Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 881 - A Lawful Arrest

Chapter 881 - A Lawful Arrest

Chapter 881: A Lawful Arrest

There was nothing wrong with Dustin’s arrangements.

Everybody hanging around here was useless.

They were detectives with guns, not doctors with scalpels. They would only be wasting time here.

Dustin picked up his pace and stopped Luke and Selina, who were about to get into the car. “This is tricky. The two of you... be very careful. Don’t use too much force.”

He knew Luke’s temper very well.

He might seem methodical and very law-abiding normally, but he would never hold back in an emergency.

He wasn’t worried about those who dared to mess with Walter, but he was worried that Luke would be targeted by Kingpin’s men if he was too heavy-handed.

He was already upset about Walter’s severe injuries. He didn’t want to have to give Luke “leave” again in order to protect him.

Luke smiled. “I know where the line is, boss.”

Then, he got into the car and closed the door. He drove out after Ricky, who had left the parking lot.

Dustin smiled bitterly. Given your “line” in L.A., how can I relax?

Soon, the two cars arrived in Brooklyn.

This place was on the east side of the Brooklyn Bridge. It would take at most twenty minutes to reach HQ from here.

Several patrol cars were parked here, and the yellow tape had been put up.

The three of them flashed their badges and walked to the door.

The forensics team was already at work.

Ignoring them, Luke simply said, “Ricky, calm down. Everything has to be done according to procedure, right?”

Ricky was blank. “You...”

Luke smiled, but it was cold. “We’ll be the first ones to find the attacker. We’ll definitely give Walter an explanation.”

Ricky nodded blankly.

Luke patted him on the shoulder and gestured at the mother and daughter sitting in the open back of an SUV. “That’s Walter’s wife and daughter, right? You’re probably the most familiar with them. Go comfort them and ask them what happened at the time.”

He and Selina then entered the house.

A moment later, Luke confirmed his previous speculation that the attacker wasn’t Daredevil.

In fact, there were two attackers.

However, Walter’s wife only saw one guy with a black head covering.

Judging from the scene inside the house, there hadn’t been a fierce fight; it had been an ambush.

It was unlikely that Walter’s wife would have seen the attack happen from the living room and the kitchen.

If she had been in the hallway, however, she could’ve also wound up in the hospital. After all, she was just an ordinary middle-aged woman.

This setup also seemed deliberate.

A police officer’s family was a perfect tool for putting pressure on the police department.

The attack on Walter had to be resolved in a few days.

Otherwise, the people at the Detective Bureau and even the frontline officers would be dissatisfied with Dustin and HQ.

The person who had set this trap hadn’t done it on the spur of the moment.

Dustin and NYPD didn’t have a lot of time to solve this case.

Thankfully, Luke didn’t need much time.

He quickly searched the house with his Sharp Nose, before he summoned Selina, and gave Elsa a call.

They then went to say hello to Walter’s family, then learned the details of what happened at the time from Ricky.

Twenty minutes later, Elsa called back.

Luke immediately summoned Ricky, and they set off again.

Ricky couldn’t help but contact Luke over the comms. “Where are we going?”

Luke said, “To arrest the suspects. Control yourself when you see him later. Don’t take out your gun and kill him. It’ll look bad in the report.”

Ricky: “What?”

This time, the two cars didn’t turn on their lights or sirens. They drove for seven or eight minutes before they stopped in front of an old apartment building.

Luke got out of the car and gestured at Selina before he walked into the building.

Ricky also got out of the car and looked at Selina. “What’s he doing?”

Selina said, “Making an arrest, but the process might be a little intense. Let’s just wait here.”

Ricky: “Huh?”

A moment later, there was a bang on the third floor. It wasn’t a gunshot, but the sound of a door being knocked open.

There was loud yelling, which was then followed by a burst of screams.

The walkie-talkie in the car buzzed. “Selina, tell Ricky to call the forensics team over to check the place.”

Ricky: “Huh?”

Luke chuckled coldly. “Don’t worry. As soon as I flashed my badge, they started taking out their guns. They won’t be able to escape the charge of assaulting a police officer.”

When Ricky and Selina reached the third floor, Selina immediately stepped forward and handcuffed the person Luke was holding.

Luke handcuffed another person at the same time.

Throwing the unconscious criminal to one side, Luke walked over to Ricky. He said in a low voice, “There’s a set of black clothes inside, including a black hood. There are bloodstains on them.”

Ricky’s face darkened. “That’s them?”

Luke said, “Don’t be hasty. Get the forensics team here first. Keep an eye on them, or someone might tamper with the evidence. I’ll let Joe handle the interrogation. He’s good at dealing with criminals, right?”

Ricky gritted his teeth and nodded. “Don’t worry. Even if Joe can’t do it, John absolutely can.” josei

Luke sweated. You just want to outright kill them, don’t you? If John lost his temper, both of these criminals would end up with minor fractures.

Half an hour later, Joe looked at Luke and Selina in surprise, and at the two guys who had been dragged in. “How did you find them?”

Luke explained, “I had someone check the surveillance footage around the time of the attack. I noticed a black ’98 Ford that happened to pass by Walter’s house at the time. Using the car, I tracked these two down.”

“Really?” Joe was still suspicious.

It was a very normal method for cracking a case, but to discover clues in such a short period of time really required extreme luck.

Luke nodded. “We didn’t find a murder weapon in the apartment, but there was a black jacket and a hood with blood on them that had yet to be cleaned. I’ve already told Ricky to go to forensics and wait for the result. As long as it’s confirmed that it’s Walter’s blood, there’s no mistake. You need to find a few reliable guys to keep an eye on these two. Don’t let them die inexplicably. I don’t believe they’re the masterminds.”

Joe nodded solemnly and took out his phone. “John, come back and get to work.”

After Joe hung up, Luke said in a low voice, “Are you really going to get John to come back? It’ll be troublesome if they’re killed. It’s better to let them live for now.”

Joe looked at him blankly for a moment, and drew closer to say in a low voice, “Don’t tell me you do that often?”

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