Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 968 - I Know This Is a Little Over the Top, But…

Chapter 968 - I Know This Is a Little Over the Top, But…

Chapter 968: I Know This Is a Little Over the Top, But...

The people who left might not necessarily be criminals, but they undoubtedly had reasons for not wanting to be on TV.

They couldn’t do anything, and it had been tacitly agreed that the area around the law firm was a “peaceful zone.”

If these people wanted to get help from the law firm, or if they needed help in the future, or even if it was their relatives or friends who needed help, they had to abide by this unspoken rule.

They could only leave first and wait for the troublesome reporter to leave.

Hearing the sound of an interview being conducted in the lawyer’s office, Luke shook his head with a smile and turned to leave.

Suddenly, someone popped out of the room.

His movements weren’t hurried, but he was quick. He immediately closed the door.

Luke was amused. “Matt, it’s good to be on TV. Why are you running away?”

Matt nodded at him with a bitter smile, and at a gesture, they left the office and hid out by a window around the corner at the end of the corridor.

“You know, some people are more interested in how I’m different. They seem to think that blind people have to work harder and have it harder... and need more sympathy,” said Matt helplessly.

Luke chuckled. “That’s true. You’re living a good life, and you don’t need anyone to sympathize with you. But some sympathy is better than none.”

Matt nodded. “So I’ll just hide and let Foggy deal with it.”

Luke clicked his tongue. “I know saying this might be a little over the top, but I still have to say it: Matt, if your face appears on TV, it won’t be a problem for the firm’s business to increase by 50%. Of course, most of your clients would be women who love beauty.”

Matt wasn’t angry. “I know saying this might be a little over the top, but I still have to tell you: The number of girls who have confessed to me since I was young has already proven that. I can’t do anything about it.”

Luke: “...Has Foggy ever wanted to hit you? Especially your face.”

Matt chuckled. “He’s said so many times, but he’s never really done it.”

Luke said, “It’s the same with me.”

Matt was a handsome man. Even being blind couldn’t change that.

Luke, on the other hand, was a man who was getting more and more handsome. He didn’t feel envious or jealous of such a handsome man.

What Matt said just now would hurt a lot of single people, but it didn’t affect Luke at all.

After some idle chatter, they returned to the topic of the community reconstruction program.

The news interview was indeed unexpected, but it wasn’t a bad thing.

Something like a tall tree attracting the wind wouldn’t happen in a community reconstruction program.

Firstly, it didn’t have a lot of money, and secondly, it was rooted in the activity of a large number of people. Thirdly, gang members with crooked thoughts would definitely suffer.

Luke had already examined Matt as they spoke.

In just a few days, the wound on Lawyer Matt’s leg had already scabbed over. He would definitely be able to fight in a week.

His physique was as abnormal as ever.

If anyone wanted to cause trouble, Lawyer Matt would put on his hood and mete out a beating.

And if Lawyer Matt couldn’t do it, Luke would.

They had already eaten the big fish, and the small fry had become appetizers. Selina could now fulfill her craving to be the “terminator.” It was fine as long as she didn’t wear the second generation Beast Armor.

After confirming that Matt had recovered, Luke didn’t waste any more time and took his leave.

It had to be said that the community reconstruction project was going well thanks to Luke leaving it to Foggy and Matt.

Other lawyers focused on making money, but these two were special.

Matt really didn’t care about money. All he wanted was to protect the area and its people.

Foggy’s ambition was related to money, but not directly; his dream was to expand the firm.

Generally speaking, if a law firm wanted to expand, it had to make money.

But his ultimate goal wasn’t to make money.

Compared with many lawyers who took up this profession with the sole aim of making money, these two were willing to do more than that.

For example, when it came to the community reconstruction program, other law firms would immediately consider how much money they could make.

Or how much they could make from increasing their fame.

Foggy and Matt, on the other hand, had practically no such thoughts. They were old residents of the Clinton area, and had complicated and profound feelings about this “Hell’s Kitchen.”

They were willing to work hard to make it a better place.

Luke said goodbye to Matt and went downstairs to look at the news van. He then raised his head and looked at the third floor, before he walked to his house diagonally across the street with a smile.

He hadn’t been back in days, but the house was still tidy.

With the sweeper and ventilation equipment, the floor wasn’t covered in dust and it wasn’t stuffy.

Luke took two tablets into the kitchen and had Little Snail look for the “Trish” news program. He spent five minutes preparing lunch before he leisurely started preparing dinner.

Most of the ingredients which Selina had bought were the main ingredients, and he could make things like dessert and pastries in advance.

He had dealt with the family in less than two hours. It was only noon, and he had plenty of time to finish what he needed to do for the party.

In fact, there weren’t many things that he needed to do himself. josei

As the smart kitchenware was constantly upgraded, Luke was usually only responsible for verifying the results of the various steps before moving on to the next one.

For example, when it came to making buns, he could use a preset mode or key in a scheduled time.

Naturally, the preset mode was for Selina and Gold Nugget, and Luke was the one who used the schedule option.

With Little Snail projecting a video simulation, even Selina and the dog head could follow along and make a lot of desserts.

However, they were traditional Americans when it came to cooking.

For example, most people would try to stuff enough fast food into the fridge. The slightly better stuff was sandwiches with ham and lettuce. This was what most people called “cooking.”

Rather than make food which involved ten or twenty steps, they might as well buy ready-made meals.

But when Luke cooked now, it involved 80% less work.

Most of the time, he was more like the quality inspector than the cook.

Sitting on a special kitchen bar stool, the tablet on his left was showing the local news program, “Trish Talk,” which he had just discovered, while the tablet on his right was showing all sorts of information which Little Snail had found online.

Luke had a lot of time today. He put together the semi-done ingredients produced by the smart kitchenware and placed them in the fridge. The base for the tiramisu was basically done.

Elsa was fond of caffeine and sweet food, and this would certainly suit her best.

If she liked it, she could take a box home after the party.

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