Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 811 - Mistake and Defeat

Chapter 811 - Mistake and Defeat

Chapter 811: Mistake and Defeat

Something was very wrong with this quantity and amount of power in the terrorists’ hands.

Worst of all, as the CEO of Stark Industries, Tony actually had no idea.

This was definitely a problem with his control over Stark Industries.

He then recalled how he had returned to the base ahead of schedule, only to be ambushed.

The criminals had already prepared the raw materials for him to make the Jericho missile, which meant that his kidnapping had long been planned and wasn’t a last-minute plot.

Tony burned with rage.

Nobody liked traitors. The tycoon’s life had always been smooth-sailing. He couldn’t stand this injustice.

Now that he was still in the hands of the terrorists, he had to do his utmost if he wanted to get out alive.

The bearded leader of the criminals had promised that he would let Tony go as long as he built a Jericho missile.

But Tony had just smiled at the time and watched the bearded man turn around and leave. When he was far away, he murmured, “No, you won’t.”

Yinsen, who was translating next to him, also had a fake smile on his face as he agreed in a low voice. “No, he won’t.”

If Tony made it back alive, he would bear this grudge forever.

It wasn’t a good thing to be hated by a world-class arms dealer forever.

So, once they had completely made use of him, the only thing that awaited Tony was death.

Speaking of schemes, these mountain terrorists weren’t even fit to carry his shoes.

But with this trip to Afghanistan, Tony’s combat ability was pulled down to the same level as the other party, and then... the other party relied on their abundant experience to defeat him.

Tony, who had always looked down on the armed forces, finally had a taste of what it was like to run into soldiers.

There was something that made the tycoon even more depressed.

In fact, he completely had the chance to easily dodge or even wipe out the attackers.

But he had unluckily missed the opportunity.

Thinking about how he had left Happy at the base on the day of the demonstration, and how he had repeatedly told Happy to guard a certain suitcase, Tony was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

This suitcase-like item was the Mark 5 that he had just developed after seeing the armor of the Angel of Judgment in Europe. It was a portable metal armor.

Mark 5 didn’t have a powerful weapons system, but it had astonishing speed and defenses, and it only took him twelve seconds to put it on.

He had brought Mark 5 with him, firstly, because he had just completed this new product, and secondly, for his own safety.

But when he went to the test site, he could only take a military vehicle, and Happy couldn’t follow him.

Tony didn’t want the military to notice Mark 5, and there were more than two hundred American soldiers protecting him.

At that time, his brain had short-circuited. He had brought Mark 5 to Afghanistan, but inexplicably left it with Happy at the base. josei

Because of this small change, he became a prisoner and had to walk around holding a car battery every day; it was a dog sh*t life.

In a few days, he might really be fed to the dogs and turned into a pile of real dog sh*t!

Self-doubt, anger, and despair all turned into deep unwillingness.

Who was he? He was Tony Stark, the one and only major arms dealer.

As long as he had a pile of metal sheets, he would be able to forge a suit of armor.

Tony was completely enlightened – he had to survive and leave this place alive to find the traitor.

The dark cave, the bad food and water, the odor of sweat, and the criminals who were ready to kill him at any moment didn’t crush Tony. Instead, it helped him shed his fickle playboy attitude and regain the essence of his “self.”

I’m Tony Stark! I’m Iron Man!

Roaring angrily in his heart, Tony smashed down with the hammer in his hand and earnestly started his blacksmith work.


On the other side, Luke left another mountain village helplessly.

His intelligence gathering wasn’t going very well this time. After wandering around the mountains for three days, he still hadn’t found any traces of Tony.

Thankfully, there were only a few suspects left, and he would be able to complete the first round of reconnaissance the day after tomorrow.

Also, a lot of criminal leaders had fallen into his hands along the way.

Including people whose hands were stained with the blood of civilians, his experience had reached 51,300/100,000 and his credit was 70,100 points.

After eating and sleeping for two hours in a cave, Luke took out his laptop and started working.

His list of suspects had shrunk to four or five.

Some of them were a little far away, and there weren’t many of them. He could ignore them for now.

The biggest suspect... was the Ten Rings group.

Luke had long heard of this organization.

According to previous intelligence, the Ten Laws group was the largest terrorist organization in Asia.

They were also active all over the world, and were very fearless and powerful. They were the people most likely to have attacked Tony.

It was said that this organization had the support of a powerful extraordinary being, which was why the people here were so fearful of the Ten Rings group that they didn’t dare resist.

Anyone who dared go against them, even if they were terrorists, were killed.

They were also very well-hidden. The people whom Luke had dealt with earlier didn’t know much about the Ten Rings group, and were unable to provide much detailed information.

But one of the gang leaders had mentioned that a large number of Ten Rings members had been active in the area recently.

That was the only good news Luke had heard in the past three days.

Looking at the sky, he packed up his things and cleaned up all traces.

After he left the cave, he activated his jets and flew toward the valley where the Ten Rings group was supposed to be stationed.


In the cave a few days ago, Tony carefully picked up an object that looked like a thin wire ring with a pair of tweezers and put it into a small disc before he relaxed.

This was palladium.

There was too little of it. If he messed up, the criminals might not have the patience to find another batch of materials for Tony, and his plan for a counterattack would be useless.

Thankfully, he had done this many times in Los Angeles, and it wasn’t hard to do it again.

After the most important core was complete, Tony picked up the pace and added external parts to the disc.

A day later, looking at the cylindrical object on the table that glowed with a faint blue light, Yinsen murmured, “This doesn’t look like a missile.”

Tony smiled. “This is a mini electric generator. I have a bigger one at home to power my factory. If I add it to the electromagnet, it’ll stop the shrapnel from entering my heart and I can get rid of the battery. Of course, it can also keep a big guy running for fifteen minutes.”

Yinsen looked at him blankly. “What big guy?”

Tony said, “Put this on me first and I’ll tell you.”

Of course, Yinsen, the nice guy, had no objections. He immediately found the surgical tools and began to put the new thing on Tony.

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