Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 870 - The Private Investigator Who Likes Hitting People

Chapter 870 - The Private Investigator Who Likes Hitting People

Chapter 870: The Private Investigator Who Likes Hitting People

Luke smiled. “I believe you can find more clues, Haley.”

Haley looked at him and said, “That depends on whether or not Molly’s parents are willing to accept the treatment.”

In other words, it wasn’t that she wasn’t capable, but that she needed time to demonstrate her abilities.

Luke nodded and looked at Christine. “Let me know when her parents arrive. I’ll see if I can get Molly to stay here a while longer or be treated here.”

Christine nodded. “Okay.”

Everybody had some confidence in this matter.

After all, Metro General was one of the best hospitals in New York. Few hospitals in Massachusetts could compare with it.

As long as Molly’s parents weren’t strapped for cash, staying in New York was better than returning to Massachusetts.

Everybody dispersed.

No matter how pitiful Molly was, everyone had to carry on with their work. It was impossible for them to watch over her.

After they left the hospital, Luke drove home.

After fiddling with the tablet for a while, Selina suddenly said, “Got it.”

Luke asked, “Who?”

“Jessica Jones, 24 years old. She doesn’t have a criminal record. She has a private investigation firm under her name,” said Selina. “However, this lady doesn’t have a good temper. In the past two years, she’s had fifteen disputes with people in the police department. Most of them accuse her of using violence and threatening other people. There are also several complaints about trespassing.”

Luke wasn’t bothered. “It’s perfectly normal for a private detective to use violence or sneak into the target’s house. However, she certainly doesn’t have a good temper. Shouldn’t a regular private detective have more complaints against them about trespassing? If she likes beating people up so much, why hasn’t she been sued?”

“The Hogarth-Benowitz law firm took care of these minor problems for her,” said Selina. “They’re a well-known law firm in New York.”

Luke thought for a moment, then said, “Check if Miss Jones was involved in beating up people in any of the firm’s cases.”

Selina waved her hand and exclaimed, “You’re too smart. According to the database, at least three people sued clients of this law firm.”

Luke shrugged. “So, Miss Jones is both a private investigator and an investigator for this firm. She’s probably a top-notch investigator; after all, she’s good at beating people up.”

Selina didn’t care about that at all. She was good at beating people up, too, and was far more merciless than this Jessica lady. There was nothing to be envious about at all.

She simply said, “Based on this Jessica’s history, there shouldn’t be any problem with her. Molly isn’t someone the law firm is investigating.”

Luke nodded.

It was better to be prepared than to be tricked by someone with ulterior motives.

Molly’s matter wasn’t that simple. It didn’t hurt to be careful.

They drove home and then took Gold Nugget out with them to find a place to have lunch together.

After several turns, Luke drove to a Cantonese-style roast meat shop.

Looking at the shop that looked more or less the same as a year ago, he sighed.

Gold Nugget didn’t feel nostalgic at all. It was the first time it had been to New York, but it wasn’t the first time it had eaten roast meat.

It was quite fond of the greasy and sweet dish, and was already urging Luke to buy it.

Luke walked into the shop and waved at the boss. “Takeaway, please.”

The boss no longer remembered him. He asked casually, “What do you want?”

Luke said, “Give me three whole portions of everything, and double the amount of suckling pig and char siu. Pack a small portion of those in a separate bag.”

The boss was stunned. “Are you sure you want whole portions?”

Three small portions of each type wasn’t unusual, but three whole portions meant almost half of the meat in his shop.

Luke smiled. “Yes. I was here a year ago, and you gave me a roast goose head for free.”

The boss looked at him again and had a faint memory of their meeting. He smiled. “What’s this for? Treating someone to a meal?”

Luke shrugged. “More or less. No need to cut them up, just pack them for me.”

With so much meat, it would take the boss at least half an hour to cut it up.

He and Selina had hands, and Gold Nugget didn’t spit up any bones at all – it was still good not to waste time. josei

A moment later, carrying several big bags of roast meat, they went to Central Park.

The weather was still gloomy, and there were much fewer people in the park.

The three of them went back to the same corner from before for lunch.

Selina and Gold Nugget attacked the suckling pigs like crazy, while Luke enjoyed the chicken.

“Where are we going this afternoon?” Selina asked through her full mouth.

Luke said, “We’ll head over to the 15th Precinct and bring out that Louis Paul. We need to figure out how Molly appeared in his house.”

Louis Paul was the tenant of the apartment where Molly had been discovered. Luke had smacked him in the face with the door yesterday when the man had tried to attack them.

Back then, Luke had thought that Molly was Louis’s girlfriend.

Judging from Molly’s attire, however, he could only suspect that Louis had kidnapped Molly.

But Molly’s matter now faintly confirmed that Louis might be a scapegoat.

Without any concrete clues about that “he” for now, Louis would at least know how Molly had appeared in his house.

Luke didn’t regret tossing Louis to the 15th Precinct yesterday.

When a suspect was being apprehended, it wasn’t unusual for their girlfriend to also be at home at the time. Luke couldn’t do a detailed investigation every single time.

He had dealt with hundreds of such small fry in Los Angeles before.

After lunch, the three of them got back into the car.

Gold Nugget was still drooling over the remaining two bags.

Luke simply said that it was supper, so the dog cheerfully lay down for a nap.

Selina also got a bit of shut-eye.

An hour later, Luke got Louis out of the police station and threw him into the backseat.

Gold Nugget opened its sleepy eyes and shifted its special cushion away from the smelly guy in disgust.

Selina opened her eyes and examined Louis in the rearview mirror. “What’s wrong with him? You only hit him with the door yesterday, didn’t you?”

Luke said, “He bragged too much to the scumbags in the detention center, and was punched... Well, maybe it was a few punches.”

Hearing the words from the front seats, Louis lowered his head in shame.

The two officers from the 15th Precinct were too dirty, and had deliberately said out loud that he had assaulted a cop when they threw him into the detention center.

The rogues in the detention center had thought that a super ruthless person had come, and were very cautious around him.

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