Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 879 - Give Me Your Number

Chapter 879 - Give Me Your Number

Chapter 879: Give Me Your Number

Luke frowned. Something wasn’t right.

But he didn’t say anything. He simply waited for Jessica to finish chanting the street names before she slowly calmed down.

However, he could sense that she wasn’t truly calm.

All kinds of intense emotions were temporarily suppressed by her mantra just now.

Luke sighed and was ready to call it a day.

He knew that there was something wrong with Jessica’s mental state, which was why he hadn’t asked her before.

He was only testing her for now, but he could already feel that Jessica was depressed, and there was a sense of irritation spreading inside her, which wasn’t a very good feeling.

After Jessica calmed down, she said, “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” She then walked back into the apartment.

Thinking about what she said, Luke felt that there was still hope.

She didn’t want to talk about it now, but they might talk about it later.

He was patient. The most important thing for a police officer was patience.

Their conversation stopped there.

Haley soon hurried over.

After talking to Luke and Richard for a while, she had Selina bring Molly into the bedroom.

Looking at the closed bedroom door, Richard asked nervously, “Luke... is this alright?”

Luke said, “We can only trust Dr. Haley; she’s the professional. However, you might need to cancel your trip home.”

Richard grew nervous. “No, I don’t blame Molly. There’s just something wrong with her mental state...”

Luke stopped her. “Richard, I don’t plan to take you back to the police station, not now and not later. What I’m saying is that it’s best if you find a place for Molly, and go home only after we’ve dealt with this.”

Relieved, Richard asked tentatively, “Where?”

Luke said, “Ask Dr. Haley later. She may have a suitable recommendation.”

Richard’s face fell. What recommendation would a psychiatrist have? Wouldn’t it be a mental hospital?

But it would be worse for his mentally ill daughter to be locked up in a detention center.

Luke stopped comforting him.

Given Molly’s current condition, it would be best if she entered a mental hospital. He couldn’t give the couple too much hope.

Molly’s treatment lasted for over an hour.

When Haley came out, the couple immediately surrounded her and asked, “Dr. Haley, how’s Molly?”

Haley looked around the room, and her gaze finally landed on Jessica. “Miss Jones, I can’t divulge the patient’s condition to you, so can you excuse us?”

Jessica, who had been sitting quietly in a corner, raised her head blankly. Haley repeated her words.

Jessica stood up silently and left the room.

Haley didn’t talk to everyone for long. She only told the couple that Molly’s condition was stable for now, but she needed to be treated at a specialist hospital immediately. That was the best choice for them and their daughter. josei

The treatment would take some time. The couple had to be prepared.

Then, after Luke asked, Haley suggested a specialist hospital: King’s Park Sanatorium.

The sanatorium was on the west side of Brooklyn, which was where Haley worked.

Haley assured the couple that Molly would undergo “normal” treatment inside, and they could visit her often.

Flustered by what happened today, Richard and his wife quickly agreed to Haley’s proposal.

Luke’s car was most suitable for escorting potentially dangerous individuals, so he would take Molly to the sanatorium.

Richard and his wife would follow behind them.

After everything was decided, everyone left.

This time, both Luke and Selina helped bring Molly’s belongings downstairs and put them in the couple’s car.

As they were leaving, Jessica suddenly ran after Luke. “Give me your number.”

As he walked with Molly, Luke gave her his business card. “I hope you won’t make me wait too long, Miss Jones.”

Jessica didn’t respond. She put the business card in her pocket and hurried away.

Haley, who was following behind Luke, observed the scene with great interest.

She certainly didn’t think Jessica was interested in Luke; it was more likely that she had something to discuss with him in private.

She was also interested in Jessica.

However, she was focused on Molly, and wasn’t in a hurry to approach Jessica.

Half an hour later, Luke observed the sanatorium by the ocean. “The environment seems pretty good, not like the ones in horror movies.”

Walking on the beach with him, Selina said casually, “You don’t watch horror movies. How do you know what they look like?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “I saw Jennifer Perry’s famous work in high school. Back then, she was known as the Scream Queen. Would you dare say that wasn’t a horror movie?”

Selina was lost for words.

That movie had contained the three classic ingredients for a horror film: nightfall, a murderer in a mask, and a hysterical, gorgeous Jennifer in wet pajamas. How could it not be a horror movie?

She could only change the subject. “How do we find that Kilgrave? From the way he gave Molly away and implanted that ‘kill others or kill yourself’ suggestion, I don’t think he cares about this abandoned toy anymore.”

Luke sighed. “Haley said that he didn’t order Molly to keep silent before because of his arrogance. Now, it seems that he just wanted Molly to silence herself.”

If he hadn’t been there, it would’ve been hard to say if one person or three people would’ve died in the elevator.

“Let’s look for surveillance cameras around Molly’s apartment later and see if we can find any clues about Kilgrave,” he said.

After chatting for a while, someone walked out of a side door of the sanatorium.

“Thank you, Haley,” said Luke.

Haley pushed up her black glasses and pressed down on her golden locks which were being messed up by the ocean breeze. “This is my case as well, right? What are you going to do?”

Luke said, “Let us know if you get any more leads from Molly on Kilgrave. We’ll focus on investigating Kilgrave’s whereabouts, and try to solve this problem as soon as possible.”

“Although I don’t want to say it, it might not do Molly’s condition any good unless she sees the man die with her own eyes.”

Luke chuckled. “I’m a detective. Guns are my specialty. You’re a doctor. Treating patients is your specialty, right?”

She was silent for a moment. “That’s true. Then, I can only hope that everything goes well for you.”

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