Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 828 - Bigger than Me?

Chapter 828 - Bigger than Me?

Chapter 828: Bigger than Me?

Stark’s Section 16 lab was on the east side, almost half of Los Angeles away from Malibu Beach.

It would take Luke six to eight minutes to get there.

He only hoped that Phil wouldn’t be too stubborn, and would escape if he could.

It was extremely dangerous to use an ordinary person’s body to fight a metal suit; even Mark 1, the most crude version, was extremely dangerous.

Ordinary firearms wouldn’t penetrate Obadiah’s defenses; Phil and the others would only be courting death if they went.

As Luke was thinking this, a humanoid object whooshed through the air not far from him.

Also, when the humanoid object overtook him, it broke the sound barrier with a bang and sped off, leaving only a trail of flames in the night sky.

Luke was lost for words. Can’t you freaking take me with you?

He had been in a hurry to save people, and had left the tycoon in the villa.

Now that the tables had turned, the tycoon was even more anxious than he was. He didn’t even bring him along when he passed by.

After cursing inwardly, Luke felt a little helpless, but also relieved.

Tony’s current armor was roughly at Mark 2’s level, and could withstand a beating.

If he really ran into Obadiah’s armor, he would be able to take a beating for a few minutes. By then, Luke would have arrived.

Just like that, while Luke was still flying slowly in the sky, Tony arrived first. He took off with his powerful arc reactor and reached Stark Tower in a minute.


A moment ago, in Section 16 of Stark Tower, Pepper walked to the door of the laboratory and watched the five agents look around.

She hadn’t hung up yet and was still on the line with Tony so that she could relay the situation to him at any time.

Suddenly, two agents who had entered another area behind the laboratory let out shouts.

Then, there was the sound of flesh and metal colliding, and two shadows flew out from the corner and hit a bunch of equipment.

Pepper’s mouth dropped open as she looked at the two agents who had flown out and were lying on the equipment, twisted and lifeless.

Phil’s expression was solemn, but he wasn’t alarmed. He simply shouted at her, “Run!”

Then, he immediately ordered his subordinates, “Go to the equipment pile on the left and keep changing your positions to stall him. I’ll call for backup immediately.”

Looking at the big lump of metal that had just emerged from around the corner, Pepper turned around and ran without hesitation.

It was this lump of metal that had instantly turned the two muscular agents into folding paper. She didn’t think that she could survive a blow.

She was just an ordinary woman, and didn’t have the courage to fight this metal monster.

On the other side, Phil and his two subordinates quickly retreated into the more complicated lab as they drew the big metal lump’s attention.

Iron Monger, who had just charged out of the lab, chased after the three of them for a while, only to discover that they were too slippery. They didn’t fight him head-on at all and only used various obstacles to harass him.

Did that balding agent just say that he was calling for backup? Thoughts flashing through his mind, Obadiah immediately gave up on chasing the three agents.

As long as he killed Pepper, any evidence could be turned around to say that she had set him up and framed him. In any case, there was no proof that the person in the armor was him.

Thinking that, he turned around and charged at the door. Iron Monger crashed through the lab door and chased after Pepper.

By the time he reached the elevator, it had already reached the first floor.

Are you f*cking kidding me? Obadiah cursed.

Pepper wasn’t a strong woman, and she was wearing high heels. How could she have slipped away so quickly? That didn’t make any sense.

Annoyed, he tore open the elevator door and rushed out.

Forget the stairs. The Iron Monger suit he was wearing was too big and too heavy. Even if the stairs weren’t smashed to pieces, they would still collapse under this weight.

At that moment, Pepper was standing at the entrance of the building, and in a daze, she reported the situation to Tony. “A big, big metal guy. He’s at least several times bigger than yours, but he looks so ugly...”

Tony, who was rushing over, was speechless. How am I small? But hm, I am indeed more handsome than Obadiah!

He quickly said, “Pepper, Pepper, don’t panic. Find a place to hide and don’t let that guy find you.”

As soon as he said that, Pepper’s scream echoed in his helmet. “Ah! No, don’t come over...”

Tony: What kind of luck is this?!

At that moment, the only person who could make Pepper scream like that was Obadiah in his armor.

“Sir, the crude reactor isn’t suitable for flight. The energy consumption is too fast, and there’s only 32% power remaining.” Jarvis told Tony another piece of bad news.

Tony secretly swore that he would make a box of backup reactors in the future, but he said, “Just keep me informed. I’m going down.” josei

He had already seen a big metal lump smash through the door at the bottom of Stark Tower. It now stood in front of Pepper, the muzzle on its arm already aimed at her.

“Stane! Look here!” Tony turned on the external audio system and successfully drew Obadiah’s attention.

Without any hesitation, Tony sped up and swooped down.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a violent clash of metal, and two iron lumps, one big and one small, instantly tangled together and rolled dozens of meters away over the ground.

Just like that, the two metal lumps crossed the road in front of the company and crashed through a factory building on the opposite side before falling onto a main road next door.

The sudden appearance of the two iron lumps immediately caused a string of car crashes.

Obadiah, who lacked combat experience, subconsciously waved his hand and sent a car flying. A lot of cars braked and screeched to a stop.

A moment later, the uncle and nephew stood up and stared at each other over a distance of seven meters.

Looking at Iron Man in front of him, Obadiah was surprised and suspicious. “Tony?”

Tony’s careless voice rang out. “Yup. Surprise, right, Obi?”

Hearing that, Obadiah knew without doubt that it was his nephew.

The moment he realized that, he had the feeling that though he had left Tony only a few minutes to live, perhaps Tony had been rescued by the bodyguards who had gone in to check on the situation.

He hadn’t chosen to kill Tony right away because he wanted to create a braindead Tony and use this “living dead” young master to control the company.

But if Tony was fine, it would ruin everything for Obadiah, so he now had to kill Tony for good.

He charged forward and swung a fist at Tony, who just dodged a little.

In the end, Tony was still affected by the paralysis device, and his reaction was much slower than usual.

At that moment, he really wanted to use a cannon to blast Obadiah away.

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