’t afraid of the Fraternity, and there was no need for Selina to be afraid now either, but Elizabeth and Billy would definitely die.

They drove to the county police department. They gave their names to the receptionist and went to the archive room to look for files.

Elizabeth and Billy were already working inside.

Seeing Luke, Billy and Elizabeth put down the case files and greeted him.

Luke simply nodded. “Did you find anything?”

It was Elizabeth who said, “There’s one thing. We discovered two missing cases from the last two years which we suspect are related to that case back then.”

Taking the case files from Billy, Luke looked at the two missing cases and said, “Be careful with this investigation. Don’t let anyone know that you’re working on it.”

Elizabeth and Billy simply nodded.

After reading the case files, Luke shook his head. “We don’t even have bodies for these two cases. Except for the statements from their family members, there’s no other evidence to connect them to that earlier case.”

Elizabeth nodded helplessly. “Yes, it’s pretty much the same with the other cases we have doubts about. It really is troublesome.”

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “Keep looking for case files. You don’t have to look at them in detail. Just give me the suspicious cases. Right, this is lunch for you. Good luck, I have faith in you.”

They accepted the paper bags with bitter smiles and watched Luke and Selina leave.

Luke tapped the steering wheel as he drove.

Selina asked, “Did you notice something?”

Luke thought for a moment, then told her about the vampire and the Bubblegum Gang.

Selina was shocked. “There are monsters like that?”

Luke said, “They’re indeed a little troublesome if you don’t know anything about them, but I’ll prepare you some equipment.”

But Selina wasn’t focused on that. She continued musing: “So, vampires have been active in America for a long time?”

Luke said, “I think so, but I’m not sure of the scale. Most people in this world like vampires, but only in the movies.”

If there really was a big nest, then Batman would have something to do.

Batman didn’t kill people, but he didn’t say that he wouldn’t kill vampires!

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