Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 966 - Scalper? Slipping Away

Chapter 966 - Scalper? Slipping Away

Chapter 966: Scalper? Slipping Away

The glance almost made Aurora lose her temper again, but her husband, Jeffrey, pulled hard on her hand from behind.

She instantly came back to her senses.

In any case, their daughter was willing to go home, which was at least an improvement.

They could take things slow in the future.

Seeing that they had basically reached a compromise, Luke smiled. “Well, by the way, do you need me to provide a third-party psychiatrist? She’s pretty good.”

The family of three turned their heads in unison. Are you a police officer or a hospital “scalper”?

The family expressed their doubts about Luke’s profession for the first time, but Lindsay only hesitated for a moment before she agreed to let him introduce a doctor. She also requested that the doctor come to the police station immediately to give Monroe a preliminary diagnosis.

For some reason, she trusted this calm detective.

Also, Luke seemed to have inadvertently reminded her of something.

If an official record of their agreement was left here at the police station, some of her parents’ tricks wouldn’t be as useful.

Lindsay wasn’t stupid. It was precisely because she was too smart that her parents took her so seriously. josei

She didn’t feel that Luke was acting like someone her parents had arranged. Although she didn’t have direct evidence, she was somehow sure.

Naturally, the psychiatrist recommended by Luke would be more reliable than whomever she looked for later.

She knew all too well how capable her parents were in New York. If things went wrong, they might be able to replace the doctor with one of theirs, which would be bad for Monroe.

In less than half an hour, there was the sound of high heels coming over swiftly, before they stopped in front of the door. The door opened, and a blonde woman with black-rimmed glasses appeared.

The family was stunned.

Surprised, Lindsay opened her mouth to say something, but abruptly clammed up as joy flashed in her eyes.

The blonde woman’s gaze swept over everyone before she nodded at Luke. “Hello, Detective Coulson. Who is the patient?”

“Hello, Dr. Haley.” Luke smiled and gestured at Monroe. “That’s him. But you need to discuss with these three how to carry out the consultation. They have some special requests.”

With that, he gave Beckett a look before they left discreetly.

After they went out and closed the door, Luke said to Beckett in a low voice, “When Monroe is being examined, you can talk to Lindsay about your case first. I think there’s still a chance that she’ll cooperate. Don’t get your hopes up about Monroe. He’s really in a bad mental state.”

Beckett nodded and couldn’t help but ask curiously, “You studied psychology in college?”

Luke looked at her strangely and said, “I studied a little on my own; I never had the chance to study it in college.”

Beckett nodded and said, “Thanks, Luke. You can look for me if you need anything in the future.”

This was a small favor she owed him.

The colleagues in the police department were all close or distant to varying degrees.

Without these favors, there were many things other people wouldn’t agree to help with.

For example, when Luke asked John and Joe for help a few days ago, Luke would have to help them out the next time they asked.

However, everyone was clear on the “grade” of these favors. For example, Beckett’s favor was much smaller than John’s.

That was because John had done Luke a personal favor, while this was just a small work favor.

Also, when she had asked Luke the question earlier, he realized that this lady was still too green.

At the very least, she wasn’t too familiar with Walter → John → Joe. Otherwise, how could she not know that Luke hadn’t gone to college?

She hadn’t paid enough attention to the ins and outs of the police department, or it would’ve been easy for her to find out that Luke was only nineteen.

But that wasn’t a bad thing.

A person who focused on work and didn’t care about office gossip might not get a promotion or a raise that easily, but they were much more comfortable to be around than those part-time “underground spies.”

Luke went to Dustin’s office and told him that everything was under control.

Dustin was suspicious. “Are you sure?” If it was that easy to deal with, why would this family be famous even in NYPD?

Luke said, “If we’re lucky, the situation really will stop here. If we’re unlucky... we’ll probably get a break for a week or two.”

The whole of NYPD didn’t care how big the family drama was, as long as the family kept it at home.

Most of the family disputes which Luke dealt with as a detective were either serious or fatal. He had never dealt with such purely emotional disputes.

A certain lonely and unmarried middle-aged man was even more impatient than Luke when it came to dealing with the rich.

Worried, Dustin asked, “What if they cut their donation?”

Pondering for two seconds, Luke replied, “Even if they do, that might not necessarily be on my head.”

Lost for words, Dustin raised a finger. “Get lost.”

He realized that he had asked a silly question.

It was possible that might happen, but the police department had already had to deal with this troublesome family seven or eight times.

Even if they didn’t receive a big donation from the Soderbergs next year, nobody could be sure what had offended them.

This wasn’t ancient times, and the bigshots couldn’t hold anyone accountable over some groundless accusations.

Innocent until proven guilty – this was the same in America.

On his way out, Luke looked in the direction of the interrogation room. Only Javier was at the door, which meant that Beckett had gotten something.

After solving the family’s problem with unexpected efficiency, he no longer hung around the police department.

After sending a text message he waited for another ten minutes before he got up and left.

Outside the entrance, he found a cab and got in. The driver smiled. “Are you in a hurry today?”

Luke paid the fare. “Of course... I’m not in a hurry. Please keep your ‘plane’ to the minimum speed. It’s snowing today.”

“My car can switch to snow mode at any time.” Bell, who was in the driver’s seat, nodded regretfully. “When I saw your message, I thought it was a chance to chase after a suspect like last time.”

Luke said helplessly, “You basically only get that in movies, right? Most of the time, the police drive themselves.”

Bell thought about it.

The last time Luke hired her car to chase someone, he had been a LAPD detective.

It was indeed hard for a LAPD detective in New York to chase someone without a car.

Even though it was snowing and the ground was slippery, it only took Bell ten minutes to reach Clinton.

Luke waved goodbye to Bell and entered the Nelson and Murdock law firm.

It was snowing today, but there were a lot of people in the law firm. Most of them looked happy.

Luke knew why.

The reconstruction plan had already been set in motion, and the first batch of renovation teams had officially begun to repair the houses of many families.

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