Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 830 - What If You Don’t Have Enough Power? Please Call for Help

Chapter 830 - What If You Don’t Have Enough Power? Please Call for Help

Chapter 830: What If You Don’t Have Enough Power? Please Call for Help

Luke, on the other hand, continued to make jabs at Tony. “The hole in his side armor is so big that a hand can fit in it, and he’s as slow as a pig when he’s flying. It would be hard to not miss a live target like that.”

Tony: “...”

Luke glanced at him and said, “He’s not dead. At most, he’s a little dizzy and might have thrown up. Aren’t you going to deal with him?”

Tony finally woke up from the shock of “expensive armor being no match for two-dollar darts” and immediately lunged forward.

Watching him pull Obadiah out of the ground, Luke was lost for words. What the hell are you doing? Why aren’t you taking this opportunity when your Uncle Stane is down to get rid of him? You should break some bones and stop this metal b*stard from moving first. What’s the point of pulling him out? Do you want to ask him, “Why?”

Sure enough, Obadiah, who had just been pulled out of the ground, kicked his nephew’s “face” out of reflex.


Tony flew out again.

Luke was lost for words. Hit him out of love, and if that wasn’t enough, kick him! Uncle Stane really loved his nephew, Tony. How many times already had Tony been kicked?

“This bunch of useless technicians. The jets broke after just a few minutes.” Obadiah staggered to his feet and spat.

The rollercoaster-like landing had made him dizzy and nauseated.

Tony got up again. When he heard that, he subconsciously looked at Luke, who was standing quietly on the side, but was completely ignored by Obadiah.

Had Obadiah skimped on an external detection function for the armor? He didn’t even know that Batman had broken the jets, and he blamed the technicians?

No, it was the technicians’ fault for not installing an external detection system. It seemed Obadiah hadn’t blamed the wrong people. Tony looked at the bat dart, only one corner of which was sticking out of the armor on the side of Iron Monger’s right leg, before he knelt down and gasped for breath.

Of the three people on the field, one was dizzy and wanted to vomit, one had insufficient energy, and the other successfully avoided pulling aggro and remained in stealth mode. For a moment, it was strangely quiet.

In the end, Tony had more valor than Obadiah. After a short breather, he finally stepped forward to fight his cheap uncle once again.

Looking at Tony, who was punching Obadiah with his fists, Luke wanted to take out a lollipop and enjoy the show.

With one of Obadiah’s jets broken, it wouldn’t be easy for him to escape.

Obadiah had spent decades with Tony, who had regarded him as an uncle, and indeed, Tony really wanted to kill him at the moment.

But if someone else did it and Tony’s fury passed, he might not necessarily be grateful.

Humans were just that complicated.

That was also why Luke hadn’t used his abilities to kill Obadiah at the beginning.

In any case, even if Obadiah survived this time, he would only be providing Luke with a potential source of credit points.

Luke didn’t want to be hated by the tycoon for doing something good.

While Luke was watching the uncle and nephew fight, three people ran over from the Section 16 lab.

Luke had already seen the three of them from the drones he had sent out. He couldn’t help but glance at them. They really weren’t afraid of death.

He cursed inwardly, but at least a certain agent was still alive and unharmed.

The three of them hid in a nearby corner, and only the leader approached him. “You’re... not going to help?”

Luke didn’t even turn his head as he said, “You helped, but did you catch Obadiah? Agent Coulson, being too impatient isn’t your style.”

It was none other than Phil Coulson.

Hearing Luke’s words, he said bitterly, “Two of my men were killed by Obadiah.”

Luke asked, “Let me ask you first: How are you going to deal with Obadiah’s armor?” josei

Phil said solemnly, “We’ll take it and seal it away.”

Luke was lost for words. Wasn’t that the same as giving it to Hydra?

In fact, Iron Monger wasn’t very valuable. The only thing that was valuable was the second generation arc reactor.

With that thing, dreams of a flying force could easily become a reality, and it also wouldn’t be hard to make other suits of armor.

Thinking this, Luke made up his mind to deal with the second generation arc reactor later so that it didn’t fall into the hands of Hydra’s SHIELD branch.

The arc reactor was currently a mass-produced product of Earth’s technology. It could be applied to various weapons and equipment on a large scale, and was more practical than some Cosmic Cube.

There was only one Cosmic Cube in the entire universe. Too many people had their eye on it. Conversely, there was an abundance of the mainstream raw materials for the arc reactor.

It was obvious which was more cost-effective.

Luke nodded. “Got it. I’ll be packing up in a few hits.”

Phil: “Huh?”

The two metal men, one big and one small, fought nonstop until they reached the top of Section 16.

Tony, that brat, was clearly at a disadvantage, and was hit everywhere by the bear-like Uncle Stane.

There wasn’t enough power for the jets and the pulse cannon, and Tony was at a disadvantage in terms of size and strength, so he could only run as he fought.

While a certain two people with “weak presence” were chatting on the side, Tony decisively asked his most trustworthy team member for help. “Pepper, are you there?”

Pepper, who had been connected all this time, instantly replied, “Yes.”

“I need you to go to the lab and overload the large reactor so that the energy overflows,” said Tony.

Pepper said, “Okay, I’m on it.”

Pepper, who had already returned to the laboratory, quickly stood in front of the large reactor and did as Tony instructed.

“Then?” asked Pepper, who had finished the preparations.

“When I tell you to, hit the red button and let it overload, and then hide far away,” Tony said as he looked at Obadiah, who was searching for him.

“There’s still 5% power remaining. We are about to drop under the minimum requirement for the armor to operate,” Jarvis warned him.

Tony took a deep breath; he knew that he couldn’t hold on any longer, and could only give it a try.

What was Batman doing? Like Obadiah, Tony had already forgotten about him.

The uncle and nephew only had eyes for each other at that moment.

Tony suddenly charged out and kicked Iron Monger in the face.

Obadiah didn’t think much of it. He had long realized that Tony couldn’t break through Iron Monger’s defense, so he simply reached out to grab him.

Tony, on the other hand, borrowed the momentum and flipped backward off of Iron Monger’s face to land on the roof of the Section 16 lab.

Obadiah rushed over and saw that the transparent roof had stopped moving. He raised the machine gun on his arm and fired at Tony, shattering the roof with bullets.

Tony hid on the other side of the transparent roof and shouted at Pepper, “Hit it.”

Pepper, however, didn’t take action. “You’re still up there.”

While dodging Obadiah’s shots, he urged, “There’s no time. This is our last chance.”

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