Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 705 - Looking for Help With the Investigation

Chapter 705 - Looking for Help With the Investigation

Chapter 705: Looking for Help With the Investigation

“So...” Selina looked at him.

Luke nodded thoughtfully. “So, we’re not going to investigate.”

Selina: “Huh?”

Luke chuckled. “Isn’t it fine to just let the person who dug out this case continue investigating?”

Selina frowned. “Are you sure?”

Luke said, “Yes.”

He had already clashed with the state police lackeys today. If he continued investigating, he might have to directly kill a few dirty cops.

Dealing with the Elsworth family head-on was too inefficient; it was easy for them to increase their vigilance and hide evidence.

Luke wasn’t a judge and he didn’t need evidence to take them to court.

But if he wanted to destroy the Elsworth family’s influence in Los Angeles, he couldn’t do it alone.

Also, he preferred to hide in the dark and create the best opportunity to take action.


On the side of the road, the two state police officers found the keys to their handcuffs hundreds of meters out in the wasteland and unlocked them.

They looked at each other in shock.

“F*ck! Who the hell did they piss off? These two kids definitely aren’t simple.” The Latin American officer gritted his teeth and rubbed several places on his body.

Selina had hit him hard on the back just now.

The white officer said gloomily, “Why didn’t you plant the drugs on the boy?”

The Latin American officer was vexed. “They were gone. I put them in my pocket before I came out...”

His hand subconsciously paused in his pocket. A moment later, he took out a small bag of white crystals.

The white officer stared at him without saying anything.

Stunned for a moment, the Latin American officer shook his head. “No, I really didn’t find them earlier. Wait, is this guy a pickpocket?”

The white officer gnashed his teeth. “Why don’t you just say that he has a superpower? How could he have stolen it and put it back under our noses? My eyes never left his hands!”

The Latin American officer was speechless.

A moment later, he said, “Carl, if we really did put this in his pocket just now, would that have worked?”

Carl was stumped.

The answer was obvious.

“What are you trying to say, Julio?” Carl asked solemnly.

Julio hesitated for a moment before he said, “Those two could’ve recorded our confessions, but they never thought about it. Also, Kohl quit a few years ago and doesn’t look like he’s in his right mind. If we continue to get involved in this, I’m afraid we won’t be able to live long enough to collect our pensions.”

After a brief silence, Carl walked toward the police car.

Julio followed silently.

The police car turned around and drove north.

After a long while, Carl finally said, “Remember, we didn’t see the targets today, nor did we see their IDs. If ‘those people’ call up again, you know what to do?”

Julio heaved a long sigh. “I would rather have my prostatitis flare up again and lie in hospital than get involved in this again. I’m just a minor officer, not a hitman for the Elsworths.”

Carl frowned. “Shut up. Don’t mention names, understand? We’re us and they’re them.”

The car fell silent once more.

Under the setting sun, a lone police car drove north.


On the edge of downtown L.A. that night, two men were discussing a bunch of files in what looked like a warehouse rental.

Suddenly, the shutter door behind them opened.

Their faces changed, and the balding, middle-aged man unbuttoned his waist holster, ready to draw his gun.

At that moment, the roller shutter had gone up high enough for them to clearly see who it was, and they were both stunned.

The middle-aged man shouted, “Batman?”

The other long-haired man narrowed his eyes and didn’t say anything. He quietly stepped back and reached for the shotgun hidden under the table.

“Mr. Kohl, you can take your gun out, but don’t point it at me. Mr. Hart will do the same.” The mechanical voice rang out as the black giant entered the warehouse and pulled down the shutter.

The balding man, Hart, looked at the long-haired man, but still chose to ask himself, “Who are you?”

The corners of Luke’s mouth curled up. “You said it just now, but you don’t believe it, so this question isn’t important.” josei

Saying that, he threw a black bag onto the table. “This is what you need.”

Before they could check the bag, he continued, “The Elsworth family that you’re investigating isn’t as simple as you think.”

It was still Hart who spoke up. “What are you trying to say?”

Luke chuckled. “What I’m trying to say is that they have extraordinary individuals like me behind them.”

Looking at the shocked Hart and at Kohl, who was still silent, he continued, “This isn’t a puzzle game, but a game of murder. Once the Elsworths discover that you’re investigating them, it won’t be the police who’ll come looking for you, but hitmen out to end your lives. Human lives are cheap to them.”

“Life itself is dull to begin with,” Kohl said in a low voice.

Luke looked at him. “Even if you want to die, you can get to the bottom of this case first before you die.”

Hart’s face darkened. “What are you talking about?”

The blood-red triangular lenses on the black mask looked at him. “He lives like a ghost. Why would he be afraid of anything I say?”

With that, Luke finished what he had set out to do. He opened the shutter and disappeared into the night.

The two men in the warehouse looked at each other and walked to the entrance with their guns. They looked around for a moment before they closed the door again.

This time, they added a chain to the roller shutter.

They returned to the table and looked at the black bag.

Kohl stepped forward silently and unzipped the bag to reveal stacks of paper.

He picked up the stack at the top and flipped through a few pages, his expression focused. “We were right, we’re looking in the right direction...”

Hart leaned over and read for a moment before he said, “This is an official file from the police database. Look at the serial number. This is something that LAPD and LSPD use.”

Kohl didn’t answer. He quickly flipped through the first stack of documents and mumbled, “Not enough. This information isn’t enough.” He picked up the second stack.

Hart grabbed his hand. “Wait.”

Kohl frowned.

“Don’t forget ‘that person’ had us trapped in this warehouse just now,” Hart reminded him. “Even if it’s just to keep these files safe, we should change locations.”

Kohl frowned, clearly unwilling.

But reason told him that this “Batman” didn’t seem to be lying.

The Elsworth family they were facing might really send someone to silence them.

They looked at each other and quickly packed up.

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