Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 854 - Headshot = Defeat?

Chapter 854 - Headshot = Defeat?

Chapter 854: Headshot = Defeat?

Clang! Clang! Bang! Puchi! Puchi!

Pu! Pu! Pu!

In two seconds, a series of noises rang out as Luke and Selina fought the remaining five ninjas.

Then, it was over.

Two of the three ninjas who had charged at Luke had been stabbed in the neck, and could only struggle on the ground. One of them was kicked in the face, and his face caved in.

The two ninjas who had charged at Selina didn’t react at all; they had been hit by the tranquilizers from the gun Selina was holding, and fell to the ground.

The sickle ninja stopped struggling and looked at Luke and Selina in disbelief. “Who are you?”

Luke chuckled. “Right now, I think I’m the one with more right to ask that question, Mr. Ninja.”

The sickle ninja’s eyes glittered coldly. “You’ll regret this. We’ll find you. You and your people won’t be able to escape being hunted.”

Looking at the system notification, Luke raised an eyebrow. “Is it the Hand that gives you this courage? Then I’ll wait and see.”

The Sickle Ninja was stunned and fell silent.

Since the other party knew his identity, he had nothing to say.

Luke stepped forward, and the sickle ninja stared at him.



A dagger appeared in the head of the sickle ninja.

There was an astonished look on his face as he went limp and collapsed unmoving on the ground.

Luke continued swiping at his waist.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

All the ninjas in red died instantly.

Luke’s expression, however, grew solemn.

Selina found it strange. “You...”

It was very strange for Luke to suddenly kill all the ninjas without a word.

It was rare for them to kill outright like this when they went out.

The ninjas in red were bad guys, but they could leave some alive to be interrogated. It was a waste to kill them all.

Luke raised a hand to stop her asking, and said, “Let’s go.”

A few hundred meters away, Luke installed a camera at the corner of a building and aimed it at the ninjas.

Only when he was done did Selina ask, “What happened?”

Frowning, Luke read the system notification.

System: You have defeated Shin, a Hand leader, and have received a list of his abilities.

Shin’s abilities: Basic Combat, Basic Cold Weapons, Basic Firearms... Elementary Self-Hypnosis (20 Mental Strength, 1000 Credit), Basic Hibernation (Prerequisites: Elementary Self-Hypnosis, 20 Strength, 200 Credit)

System: Defeat Shin, a Hand leader, and his ninja subordinates. Mission accomplished.

Total experience: 4,000. Total credit: 4,000. josei

Contribution rate: 70%. EXP +2,800. Credit +2,800.

Selina has defeated Shin, a Hand leader, and his ninja subordinates...

Host’s experience: 72,500 / 100,000.

Credit: 90,200

However, after stabbing the sickle ninja in the head, the system didn’t indicate a kill.

Luke had a faint thought, and stabbed all the other ninjas in the head.

Sure enough, the system indicated that they were defeated.

But according to his various abilities and monitoring equipment, the ninjas were indeed dead.

Also, these ninjas gave him a strange feeling. Except for Shin, who was a little more normal, the rest of them had lifeless expressions, like zombies.

“I don’t know, but there’s something wrong with these ninjas. You have to be more vigilant if you run into them in the future,” said Luke. “I’ll see if I can use their bodies as bait to track down their leader.”

It was truly rare for the system not to indicate a kill when the person was clearly dead.

Luke didn’t need to think to know that something was wrong.

As he spoke, he controlled another drone to follow the man in black who had jumped into the river.

Selina was also watching the feed, and asked, “This man should be the black mask, right? What’s wrong with him?”

Luke chuckled. “Don’t you find this figure familiar?”

Selina’s reactions were quicker now, and a moment later, she suddenly said, “Is he our new neighbor?”

Luke said, “It should be him. Have the drone follow him and see where he’s staying.”

Selina was uncertain. “Would he be that careless?”

When she and Luke went out, they always put safety first, and had an entire procedure for covering their tracks so that nobody could make any connections.

She didn’t think that the black mask would be that careless.

Luke shook his head. “He’s not careless. He’s just confident in his abilities. He probably doesn’t know how powerful the best drones are.”

Selina still shook her head. “But what’s with his clothes? The support system already matched his build. Is that really alright?”

Luke sighed. “His targets are mostly gang members, and he likes to hide from the police, so he should be fine for now.”

Selina said, “Should I remind him not to go out in such plain clothes?”

Luke said, “Let’s watch the situation here first. If we don’t get anything, I’ll go and meet this new neighbor. You can watch the video feed from a distance.”

Selina asked, “Why?”

Luke said, “If I’m not mistaken, his superpower is a little tricky.”

Selina was curious. “He even has a superpower – what is it?”

Luke said with a smile, “God closed one door for him, but opened... three walls.”

Selina asked, “Then isn’t he living in a greenhouse every day?”

Luke was stunned for a moment, before he nodded solemnly. “That’s why he’s full of fire, and has sworn to give back to this land he loves.”

Selina said, “But the criminals he ‘loves’ with his fists and sticks don’t seem to appreciate it.”

Luke chuckled. “It’s fine. He’ll be a lot more relaxed in the future.”

The two chatted for half an hour on the roof.

Selina suddenly alerted him: “There’s chatter on the police channel. The 15th Precinct has sent a patrol car over.”

Luke shrugged. “It seems that the Hand won’t be collecting the bodies tonight. Let’s go drop in on the new neighbor.”

Leaping down, the two of them walked for about a kilometer before they found an old building by the river.

Luke told Selina to stay outside, and climbed in through a window on the second floor.

After he entered the stairwell, he quickly changed into ordinary clothes and sprayed his body with a unique scent cleanser.

A moment later, he put on a pair of sunglasses and shared the video signal with Selina, before he went to the third floor.

Opening a door, he saw a dark figure on the floor.

“He’s unconscious.” Luke sighed helplessly. “It seems I’ll have to perform minor surgery on him first.”

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