Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 875 - Miss Jones, I’m Here For You

Chapter 875 - Miss Jones, I’m Here For You

Chapter 875: Miss Jones, I’m Here For You

The white patrol officer was silent for a moment before he nodded. “My apologies, Officer Cobb. This is just business. Sorry for disturbing you.” Then, the two officers got into the car and left.

Watching the patrol car disappear around the corner, Luke said casually, “The people of the 15th Precinct have quite the character.”

Walter turned around to see a normal level of surprise on Luke’s face.

He sniffed. “In the NYPD, the people from the 15th Precinct aren’t trustworthy at all. They’re just a gang with badges.”

Hearing that, Luke smiled at Walter. “Thank you for the reminder, sir.”

Walter waved his hand and got in the car. “Let’s go. We still have two more crime scenes to investigate.”

Luke and Selina followed him.

Looking at Walter’s car, Selina couldn’t help but say, “Walter really said it. We’re on Dustin’s side, after all.”

Luke said, “But neither Dustin nor Walter have ever thought of killing each other, and will even do their best to protect each other. People from the 15th Precinct? Hehe.”

Thinking about the information she had gathered recently, Selina didn’t have much to say.

As Walter said, the 15th Precinct was just a gang with badges.

But this freak organization was protected by many people on both sides for various reasons.

Even NYPD HQ couldn’t clean it up.

Five minutes after they arrived at the third location, Luke saw another police car drive by.

However, the patrol officers didn’t get out of the car this time.

Nevertheless, Luke noticed that the officer in the front passenger seat had taken out his phone.

He quickly took out his own fake phone.

Not far from the patrol car, the sound collector in Luke’s car was immediately activated and aimed at the officer who was talking.

“Blake, they’re at the third explosion site,” said the officer in the passenger seat. “Huh? Okay, we’ll keep an eye on them and let you know if anything happens...”

Luke was delighted. Selina, who was listening in on the side, had a “sure enough” expression on her face.

Looking at Walter and Ricky in the rundown factory, Luke sighed. “I really believe now that Dustin wanted me to follow them purely to keep them alive, not to help them investigate the case.”

Selina was lost for words.

Monitoring their own colleagues working a case like they were suspects – the people of the 15th Precinct were indeed bizarre.

When they arrived at the fourth location, another police car appeared nearby.

However, the police car wasn’t painted; it was just a regular-looking Ford.

Although the two detectives in the car were cautious and observed them from a distance, they didn’t escape the surveillance cameras on Luke’s car.

At the third location, Luke had checked a list of police officers from the 15th Precinct in the database. He found the officer who had reported them, and in passing searched for the surname “Blake.”

He then found a Detective Blake, along with his partner, Detective Carl Hoffman.

Blake was a 28-year-old Latin American, while his partner, Hoffman, was a 37-year-old black man.

The reason why Luke was investigating them was because there was something wrong with the way they acted and operated. It was very likely that they were Kingpin’s vanguard in the police force.

It was common knowledge in NYPD that there were no good police officers in the 15th Precinct.

The truth was that among the hundred or so police officers in the 15th Precinct, there should still be a few more capable officers.

Most of the so-called bad cops were mediocre individuals who blindly went with the flow.

These people weren’t even dedicated enough as bad cops. They were absolutely the type of idiots who could only eat sh*t.

This sort of small fry who could only run errands weren’t of much use to Luke. He had to lock onto the more “capable” police officers for a better chance at finding out more about Kingpin.

Detective Blake and Detective Hoffman, who had secretly come to monitor their HQ colleagues, were obviously capable people.

Luke decisively committed their names to memory.

After checking the fourth location, Luke followed Walter back to HQ.

In the underground parking lot, Luke told Walter and Ricky about discovering Blake and Hoffman watching them.

The two men weren’t surprised at all. They simply nodded and said that they understood.

Luke and Selina didn’t follow them inside.

After sending Walter and Ricky back to the police station, they could be considered to have finished their task. They still had a little time left over, so they had a late lunch.

As they were enjoying their lunch by the river, Luke’s phone rang.

He picked up, and Christine’s hurried and low tone rang out. “That private detective called Jessica is here again. I don’t know what she told Molly’s family, but her parents are preparing to take her home. I thought you should know about this.”

Luke said, “Thanks, Christine. I’ll be right there.”

Fifteen minutes later, when Luke and Selina arrived at the ward, Christine was talking to the private detective called Jessica. “I’m not stopping Molly from leaving, but they can wait until the two detectives come and tell them.”

“It’s useless even if they come. They don’t know what kind of danger they’re facing,” Jessica said impatiently. “They can’t protect themselves or Molly. Trust me, it’s best for Molly’s family to leave New York. It’s best that you pretend you never saw this family, so that you won’t be implicated.” josei

Luke picked up his pace. “Miss Jones, we meet again.”

When Jessica saw him and Selina, her face darkened. “Detective, Molly isn’t a criminal. She has the right to go home.”

Luke raised his hand, indicating that Christine shouldn’t argue with Jessica, before he said, “You’re right. We’re not here to detain her. In fact, I’m here for you.”

Both Jessica and Christine were stumped. “What?”

Luke said, “Molly’s matter is over. Naturally, her parents will decide where she should recuperate. We won’t force her to stay in New York just because it’s convenient for us, but...”

He paused for a moment before he continued, “Miss Jones, you’ve been in New York this whole time and have long been involved in this case. In order to find the criminal, you should be able to cooperate with us. After all, you seem to know something about Kilgrave.”

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