Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 902 - “Self-detonate”? Attack!

Chapter 902 - “Self-detonate”? Attack!

Chapter 902: “Self-detonate”? Attack!

Although they were unhappy, the criminals knew that this was Leroy’s limit.

Everyone wanted to climb the ladder and become a leader so that they could legitimately order their subordinates to die... no, resist the enemy!

When the young man heard that, he simply pulled out the pin of the grenade and crouched down to drop it into the stairwell through the gap under the railing.

But just as he crouched down and moved the grenade to the gap, a creepy smiley face in a Zorro hat suddenly emerged at the corner of the stairs.

Then, a black muzzle appeared.


The young man’s wrist was blown apart by the Colt Python, and he flew backward with the grenade.

The criminals were stunned. The broken hand fell to the ground and bounced a few times, and the grenade rolled toward them. josei

“Holy sh*t!”



A series of shouts rang out as the criminals scattered.

Leroy exploded into movement as he jumped behind a pillar.


There was a loud bang and the criminals felt dizzy.

A large cloud of dust spread near the stairs, choking them.

Downstairs, Luke said to Mindy, who was looking at him in surprise, “Done? We should be able to go up to the 29th floor.”

Both Mindy and Luke were wearing helmets that automatically filtered out the noise, so they weren’t affected even though the explosion was loud.

However, the little girl was still very surprised. “A grenade on the stairs? Are they crazy?”

If they could recklessly use explosives like grenades in the building, it wouldn’t have taken them so long to kill Frank D’Amico.

The father and daughter could’ve waited until Frank entered the building, and then blown it up.

That was the easiest way to ensure that their enemy died.

But was that revenge? No, that would be a terrorist attack, which would definitely implicate a large number of innocent people, and draw intense investigation by NYPD, the FBI, and Homeland Security.

They weren’t Kingpin, and weren’t that insane.

Frank also wouldn’t throw explosives around in his territory. That would be giving NYPD a chance to investigate him, and his territory definitely couldn’t withstand the scrutiny.

Mindy didn’t know that grenades weren’t standard for Frank’s gang.

That was just a hobby of the young man who had just come from Juarez.

The criminals upstairs were dizzy, and only one of them reacted fast enough.

Struggling against the discomfort, the fatty got up and ran upstairs.

Since the elevator was stuck on the first floor, it must have been sabotaged by the attackers.

The only way out now was... to follow the boss, D’Amico.

The helicopter on the rooftop of the building was D’Amico’s emergency exit strategy.

Rather than risk his life fighting that terrifying shooter here, Leroy felt that it would be better to hurry up and find his boss. It would be better for everyone to flee quickly.

Thus, when Luke and Mindy reached the 28th floor, the fatty had already stumbled up to the 29th floor to report to his boss that something was wrong.

On the 28th floor, the criminals who were disoriented by the “self-detonating” grenade were killed one by one by Luke and Mindy, including those who hadn’t died earlier.

The few who had hidden a little further away weren’t able to escape Mindy’s pursuit either, and were shot to death by the little girl.

Damon, who had been silent the whole time, finally couldn’t help but ask, “V, what’s going on over there? Why did I hear an explosion? We didn’t bring heavy firepower tonight, did we?”

What he wanted to ask was if Luke and his daughter weren’t afraid of NYPD coming down on them after what they had done.

Luke said, “They were the ones who threw out the grenade. I didn’t know they would carry some on them.”

Damon was stunned. “Grenade? Mindy, are you alright?”

Luke said with a smile, “It’s fine. They were rough and blew themselves up. We’re about to clean up the 29th floor. Get ready. If D’Amico runs, it’ll only be a matter of minutes.”

Damon said, “Got it.”

At that moment, more than fifty criminals in D’Amico’s gang had been killed. There shouldn’t be too many people on the 29th floor.

Luke and Mindy stopped at the foot of the stairs on the 29th floor. Luke gestured at Mindy to stop, and he dashed out for a look at the situation at the top of the stairs before he ducked around a corner again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets flew and hit the sides of the stairs.

“Seven. Three on the left and four on the right. Two UMPs and an AK rifle. The rest are pistols,” he said casually.

Mindy said, “I’ll take the left, you take the right?”

Luke said, “Okay, on my count. Three, two, one.”

On “one,” they stuck half their bodies out at the same time and fired three guns.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Six of the seven criminals were killed.

The four on the right were completely still, and two of the three on the left yelled and collapsed. One was so scared that he hid behind the corner.

Luke didn’t say anything.

Mindy snorted in frustration. “I missed one.”

She was using two guns, while Luke was only using a Colt King Cobra revolver.

Luke had hit all his four targets, while she had missed one. What a huge difference.

But she didn’t feel disappointed.

Compete with V in marksmanship? She had long given up on that idea.

Whether it was the battle between V and Bullseye, or V’s marksmanship tonight, he was at least a level higher than her. It was hard to make up for that with just guns and bullets.

In an office at the end of the corridor, Frank D’Amico’s face was dark.

The fatty, Leroy, had already said in a low voice, “Let’s go, boss. The situation is still under our control, but that might change later.”

Light glinted coldly off D’Amico’s bald head. After a brief silence, he raised his hand and pointed. “You, take them out.”

He pointed at Leroy first, then at the five men on both sides of the door.

“Huh? Me, too?” Leroy was shocked. He pointed at his nose, and his subordinates looked at each other.

D’Amico snorted. “If you’re not going, am I? Hurry up.”

Gritting his teeth, Leroy turned around and waved his hand. “You go.”

The criminals didn’t move for a moment.

Leroy raised the gun in his hand. “I said, go.”

“Nikolai, you go first,” two of the criminals immediately shouted.

Together, they pushed the criminal who was closest to the door.

The unlucky Nikolay staggered and steadied himself. Looking at his two companions who were pushing him, he said miserably, “But I... I only have one pistol. You both have two...”

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