Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 784 - Victory Within the Police’s Grasp and Crazy, Death-Courting Hoodlums

Chapter 784 - Victory Within the Police’s Grasp and Crazy, Death-Courting Hoodlums

Chapter 784: Victory Within the Police’s Grasp and Crazy, Death-Courting Hoodlums

The lawyer immediately said, “I want to bail out my client immediately...”

Jack got up and left. “He’s a suspect in multiple homicides; he’s not eligible for bail. If you have the ability, have the director give me an order. Otherwise, do as you like.”

The lawyer was helpless.

He could prevent the police from extorting an unfavorable statement out of Johnny, but he couldn’t get Johnny out.

The bar massacre this time was too big, and around twenty people had died. It wasn’t something that could be handled casually; even a big lawyer showing up couldn’t deal with it.

Jack went to the lounge and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Soon, his deputy, Edward, returned.

Jack asked, “How was it?”

Edward chuckled. “I locked him in the big room. The big star seems scared.”

Jack curled his lip. “He’s bold enough to do stunts, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be scared of those scumbags.”

Edward asked, “Do we need to keep an eye on him?”

Jack said, “There’s no need. Let him enjoy a whole night first. It won’t be as effective if the period’s not long enough. He won’t be able to continue being stubborn tomorrow once those scumbags torture him long enough.”

Jack and Edward both looked confident at this.

Not far away, in a 24-hour fast food restaurant outside the police department, Luke smacked his lips and took a leisurely sip of his coffee. “Hm... nothing bad will happen, right?”

He had sent a mini drone into the police department earlier to monitor the interrogation room.

He wasn’t worried about Johnny, but was worried that Ghost Rider would suddenly appear and use the Penance Stare, which could judge souls, on Jack and the other police officers.

Few police officers in America would dare pat their chests and say that they had never done anything bad.

Jack was no exception.

Locking Johnny up in the big holding cell was already very dirty.

But nobody in the Major Crimes Division was that clean. Luke had lured suspects into traps before with guns that didn’t belong to him, so he had no right to condemn Jack.

Watching the hooligans surround Johnny, Luke pondered for a moment, but didn’t take action.

Most of these hoodlums had committed all sorts of crimes and were unrepentant; it wasn’t unjustified if they died.

Johnny did his best to resist the beating, hoping that they would give up on him.

He wasn’t afraid of being beaten up by these hoodlums; the feeling like his bones would shatter after dropping from a flying stunt wasn’t new to him.

What he was afraid of was that the Ghost Rider inside him would suddenly appear.

There were surveillance cameras in the detention room; once Ghost Rider came out, wouldn’t everything be captured clearly?

Thus, when he entered the police department, he had immediately looked for a lawyer to get him out.

What a barrel of fun that would be if he transformed in the police department.

Unfortunately, Johnny’s resistance was futile.

Practically none of these hooligans were good.

Only an older kid tried to stop them, but one of the hoodlums slapped him in the face.

The hoodlum grinned maliciously as he beat up Johnny, who had fallen to the floor. He even shouted wildly, “I bet a hundred dollars that you would splatter brain juice in your last stunt, but you were f*cking fine. I lost a lot of money because of you. I’m going to beat your brains out today!”

Luke’s lips twitched. This was just... asking to die!

Serves you right for being unlucky! You actually want to beat Ghost Rider’s brains out?

Putting everything aside, did Ghost Rider have any brain matter in his skull? That was the question. josei

But these hooligans clearly didn’t have a chance to verify this speculation.

Surrounded by a bunch of people, Johnny, who was pressed to the floor and beaten up, suddenly bellowed. However, it no longer sounded human, but was the strange and terrifying roar of Ghost Rider.

Flames burst out.


The hooligans were blown away. Ghost Rider, who was covered in flames, suddenly stood up and roared.

Seeing that, Luke shrugged and packed up his things. He left the fast food restaurant and got onto his Triumph motorbike in a side alley.


On the other side, Jack and Edward were in the police department’s underground garage.

Driving the car toward the exit, Edward asked, “When do I pick you up tomorrow morning?”

Jack said, “Nine o’clock. Not too early; let the star suffer a bit. It’ll be easier to interrogate him then.”

Edward smiled. “The guy must be having a ‘good time’ right now.”

Jack smiled. “Then we can only wish him a good night. Let’s go back and get some good rest.”

As they spoke, the car drove out of the exit.

Suddenly, there was a rumble from the underground garage. Jack frowned. “What’s that sound?”

It didn’t sound like a police car or a patrol bike. It sounded like an engine, but also like an explosion.

Edward was about to say something, when the sound swiftly approached them and a strange object raging with flames charged out from the depths of the garage.

They had just gotten a rough look at the thing in the rearview mirror when it flew out from behind their car and jumped over them.

The moment it landed, the exhaust pipe suddenly gave a loud bang.


In the car, Jack and Edward screamed in fear as they covered their faces with their arms.


The windshield’s bulletproof glass was covered in a layer of black dust that looked like the bottom of a pot.

This thing seemed very pleased with itself and even shook its handsome tail end.

At that moment, there was a whistle, and the creature immediately abandoned Jack and Edward and charged toward the entrance of the police department.

Jack and Edward crawled out of the car, still holding their guns as they looked in the direction in which the monster had left.

At that moment, they finally saw what had destroyed their windshield.

It was a burning skeleton motorcycle — and there was no driver!

When they looked in its direction, a burning skeleton swaggered out of the police department and got onto the motorcycle.

The burning skull head looked at the two men with pitch-black eye sockets. Its jaw cracked open and it made a strange sound, as if it was mocking them.

Then, the skeleton motorcycle sped up and disappeared at the end of the street, leaving only a long line of fire behind to prove that it had indeed been here just now.

Looking at each other, Jack and Edward ran into the police department.

On the other side, Luke followed the line of fire and reached a familiar place in less than ten minutes.

This was the cemetery Johnny had visited last night.

He didn’t get any closer. Instead, he connected to the drone’s surveillance feed and watched the conversation between the two people in the church.

Johnny was asking the caretaker about the whereabouts of the San Venganza contract. This strange old man had mentioned it in the morning, and definitely knew more than he was letting on.

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