Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 712 - Stop Dreaming

Chapter 712 - Stop Dreaming

Chapter 712: Stop Dreaming


“First, find cover. Second, use a mirror and don’t stick out your head. Third, call for backup. So, I called you as soon as I took cover and checked the situation with a mirror.”

Luke was stunned. “Is that... in the student code?”

“Yes, it was posted at the last minute this morning. It was just three lines on one page.” Claire and Karen nodded in unison.

Karen added, “I heard that these three safety guidelines come from a very good first-rate detective, and can significantly increase our safety as students. It seems they’re indeed effective.”

As she spoke, she subconsciously glanced at the two patrol officers lying down not far away.

The two officers were in great pain, but their faces were full of despair. That wasn’t right. Why hadn’t anyone mentioned these three safety rules when they were at the police academy? Had they gone to a fake school?

But the truth was right in front of their eyes.

After encountering the armed criminals, the two police officers fought back and were soon wounded.

The four rookies who had been on duty with them were completely fine. They hid behind the cars and fired back every now and then to stall the criminals.

Claire, in particular, had been observing the situation in the mirror. She had fired off several random shots and wounded a criminal, so the other party hadn’t dared approach her for a while.

The police and criminals were in a deadlock.

There had been traffic jams everywhere in Los Angeles today. If it wasn’t for the rookies’ perilous “marksmanship,” they would’ve been surrounded by criminals before reinforcements arrived.

The students were young and uninjured. They could retreat, but it would be hard for the two wounded officers to escape.

Actually, it was Luke who had specially taught Claire how to shoot with a mirror.

It was an extremely simplified version of gunfighting that he had calculated using his own combat experience, gunfighting skills, and complementary math operations. He simplified the complicated situations into several shooting methods.

Claire only needed to analyze the situation slightly and aim her gun in a particular range to hit the enemy.

This method was more suitable for patrol officers. After all, they could call for reinforcements the moment they started fighting, and there was no need for them to take action.

After chatting for a while, Luke reloaded his gun and gave Claire five clips.

Claire was stunned. “I have another clip here.”

Luke said, “With your stamina and shooting skills, it’ll be best if you can suppress the criminals with more bullets. Two clips won’t be enough.”

Claire and Karen were speechless.

They were each using a Glock 17, a close-range firearm with 17 bullets in each clip.

Luke had given Claire almost a hundred bullets, enough for a small-scale battle.

After everything was done, Luke went back on his bike.

Watching Luke leave, Karen suddenly grabbed Claire and pressed her down under her arms. “Tell me, are we good friends?”

Claire said, “Hey, stop groping me, or other people will think you’re interested in me.”

Karen didn’t care. “First, are we good friends?”

Claire said, “Remove those big lumps from my shoulders, and we’ll still be good friends.”

Karen finally let her go.

Claire said, “Alright, what strange thing do you want from me?”

Karen was the daughter of a rich family who wanted to become a police officer in pursuit of a colorful life.

During training, she met Claire, this playful buddy, and had immediately dropped to her knees to worship this ultimate boss.

Karen had tried out many extreme sports with Claire, but her athletic talent was limited, and whatever they did, she wasn’t as good as Claire.

But it was also because of this that their relationship was far better than that of other students.

Karen said, “I’m going after Luke.”

Claire took out a bottle of water from the police car, drank a mouthful, and then sprayed it in Karen’s face.

Vexed, Karen said, “What are you doing? He’s your brother, not your boyfriend... Wait, don’t tell me you hate other girls chasing your brother, like those sisters in the movies?”

Claire wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve. “Forget it. My brother’s girlfriend in high school was the cheerleader captain. We’re pretty close.”

Karen took the tissue from Claire and wiped her face as she asked, “Then why are you so agitated?”

Claire glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. “For the sake of our friendship, I’ll be blunt: I’m afraid my brother won’t want a girlfriend like you.”

Karen was stunned. “Why? Am I not beautiful? Or does he feel inferior?”

Claire patted her forehead and hooked an arm around her neck as she whispered in her ear, “Because he has a ‘female friend’.”

Karen pondered for a moment and was surprised. “You mean a friend with benefits?”

Claire shook her head. “I don’t know exactly, but in any case, he’s never mentioned a girlfriend.”

Karen frowned. “Then can’t I chase him? At most...”

Claire looked at her in disdain. “Luke is nineteen. What do you think a regular handsome nineteen-year-old man who doesn’t have a girlfriend, but doesn’t look for women, does?”

Karen thought for a moment. “Do handicraft at home?”

Claire was dumbfounded. A moment later, she said, “You dumb woman! He definitely has a ‘female friend,’ but she isn’t his girlfriend, so he didn’t mention it to me. Got it?”

Karen wasn’t convinced. “How would you know?”

Claire said, “He occasionally goes out at night, and the clothes he’s wearing the next morning have a faint smell of perfume on them; the quality isn’t any worse than what you use, either. What do you think it could be?”

Frowning and thinking hard for a moment, Karen cried out in frustration. “Damn it, there really is a rival!”

Claire: “What?”

Karen looked at her. “I have to say that I was touched by Luke rushing over to save me just now.

“Also, after he took down those criminals, he smiled gently when he looked at me.” Karen’s gaze drifted. “In the summer afternoon sun, that bright and beautiful smile as dazzling as Apollo’s...” Her words started to get poetic.

“Stop!” Claire raised her hand.

“Pa!” Karen felt pain on the back of her head as the little monkey whacked her.

“He was smiling at me, okay?” Claire crushed her pal’s fantasy without any hesitation. “He smiles like that every time he picks me up from school. I know him very well, so stop dreaming!”

Karen gnashed her teeth. “Damn it, can’t you let me finish my fantasy before hitting me?”

They were speaking in very low voices, and the two patrol officers lying nearby didn’t hear the details. They could only smile bitterly. “Students, we’re a little dizzy. Can you help us tell the ambulance to hurry up? We don’t want to die.”

Only then did the two girls react and stop their small-scale battle between buddies.

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