Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 886 - Good Guy Luke’s Payment for Information

Chapter 886 - Good Guy Luke’s Payment for Information

Chapter 886: Good Guy Luke’s Payment for Information

Jessica took a big gulp of vodka and gasped for breath several times before she said, “He’s a psycho who likes to play with schoolgirls, especially those who are good at sports and have cheerful personalities.”

Luke simply nodded and didn’t press her.

She drank another mouthful of alcohol and belched. “He has to explain things verbally in order to control them, and the distance can’t be too far away. However, after being under his control for a long period of time, they’ll become like Molly. Even if he’s far away, they’ll still act according to his instructions.”

Luke remained silent.

He had already deduced this earlier from the information he got from Haley and his own understanding. At most, he just wasn’t 100% certain.

But given how cautious he was, he wouldn’t give Kilgrave a chance to control him.

Hence, Jessica’s intelligence at most was just icing on the cake.

Jessica gulped down another mouthful of wine. “You’re conscious when you’re under his control. You know what you’re doing, but you can’t resist and you’ll do things you don’t want to do. Even when he asks you to kill someone, you’ll do it...”

She lowered her head and covered her face.

Luke didn’t say anything.

Of course, with his keen ears, he could hear her sobs, but they were blocked by her hands and became muffled.

A moment later, he sighed and patted her shoulder. “Jessica, look at me.”

Unconsciously, Jessica raised her head and met his icy blue eyes.

“It’s all in the past. Kilgrave will disappear from your world. He’s nothing more than a black mark in your life,” said Luke.

His voice was gentle. josei

To Jessica’s senses, those beautiful icy blue eyes seemed to be glowing.

However, her fear of Kilgrave was too deep. She shook her head subconsciously. “No, he’s still alive. He came back for me. Molly is his message to me. He deliberately made Molly kill in front of me so that I would listen to him and return to him.”

Luke put his hands on her shoulders and said, “But I’ll catch him and send him to wherever he needs to go. No matter how strong he is, he can’t dodge a bullet from several meters away. He’s not as strong as you think, understand? Jessica, don’t let your fear control you. You have to face it, defeat it, and step on it.”

Jessica gradually calmed down.

Stunned for a moment, she suddenly grabbed his clothes and leaned forward.

Alarmed by that swiftly approaching mouth, Luke decisively turned his head and twisted his body.

His excellent close combat skills played a major role in enabling him to dodge the surprise attack. Then, he pressed down on her shoulders from behind. “Jessica, rest well. You still have work tomorrow.”

Upset, Jessica shook her head. “No, I don’t want to work tomorrow!”

Luke was lost for words. So these are your true feelings! Then what’s the point of opening this crappy agency?

He could only avoid talking about work and speak in an even and gentle voice as he continued to calm Jessica down. Ten minutes later, the woman finally fell asleep from a mix of alcohol and hypnosis.

After that, Luke wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead and murmured, “Big sis, shouldn’t you brush your teeth first if you want to give me a passionate kiss? Your whole mouth smells like alcohol. I really can’t take it.”

For a normal man, no matter how pretty a woman was, a mouth which smelled of alcohol and non-stop belching was still a turn-off.

How big of a turn-off depended on whether it was just some alcohol fumes or vomit.

As for Luke, who was a little OCD and mysophobic, he chose to give his mouth a break; no matter how beautiful Jessica was, he couldn’t let his mouth go through that torture!

He put the woman on the couch and pulled a thin blanket over her, before he walked to the door.

When he went out, he pulled the door close, but just as he was about to leave, the door stubbornly opened a crack.

After taking two steps, Luke couldn’t help but turn his head to stare at the door.

Frowning, Luke thought for a moment, then sighed. “Damn OCD! Forget it, just consider this the paymen for your info.”

Saying that, he busied himself at the doorway.

Twenty minutes later, he looked at the new door and nodded in satisfaction. “That’s much safer. I’m really a good person.”

He hung a bunch of keys on the doorknob inside, sent a message to Jessica’s phone, then turned around and left.

Behind him was a brand spanking new door.

Passing through a nearby alley, he soon found an old, empty building. Taking out a mat from his inventory, he stood on it as he put on his V equipment.

It wasn’t until he was interrupted by Jessica’s call that he realized that a five-day working week was the sanctioned law.

As a law-abiding citizen, how could he deprive Selina of her days off?

So, he gave Selina the night off.

Luke? In his previous life, he spent years working 7-11-7 (7am to 11pm, 7 days a week) as a writer.

It wasn’t a problem to turn it into 22-7 (22 hours a day, 7 days a week). After all, he was in great shape.

Thinking about the expression of a certain female detective when she woke up tomorrow and saw his “gift” for her put him in an inexplicably good mood. He was always happy to make others happy.

He looked at the time and saw that it was only 8:50pm. He took out a big piece of chocolate and popped it into his mouth to replenish the calories he had used up while doing a good deed earlier.

He wasn’t in a hurry today. He was still thinking about the female detective and the clean-up operation later.

If he did something more ruthless tonight, wouldn’t Kingpin react?

For Kingpin, losing a few gang nests was nothing.

However, the people whom Luke and Selina had been dealing with over the past few days were all key people in the drug trafficking business, in areas like management, storage and finance.

These places were destroyed, and the leaders, warehouse supervisors as well as private accountants were all dead or crippled.

It was impossible for a business to continue when a large-scale organization lost leaders who could allocate the work and adjust the schedule, the warehouses weren’t producing the goods, and the accountants who kept track of profits were lying in the hospital.

In this sort of chaotic situation, continuing with the business would only benefit internal gang members who would seize the opportunity to line their own pockets.

To fix this situation, new leaders were needed to calm the people down.

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