Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 786 - Best Experiment Conditions? I’m Really Too Resourceful

Chapter 786 - Best Experiment Conditions? I’m Really Too Resourceful

Chapter 786: Best Experiment Conditions? I’m Really Too Resourceful

On the other side, Carter didn’t urge on the black horse under him, but let it make its sedate way back.

His Ghost Rider ability was no longer enough for him to transform, but this old partner under him was much stronger than he was, and could still take him back to the cemetery.

After that, he would wait in the church in the cemetery for the day he was completely free.

He didn’t know when that would be, but he would sense it when the time came.

As for whether Johnny could defeat Blackheart and prevent the San Venganza contract from falling into his evil clutches, Carter didn’t really care.

He had done everything he could. If it still failed, it could only be said that it was God’s will.

Suddenly, the black horse stopped and neighed uneasily.

Looking at someone not far away, Carter frowned and didn’t say anything.

Luke narrowed his eyes at Carter and smiled, his mind racing.

This guy was a little old, but he was still a Ghost Rider — he was still alive!

Even though he could no longer transform, he was still no ordinary person.

Furthermore, this old man had lived for more than 150 years, and his understanding of hell demons and Mephisto wasn’t something that a thirty-year-old greenhorn like Johnny could compare with.

Luke needed his knowledge.

“Let’s make a deal, Carter,” he said.

Carter said calmly, “I’m already dying. I won’t make a deal with anyone.”

Luke smiled. “I’m sorry, but you can’t refuse this deal. Why don’t you tell me everything you know about Hell and Mephisto? Otherwise, I’ll have to trouble you.”

Cattley looked at him strangely. “You’re not a demon?”

True demons naturally didn’t need to obtain information about Hell through him. That was their stomping ground.

Luke pointed at his Big Dipper Armor and asked, “Have you ever seen a demon who keeps up with the times?”

Cattley shook his head. “They’re all oldies. Your outfit is too... flashy.”

Luke: This is called fashion, alright?! Sure enough, you’re an antique who’s out-of-date.

Even as he muttered inwardly, Luke continued, “Then, can you tell me everything?”

Carter shook his head decisively. “No. Even if you’re not a demon, I refuse to make any deals. You can go now.”

Luke nodded in satisfaction. “Good.”

Carter said, “Huh?”

A moment later, a sharp whinny rang out in the wilderness.

Looking at the two dumpling-shaped things on the ground, one big and one small, Luke was a little embarrassed.

Thankfully, the helmet covered his face, preventing him from revealing his true emotions. josei

The little dumpling was naturally Carter Slade, and the big dumpling was... the black horse.

He had only targeted Carter, but the black horse was very smart. Seeing him attack the old man, it charged over.

He had no choice but to tie up the hot-tempered creature as well.

“Actually, I wanted to do this peacefully. After all, you’re already so old.” He apologized, but didn’t forget to check the system notification.

System: You have defeated Carter (Ghost Rider) and have received a list of his abilities.

Carter Slade’s abilities: Basic Firearms... Basic Theology, Basic Demonology, Inferno (Demon-bestowed, unavailable), and Penance Stare (Angel-bestowed, unavailable).

Luke looked at the explanation for Penance Stare with a strange expression.

Ghost Rider was Mephisto’s creation, so where did this angel come from?

Although Luke had taken down Carter with one punch, the latter was still as calm as ever and didn’t even say one word.

After living in pain and remorse for over a hundred years, he was already tired.

If this weirdo really wanted to kill him, Carter would only thank him for freeing him.

It was when he saw Luke tying up the black horse that he hesitated.

But he immediately realized that Luke was being very careful. The rope that had suddenly appeared was only used to restrain the black horse without harming it.

He calmed down again.

After learning Basic Theology and Basic Demonology, Luke hesitated for a moment, before he finally took out two syringes.

There were only ten milliliters of ruby-red fluid in each syringe.

He said, “Although you don’t want to make a deal, I don’t like to take advantage of people. Consider it a reward.”

As he spoke, he gave each of them a shot.

A moment later, Carter, who had been indifferent, suddenly had a strange expression.

Luke untied the man and the horse. “Alright, the deal is done, off you go.”

Carter slowly stood up. Sensing the strange changes in his body, he had mixed feelings.

Watching as Luke started running toward San Venganza, he finally couldn’t help but ask, “What did you inject me with?”

“I don’t know.” Luke’s voice rang out from afar. “I’m just giving it a try. You might live for a few more years.”

Carter Slade: ...So I’m just a test subject?

At that moment, Luke was praising himself for how resourceful he was.

The thing he had injected into Carter and the black horse was his spoils from saving Robert and Catherine on the cruise ship — the unknown, ruby-red liquid substance.

Not all the eight milk barrels he had looted back then were filled with the unknown liquid.

He had thrown two out as bait. One really was just milk, and the other had basically been licked clean by that mutant octopus.

Of the remaining six barrels, four contained real milk, and only two had the unknown substance.

Thankfully, the milk barrels weren’t small. They were the standard 1-gallon, or 3,785-ml, barrels.

But Luke had never used the liquid after he obtained it.

He didn’t want to experiment with this mysterious liquid on ordinary people or animals. Doing so was too despicable and went against his principles.

Use it on bad guys? He wasn’t that kind.

If the unknown liquid cured these bad guys, he would have to kill them again. That would be too wasteful.

It wasn’t until he met Carter today that he suddenly remembered this thing.

This old man was a decent person and was on the verge of death. It was the same for his black horse. He would be lucky if he could live one more day. Even a small amount wouldn’t produce anything too weird.

A Ghost Rider itself was a special existence. After using this mysterious unknown liquid, the two together might produce some amazing results.

These were the most optimal conditions for an experiment.

Besides, as a former Ghost Rider, it was impossible for the old man to go to a media agency or call the police and say that someone was using him as a live experiment.

Everything was perfect, and Luke had accomplished a small goal.

Watching him leave, Cattley couldn’t help but raise his voice. “Who are you?”

Luke said, “Big Dipper.”

With that, he disappeared into the night.

Stumped for a moment, the old man then shook his head with a bitter smile.

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