Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 926 - Treat and Enjoying Nature

Chapter 926 - Treat and Enjoying Nature

Chapter 926: Treat and Enjoying Nature

The man’s mental condition and the smell on him clearly indicated that he had just taken drugs.

Luke had seen a lot of scumbags and dirty cops, but it was rare to see a scumbag like this one.

Big Nick and his men from the Los Angeles County Police could be considered good people compared with this guy.

At the very least, Big Nick and the others didn’t take drugs, much less kill four- or five-year-olds.

Taking drugs on a case and killing people – it would be strange if this person wasn’t a psycho. josei

Walking out the door, Luke’s gaze paused for a moment on the door of apartment 6D on the right. He said something to the patrol officer before he went up the stairs to the rooftop.

A moment later, he came down and drove off.

When he returned to Shake Shack, he saw the two girls standing there with two big paper bags each.

Looking at the time, Luke slapped his forehead.

Forty minutes had passed, and he had missed the meeting time.

He got out of the car and quickly walked over. Nikki and Monica saw him too. They wanted to wave, but realized that they couldn’t.

Luke approached them and apologized. “I’m sorry I’m late. Sorry for the trouble.”

Nikki simply asked, “You done with your thing?”

Luke nodded. “For now. Oh, right, give those to me.”

Saying that, he took the two bags of food from Nikki.

Monica curled her lip. “Shouldn’t you take one bag from each of us?”

Luke said with a smile, “Didn’t you say that you’re good at sports? You’re good at running, swimming, wrestling, and basketball. You should take a few more bags.”

Monica rolled her eyes at him angrily. “But it should be fair, right? I support gender equality.”

Luke shrugged. “So, if you’re strong, you should do more. If I had three hands, I would definitely help get one of your bags.”

Monica said, “...You’re only saying that because you don’t have a third hand, right?”

Luke chuckled and opened the car door. He quickly put the bags of food inside and then took the bags from Monica.

At that moment, he suddenly noticed something unusual. “Where’s... your lunch?”

Nikki and Monica subconsciously looked at their empty hands and came back to their senses.

“Crap, I forgot.”

“We only bought yours.”

Luke smiled and held open the back door. “It seems I have to treat you. Ladies, please get in.”

In less than ten minutes, Monica was sitting on a mat in the park and eating a mushroom cheeseburger. Her voice was muffled as she said, “You’re really good at talking. You make eating fast food on the grass in the park sound even better than a three-star Michelin restaurant.”

Eating a beef burger, Luke said with a smile, “When I was in Los Angeles, I never thought that sunlight was precious. Sometimes, I even complained that it was too bright. Now that I’m in New York, I feel that it’s worth giving up man-made buildings to enjoy nature’s beautiful scenery.”

Nikki was curious. “You’re from Los Angeles. Did you just come here? For college?”

Luke said, “I grew up in Texas. I’m here for work. If I don’t work, I might have to become a cowboy in my hometown.”

Neither Nikki nor Monica believed him.

Luke didn’t sound like a cowboy at all.

The three of them chatted and ate lunch.

After lunch, Luke asked the girls what their plans were.

It was the weekend, and they were out doing window-shopping. They didn’t have to hurry to any other destination, so Luke didn’t have to drive them anywhere.

They said goodbye.

After Luke drove off, Monica turned around and left with Nikki. “Let’s go. We said we would go shopping. I haven’t seen the underwear I need yet.”

While she was being dragged away, Nikki looked back reluctantly. “It looks like he doesn’t have any feelings for me.”

Monica smiled when she heard that. “Didn’t you get his number?”

Nikki said, “You got it too! But he doesn’t act like those guys who chase us. When I asked him when he would be free to come out and play, he actually said that he’s very busy and has to work overtime even at night. At his age, why would he need to work overtime every night? He’s not a nerd. Isn’t that a rejection?”

Monica rolled her eyes. “Forget it! I’m sure that he has absolutely no intention of pursuing me, because I’m not the type he likes. But you still have a good chance. At least, he wasn’t rejecting you when he said that.”

Hearing that, Nikki was curious and grabbed Monica’s arm. “How do you know?”

Monica said, “Because I suspect he’s from a rich family.”

Nikki was stunned. “Huh?”

Monica said, “I’m not familiar with his SUV model, but can an ordinary student afford that? Secondly, he’s using a Titanium phone. It’s a style that hasn’t even been released on the official website. It’s very likely that he ordered it directly from the factory. I can’t tell what brand his clothes are, but the workmanship and material are very good. They might be custom-made. The sunglasses are a new model which Gucci released in the first half of the year. They’re worth more than a thousand dollars.”

Saying that, she looked at Nikki with a faint smile. “Would someone like that work as a delivery driver? He might be learning to run the business from home.”

Nikki was surprised. “Why didn’t I notice anything? How are you so observant?”

Monica pinched Nikki hard, causing her best friend to cover her back in pain. “What are you doing?”

Monica said, “You still have the cheek to say that. When you were eating just now, your eyes didn’t leave that handsome face. Could you see anything else? You also kept talking over me. I was almost bored to death. What else could I do?”

Nikki was lost for words, but she came back to her senses. She immediately retorted, “You looked at his car, phone and clothes, and you have the cheek to criticize me? I didn’t even pay that much attention, you cheap person!”

“Ah, pot calling the kettle black! You want to get beat up again, right?” Monica was furious.

The two girls laughed and bickered on the street, and for a moment, they threw Luke, the instigator, aside.


After Luke got into the car, the smile on his face quickly disappeared.

If it wasn’t for that light-hearted conversation with the two cheerful girls suppressing his mood, he really felt like going out immediately to kill those dirty DEA agents, especially the leader.

“Pull up the information on Norman Stansfield,” he said.

The system swiftly displayed a profile on the control panel.

“Read out his work history. Check the number of complaints he’s received and the reasons for them,” he continued.

The car system immediately started reading out Norman Stansfield’s profile in a gentle female voice.

This Norman was the middle-aged man in the beige suit who had been at the crime scene. He was also the leader of the DEA team.

Listening to the man’s history, Luke sneered.

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