Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 825 - This? You Invented It. This? You Invented It Too

Chapter 825 - This? You Invented It. This? You Invented It Too

Chapter 825: This? You Invented It. This? You Invented It Too

In the evening, Pepper went downstairs with a face full of relief.

She had just copied the “serious information” off the main computer when Obadiah followed her into the office.

She had done her best to distract the baldie. After finishing the copy and retrieving the decoder, she left.

However, the download screen was still on the computer.

As long as Obadiah woke up the computer from sleep mode, he would discover what she had done.

Run, run, Pepper chanted to herself as her high heels clicked on the floor.

As she was leaving the building, a man sitting in the waiting area suddenly stood up. “Miss Potts, wait.”

Pepper jerked and almost screamed.

When she focused, she realized that it wasn’t a security guard, but an agent from a certain department whom she had met before.

What department? Hm, the title was long and awkward, and for a moment, she couldn’t remember the full name.

The man smiled warmly. “Miss Potts, we had an appointment. Did you forget?”

Pepper calmed down and kept walking. “No, Agent Phil Coulson. Right now. Come with me.”

Phil Coulson was a little surprised, and immediately asked, “Right now?”

Pepper walked quickly. “That’s right. Come with me right now.”

“Okay.” Coulson quickly followed.

When they left the building, Obadiah went downstairs.

He really hadn’t checked the computer.

Instead, this chat with Pepper made Obadiah decide to take action today.

It was one thing for Tony to be the CEO, but a few years ago, he had even brought Pepper, a young girl who wasn’t even fully grown, into the company. She was called an assistant, but was actually the second CEO, and made it very tricky for Obadiah when he secretly sold firearms.

Why was this little b*tch stepping on his head? Or was it because that lustful tycoon was obsessed and did whatever he wanted? Obadiah cursed Tony in his heart and drove out to Tony’s seaside villa.

On the way to Tony’s villa, Obadiah saw Happy’s car drive past.

Obadiah sneered.

He had just gotten the company’s administrative department to call Happy and ask him to give an explanation for some of the company resources that he had used on his previous trip to Afghanistan.

Happy wouldn’t bother Tony over such a small matter. As expected, he left the villa alone and went to the company.

Obadiah stepped on the gas harder and sped up to Tony’s villa.

The bodyguard at the gate only glanced at Obadiah before he opened the gate.

Obadiah never needed to be announced when he came here. This was a habit that had formed after many years.

The villa was empty.

Earlier, Tony had prompted Pepper to go to the company to get the dirt on Obadiah, while Happy had been called away. The other bodyguards wouldn’t enter the villa for no reason.

As soon as Obadiah entered the living room, he heard Jarvis’s voice. “Mr. Stane, do you need me to tell Mr. Stark that you’re here?”

Obadiah hummed and looked around the room as if he were examining the furniture. He put a box on the couch and walked to the basement door.

When he heard footsteps, he pressed a button in his pocket.

The lights in the villa flickered twice before they suddenly dimmed.

At that moment, Tony appeared at the top of the basement stairs. He looked at the emergency lights in the living room in surprise. “Blackout?”

He had a backup power system, and it was impossible for the power to cut out. These emergency lights had always been just for show. Why had they suddenly activated today?

Before he could come back to his senses, Obadiah, who had been standing on the side, unhurriedly stretched out his hand so that it wasn’t far behind Tony’s head. With a push of his finger, he activated the remote control device in his hand.

A tiny but ear-piercing sound rang out. Tony’s mouth was still open, but his body suddenly froze, and his eyes revealed shock.

Obadiah counted the time, and it was almost five seconds before he turned off the device in his hand. His other hand, which had been supporting Tony, grabbed him and took him to the sofa.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.

Obadiah put Tony on the couch out of sight from the door and quickly opened it.

A bodyguard immediately asked, “Mr. Stane, the power in the villa went out. Are you and Mr. Stark okay?”

Obadiah said with a smile, “It’s fine. We’re chatting. He’s still eating the pizza I brought for him.”

The bodyguard nodded. “I’ll have maintenance check the wires.”

Obadiah’s eyes flickered as he said, “No need. Tony just called someone over. Tell the others to continue working.” josei

The bodyguard didn’t find it strange. “Okay, sorry to bother you, Mr. Stane.” He then turned around and left.

Obadiah closed the door and returned to the living room.

Looking at Tony, who was staring at him, Obadiah walked over with a complicated expression.

He took out the special earplugs from his ears and pointed at the device in his hand. “You remember this, right? You invented this small thing a few years ago. It’s a shame the DoD didn’t approve it. There’s actually so many applications for short-term paralysis.”

Tony didn’t say anything and just continued glaring at him.

Obadiah opened the box that he had just put down and pointed at something that looked like a black laptop. “You invented this too. I wanted to sell it, but you said that it was too dangerous. Well, you’re right. It does seem quite dangerous. Even Jarvis has to stop when it’s activated.”

Tony was angry and aggrieved.

Obadiah picked up something that looked like a wine bottle opener from the box and talked to Tony for a long time.

He talked about Tony’s capriciousness and how hard it was for him to hold back. After a few minutes, he couldn’t help but laugh. “I forgot that it’s hard for you to talk right now.”

He didn’t say anything else.

Lifting Tony’s shirt to reveal the arc reactor on his chest, Obadiah plucked out the reactor with the bottle opener-like device in his hand. Pulling it up, he took it out and put it in his box.

Closing the box, he put on the earplugs and turned on the paralysis device again before placing it on the back of the couch next to Tony’s ear. “Goodbye, Tony. Don’t act smart when you’re in heaven – if you can still go to heaven, that is, hehe!”

As he spoke, he walked out of the villa and got into his car.

On the way out, he said to the bodyguard at the door, “Tony’s a little tired. He’s already gone to bed. Don’t disturb him.”

The bodyguard nodded. “Okay, Mr. Stane.”

Obadiah nodded with a smile and drove away from the villa as he headed to the company.

In the villa, Tony’s eyes were wide open, and he was angry, anxious, and desperate.

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