Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 946 - The RiChapter Man Courting Death

Chapter 946 - The RiChapter Man Courting Death

Chapter 946: The Rich Man Courting Death

Wade was conflicted.

His brain was desperately telling him that this commission was courting death. He absolutely couldn’t accept it.

But his heart was already on the box of green bills.

This was a big business deal worth five million.

He had only received two 7-figure requests in his life, and that old man Weyland had only given him a million dollars. It was nothing compared with five million dollars.

“We don’t have much time, young man,” Luke casually reminded him.

Wade was well aware.

He knew Vanessa’s habits very well. She would be out in a minute or two at most.

“Done.” He gritted his teeth and pointed at the cash box next to Luke. “Now, let me look at them again. It’ll warm my cold heart.”

Luke, however, shook his head. “You can look later. Now, I’m going to tell you the important parts of the mission.”

Saying that, he opened another big box on his right.

Wade looked at the items inside. “Is this what you wear?”

Luke said, “More or less. You should start wearing it tonight. I left you everything you need to know.”

As he spoke, he closed the box again. “Don’t just count the money tonight. You’ll only get the other 2.5 million after you complete this mission. Also, I’m only lending you this set of equipment at the last minute. You have to bring it back with you after everything’s done, understand?”

It would be a shame if an idiot like you died!

Wade wasn’t in the mood to talk to him. He simply nodded. “Got it, got it. You talk too much.”

Luke chuckled and looked at the bathroom. “If I were you, I would think about how to survive first. If you die tomorrow night, this beauty will belong to another man.

“Good luck, young man!” With that, he jumped off the balcony again.

At that moment, the bathroom door creaked.

As Vanessa wiped her hair, she said, “Did you find the things...?” Her eyes fell on the two big black boxes in front of Wade.

“What’s this? Where did they come from?” she asked suspiciously.

Wade’s lips moved, and he subconsciously looked at the balcony door that was closed again. “That, that... is the Christmas surprise I prepared.”

Vanessa found that odd. “It’s already night. There’s a delivery company that’s still working?”

Wade laughed. “Private, private delivery.”

Vanessa didn’t really care about the delivery service. She stopped asking and looked at the two boxes with interest. “Can you open them?”

Wade shook his head vigorously.

What a joke! One of them was a mountain of cash, and the other was V’s exclusive equipment.

If Vanessa saw them, she might not be pleasantly surprised, but she would definitely be shocked.

More importantly, how could he explain the origins of these two items?

“I told you, it’s a Christmas surprise!” The smart guy quickly came up with an excuse. “Of course we have to wait until Christmas to reveal the mystery.”

Vanessa thought for a moment and realized that it made sense. She stopped caring about the boxes and looked at him. “Where are the things you were looking for? You don’t want to act out the case?”

Wade then remembered what he was looking for and slapped his forehead. “Damn it, there’s no more of the maple syrup I like most; there’s only ketchup.”

Vanessa stepped forward with a smile. “It should be fine, right?”

Wade said, “You’re my sweetheart. Something as sour as ketchup doesn’t suit you.” josei

Vanessa asked, “Then, do you want to go out and buy maple syrup?”

Wade decisively turned lazy. “I suddenly feel that your sweetness can overwhelm all sourness.”

Vanessa asked, “Then what are you waiting for?”

Wade said, “As you wish, Miss Victim, let’s start the reenactment of the case!”

Outside the window, it was drizzling in the winter night.

Inside the house, the two people who were busy playing detective no longer paid attention to the two big boxes.


At nine in the morning the next day, a phone rang in the quiet room for a while before stopping.

But a moment later, it rang again.

In a daze, Wade searched the floor next to the bed and took out his phone from the pile of clothes. “Hey, baby, did you forget your key again?”

Vanessa’s voice came through the receiver. “I’m at the supermarket. Didn’t you tell me last night to call you at nine? You said you had something to do today.”

Wade: “Thanks, I got it. Bye.”

Vanessa shook her head.

She knew that Wade wasn’t fully awake, but she would call him again in half an hour. He was exhausted from the case roleplay last night.

Thinking that, she continued picking out ingredients at the supermarket.

In the apartment, Wade’s phone slipped out of his hand and fell silent again.

Half an hour later, his phone suddenly rang, and he sat up.

Looking around blankly, Wade picked up the phone. “Baby, you forgot your key again? Do you want me to open the door for you?”

Vanessa rolled her eyes. “I woke you up half an hour ago. Did you forget that you have something to do today?”

Wade was still at a loss. “Huh? What thing?”

He suddenly jerked. “Oh no, I was too focused on the case last night that I forgot about it.”

Vanessa cursed him and hung up.

She was done with the wake-up call and didn’t care what this guy was up to.

Wade scrambled to his feet and looked around the room. “Where are the boxes? Where’s my money?”

A black dot suddenly flashed in the corner of his eye.

Wade quickly ran over and saw two big black boxes in the corner of the room.

Vanessa had moved them after she woke up in the morning. Otherwise, they were eyesores in the middle of the room.

Wade picked up the two boxes and couldn’t help but open the big box which contained the money.

The box which contained the money was a lot bigger. The difference was obvious.

He opened the box, and the neat rows of green bills appeared before him again.

Wade picked up a handful and put it in front of his face. “Ah, what bliss.”

He chuckled as he looked at the money, before he poured all of it out and lay down on the pile of cash in satisfaction.

“Finally, finally...” Wade murmured. “I’m a rich man now!”

Half an hour later, he finally woke up from the smell of money and focused on the other box.

Wade searched the box for a moment before he cursed. “What the hell is this box? How do I open it?”

At that moment, his hand touched the metal panel next to the handle, and a gentle female voice rang out. “Do you want to open the secret box?”

Wade was stunned. “Just open it. Why are you talking rubbish? This stupid box.”

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