Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 766 - You Need Basic Training

Chapter 766 - You Need Basic Training

Chapter 766: You Need Basic Training

Stephanie hurriedly took out Butterfly’s main body from her bag. She put the phone into a slot on the coffee table in the living room as instructed.

As soon as she put the phone in, the slot closed up and sealed the phone inside.

Butterfly’s voice rang out in the room. “I’ve taken over the facilities in the training center. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

Stacy immediately asked, “When is the wizard coming?”

Butterfly said, “The great wizard will meet with you after the basic training is over.”

Stacy asked, “Does basic training really take a month?”

Butterfly: “Yes.”

Stacy was angry. “Is he crazy? Can’t he come out and talk to us face to face?”

Butterfly: “No relevant information in the database, I am unable to answer that question.”

Artemis couldn’t help but interject, “What happens after training is over? He won’t do anything to us, will he?”

The three girls tensed at the question.

They recalled the secret research institute which they had escaped from. They had experienced too many nightmarish days.

Butterfly: “As long as you complete the training program and pass the great wizard’s assessment, you should be able to move freely.”

Stephanie asked in a low voice, “Really?”

Butterfly said, “The great wizard knows your situation like the back of his hand. The training is merely to help you adapt to this world better.”

Stacy gritted her teeth. “Liar! He actually cursed us and put us in danger. He’s definitely not a good person.”

Butterfly said, “Miss Stephanie and Miss Artemis are on the police’s wanted list because of your proposed plan to break out a prisoner.”

Stacy flushed. “That... That was just an accident. If we hadn’t run into that detective, we would’ve gotten the hundred million-dollar reward and lived comfortably for the rest of our lives.”

Butterfly said, “Miss Stacy, it’s precisely because you don’t feel shame, but take pride instead in your criminal activity, that you don’t fit in with normal people. That is why the wizard needs to educate you.”

Stacy flushed even more and said angrily, “You’re just a program. How do you know how humans think? Those rich people make a fortune from committing crimes. What’s wrong with me doing this?”

Butterfly: “But they’re all dignified and elegant on the surface, and also the ones who set the rules. You don’t have a proper plan for the future; acting rashly will only make your situation worse. That’s why you need this training.”

Stunned for a moment, Stacy then screamed and charged at a sandbag in the corner of the room and pummeled it repeatedly. “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you, you twisted wizard!”

The twins traded looks, and after confirming each other’s opinion, they decisively ignored the raging Stacy.

Unlike the sensitive, paranoid, rebellious, and unruly Stacy, they agreed with what Butterfly said.

Even the bolder sister, Artemis, didn’t like to earn money by committing crime.

Stephanie had always been against it, but she was too weak to stand up to the aggressive Stacy.

The three had gone through life and death together, and she could only follow Stacy around.

They had been caught for training by a wizard this time; although Stephanie was scared, she was also looking forward to it.

If this training could really help them master various ways to earn a lot of money, she was willing to do it.

Just like that, under Butterfly’s care, the three girls began a month of training.

The place had a cold room with enough food for two months.

Most of the food was frozen meals, while a small portion was ingredients which they could cook under Butterfly’s tutelage.

It certainly wasn’t as good as a professional chef’s, but it was already better than what most housewives could do.

Apart from the fact that they tried not to step out of a fifty-meter range around the bungalow, and cut down on their outdoor activities so that the twins, as wanted fugitives, weren’t discovered, they were doing pretty well.

It had been a long time since they had a safe place to stay.

Thus, the three of them adjusted to this peaceful yet busy life in a few days.

Butterfly’s training program was packed.

Stacy complained that it was inhuman. Butterfly considerately suggested that she could reduce the daily training and thereby extend the overall training for two or even three months.

Stacy promptly shut up.

It wasn’t a bad life, but she couldn’t stop thinking about that wizard. josei

She wouldn’t give up until she met this mysterious guy.

Fortunately, the training program was more interesting than they had imagined. Even the multi-talented Stacy couldn’t help but become immersed in it.

Social psychology, individual behavioral analysis and sociology were all presented to them through specific and bizarre cases.

Butterfly would then analyze various theories and factors that they had never thought of.

During this process, Butterfly would interact with them and let them analyze their current personality and behavior based on their own experiences.

It was as if they were observing the world and at the same time exploring their own learning, which made them realize that they weren’t real geniuses.

Their behavior and personalities were similar to that of ordinary people.

Superpowers were just another kind of “tool.”

It was similar to how financial experts used financial knowledge to cheat ordinary people of their money, or how robbers used weapons to rob banks.

Robbers used weapons as tools to obtain power beyond that of a regular human’s to loot money.

Financial specialists, on the other hand, would play with the law and numbers to legally earn money from others. They could also become the “bigshots” that Stacy mentioned.

While robbers and the girls would become criminals.

A smart person should learn how to make money within the rules.

The three girls weren’t stupid. In fact, they were quite smart.

What they lacked was a teacher who could teach them “professional” knowledge.

The lesson plan which Luke used Little Snail to compile, plus the smart program Butterfly which implemented the plan, enabled the girls to grow quickly.

This growth wasn’t about getting stronger, but about improving their worldviews and mindsets.

The reason why many superheroes became superheroes was because of their abilities and their mindsets.

Their mindsets couldn’t make them invincible, but could make them display extraordinary combat ability.

For example, a person’s sense of self could create an iron mindset and willpower which made them bold enough to attack an enemy.

Ordinary people, on the other hand, might tremble in fear at the sight of a thug with a knife.

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