Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 906 - Prepare For a Better Future?

Chapter 906 - Prepare For a Better Future?

Chapter 906: Prepare For a Better Future?

Luke entered the secret room and closed the door. As he walked along the wall and examined the various weapons on them, he said, “Damon, did you think about the future? Before you succeeded in your revenge tonight.”

“I...” Damon thought for a moment before he shook his head helplessly. “I really didn’t.”

“What about Mindy’s future?” Luke pressed.

Damon’s lips moved, but he couldn’t say anything. He could only shake his head.

Luke looked at the weapons on the wall and said, “You didn’t have a choice in the past. If you didn’t get revenge, you wouldn’t be able to eat and sleep peacefully. What about now?”

Damon was lost for words.

Before tonight, he had never considered how his daughter and he would live in the future.

As long as D’Amico was still alive, all his thoughts were only about revenge.

Luke turned around and said, “You’re only in your forties, and Mindy isn’t even thirteen yet. You should give yourself and her a chance to choose again.”

Damon exhaled. “Do you have any suggestions?”

Luke pointed at the drawings in his hand and said, “Like I said, you can try being a cartoonist. You don’t have to rely on this for a living, in any case, and don’t have to worry about being rejected.”

Damon hesitated. “Is that... okay?”

He couldn’t imagine himself holding a paintbrush in the future.

Luke chuckled. “Take a long vacation first. Break out of the mold you were living in before.”

Seeing Damon’s gaze fall on the weapons on the wall, he continued, “As for these things and how you use them, they’ll just be a hobby on the side, and not the only thing in your life.”

Damon subconsciously nodded at this.

He really couldn’t completely give up on the guns and weapons he had been using for decades.

“Let’s talk about Mindy now.” Luke changed the topic. “You need to reorganize your life, and so does Mindy.”

Damon scratched his head. “What do you think?”

Luke said, “Look around. What do regular twelve-year-old girls do? They study.”

Damon was stumped. “Do I have to send Mindy to... primary school?”

Luke couldn’t help but support his forehead with his hand. “Damon, Mindy is almost thirteen, and she’s very smart. Can’t she just directly enter the seventh grade?”

Primary school? What a joke! Given how mature Mindy was, she would be bored to death if she went to primary school.

This violent little girl would be bored out of her mind. It wouldn’t even be a few days before she beat up those childish primary school boys until they called her “mother.”

Damon sweated. “She should be in the sixth grade.”

Luke said, “Going to school isn’t for her to learn the content. She knows even more than college students about some things, but she can learn how to interact with ordinary people. She can’t always rely on fighting and killing to resolve problems.”

Damon nodded again, unable to argue.

Now, even if he racked his brains and came up with plans to purge crime rings, he still didn’t feel motivated.

That was because the big boss which hung over the father and daughter’s heads was already dead. Also, this bald boss definitely wouldn’t be refreshed every other day like a big boss in a game.

From now on, they didn’t have to spend money on weapons and training anymore. josei

Given their regular living expenses, they could live comfortably for a year on just three to five wads of cash.

“Think about it. When you take part in family activities in school in the future, can you say that you’re a hitman for a living?” said Luke. “At least a cartoonist is a regular profession, right?”

Damon nodded again.

At that point, Luke felt he had said enough. “There’s no rush. You can decide in a week or a month. Have a good rest and think about what’s best for the both of you.”

With that, he opened the door and walked out.

Mindy, who had changed into pink piggy pajamas, was on the couch watching TV.

Hearing the noise, she turned around and gave him a “So?” look.

Luke made an OK gesture and said as he walked out, “Right, I got a bit of a bonus tonight, and I brought it over.”

Damon didn’t think much of it, but Mindy was curious. “What is it?”

Luke unzipped the big black bag that was on the coffee table. “There was about two million dollars in the safe in D’Amico’s nest. I’ve already taken my share. One million dollars here is the fruit of your labor tonight.”

Mindy lost interest.

She didn’t hate money, but she didn’t lack it either.

Apart from buying equipment, she really didn’t need much money.

Damon waved his hand. “It was because of your help tonight that we successfully killed D’Amico. Take the money.”

Luke thought for a moment before he nodded. “Alright.”

He didn’t want the father and daughter to think that he was giving them charity. If he took this money, it would make Damon feel better at the very least.

After he was done, he rubbed Mindy’s head. “I just told your father that you’re going to have a holiday. Be prepared for a better future, Mindy.”

Mindy was curious. “Huh? What’s Dad going to do?”

Luke said, “He might become a cartoonist. How does that sound?”

Mindy: “Cool! I’ll be able to read comics firsthand in the future.”

System: Mindy McCreedy has met the requirements to join the host’s team and is now a 1-star teammate.

Luke was lost for words. Wasn’t this little girl too easy to dupe? After he just said a few words, she became a teammate?

For a moment, his feelings were complicated. He couldn’t help but rub Mindy’s head again. “It’s too late today. I’ll bring you a little gift when I have time. How does that sound?”

Mindy stretched out her pinky. “Deal.”

Luke chuckled and hooked his pinky with hers. “Deal.”

A moment later, he disappeared into the night as the father and daughter watched him leave.

Mindy said, “Dad, he really is a good person, isn’t he?”

Damon nodded. “Yes.”

Pondering for a moment, he patted Mindy’s shoulder. “Sit down. I have something to tell you.”

The father and daughter sat down on the couch in the living room. Damon had only said a few words, when Mindy shouted again, “What? You’re kidding! Go to school? What kind of better future is that? V, you liar~”

After a brief silence, Damon said, “V reminded me that you really should lead a normal life from now on.”

Mindy’s eyes widened. “I think our lives are very normal right now.”

Damon smiled bitterly. “Mindy, Frank D’Amico is dead, and other gangs will soon take over his territory. We don’t have to think about how to deal with him every day or go out and destroy his nests every now and then.”

Mindy was confused. “Then there are other bad guys. Are we not going to deal with them anymore?”

Damon shook his head. “No, but they’re not D’Amico. We can’t spend too much time on them. We’ll have a lot of free time in the future, so V suggested that you go to school.”

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