Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 746 - Sheldon’s “Grand Dominance”

Chapter 746 - Sheldon’s “Grand Dominance”

Chapter 746: Sheldon’s “Grand Dominance”

A moment later, they went their separate ways.

Phil looked at Flegg in the rearview mirror and smiled.

He hadn’t lied to Flegg.

What Batman did last night made him cancel the private communication which he had prepared beforehand.

It had only been a month since Batman appeared, but he had already confronted a powerful Californian family like the Elsworths, and had even destroyed the core of the family last night.

Phil felt that if he really recruited this person into the team, the conflict between SHIELD and America would become even more intense.

Even though he personally agreed with Batman’s behavior last night, he had to abandon his recruitment plan.

But he wouldn’t arrest Batman.

He was one hundred percent human and didn’t want to stand up for a monster family like the Elsworths.


Luke and Selina went to another private hospital to visit Dustin and Jennifer.

After the Elsworths evacuated most of the officers from the hospital last night, Dustin had Jennifer transferred to this private hospital with the help of Elsa’s team, leaving only an empty ward.

If the criminals who had come last night were regular criminals, he would have planted the real bombs and evidence related to the Elsworth family on them and then killed them before arresting the Elsworths for instigating suicide bombers in the hospital.

This was to prevent the Elsworths from wiping away all traces of evidence.

But the attackers were two vampires, which was a little unexpected.

After making sure that the two vampires had broken into the room, Luke detonated the smoke stun grenades that he had set up earlier to create a loud noise so that Batman, who was nearby, would be “drawn” over.

As long as Batman went over, he would naturally find a way to catch the two attackers and make them appear on TV together.

These paparazzi were free third-party witnesses.

There was no need for Luke to take photos or deliver the footage himself; the reporters would do the rest.

In the end, Flegg and Phil were drawn over as well, and Luke didn’t even have to wrap things up.

As for Sheldon Elsworth, who had been killed in the stone castle, this old man was extraordinary.

Luke had thought that Sheldon was a human lackey controlled or tempted by the vampires.

But in fact, after the old man found a way to get the Embrace and save his body that was dying from cancer, he grabbed the vampire that had Embraced him in a pre-planned move and put him in a semi-conscious state.

Naturally, Sheldon wasn’t under the vampire’s control. He directly drained the unconscious vampire’s “true blood” and replaced him as a real vampire.

That was more than ten years ago.

After that, Sheldon gave his son Henry Elsworth his power on the surface while he hid in the dark and secretly captured vampires. At the same time, he picked out his clansmen who were on the verge of death and turned them into vampire slaves.

The vampires that Luke had killed last night were what Sheldon had accumulated over the past decade.

Sheldon wasn’t a vassal of the vampires; he was a blood-sucking vine that clung to the vampires and had been trying to leech off them all this time.

Sheldon hadn’t been fond of Henry in the last two years because the ill Henry didn’t want to abandon his human identity. He tried his best to use science to save himself and continue being a human bigshot.

As for Henry’s brother, Wolf Elsworth, he had long been a staunch member of the family cult established by Sheldon.

The murder games he played were proof of his loyalty.

At the same time, Wolf was the link between Sheldon and the Bubblegum Gang, and also the link with the European vampires.

It was through Wolf that Sheldon plotted against more than ten vampires from the Bubblegum Gang, and had his family take the lead.

That was why Sheldon was furious after Wolf Elsworth went missing.

In comparison, Henry cared more about his human power, while Wolf was Sheldon’s good son.

A few years ago, when Henry discovered that he had leukemia and needed a bone marrow transplant, he had taken Dylan’s DNA to do a DNA test, only to discover that his son was actually his nephew.

Henry and Wolf started to clash fiercely.

But even though Henry’s wife gave Wolf a son, Sheldon still sided with Wolf.

As a result, Henry grew more and more distant from his father, brother, son, and wife. In the end, he simply decided to privately create a test tube baby to produce a matching bone marrow for himself.

This was because he couldn’t swallow the fact that his brother had cheated on him, and that his father was helping him.

After sorting out their relationships, Luke sweated inwardly. It seemed that Senator Henry had died unjustly.

As for the Blood God that Sheldon wanted to summon, the rest of the family didn’t know the details. It was all the old man’s doing.

The items that Luke had taken from the secret chamber in the stone castle were all related to the Blood God and the summoning ritual. He would take a look at them later.

Lastly, Dylan Elsworth and Alex Montell had been hiding in the castle.

The robbers who had rescued Alex from prison were Sheldon’s subordinates.

These people had attacked the prison on the night of the earthquake, and had all gone to the stone castle to hide, not daring to show up in Los Angeles again.

That was why very few people had been sent to get rid of Jennifer the next day.

After more than fifty people were taken down at the hospital, Sheldon could only send two vampire servants to silence Jennifer, and Luke caught him.

Alex was more important to Sheldon’s plan, and Luke had to save him.

The Montell family which Alex belonged to committed all sorts of crimes in Europe, including human trafficking.

His family was also a big supplier for the Bubblegum Gang. They often smuggled in girls for the Elsworth family as fresh blood cows.

The girls were tricked into boarding the ship from Eastern Europe and then sent straight to this stone castle, where they didn’t see the light of day.

After contacting this supplier, the Elsworth family’s kidnapping of women and children in California became an entertainment show, not a necessity.

That was why they hadn’t attracted much attention.

In fact, once Sheldon successfully summoned the Blood God and possessed it, he would take his grandson Dylan and their partner-in-crime Alex to the chaotic countries in Eastern Europe. After making a few rounds, he would use his new identity to establish roots there.

There were too many powerful organizations in America, which wasn’t suitable for Sheldon’s family development plan.

He was ready to split his family in two. The young ones would take control of the enterprises in America, while the old ones would turn into vampires and develop their own forces in Europe. josei

The old man was indeed an old fox who played politics and power. He had arranged everything so clearly that even vampires were just his tools.

It was a pity that Luke and the Elsworths had been tied together since a long time ago.

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