Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 984 - Visit and Gift?

Chapter 984 - Visit and Gift?

Chapter 984: Visit and Gift?

Mindy sighed and said, like a little adult, “A man can live until he’s sixty and still be a child.”

Luke was speechless. josei

He couldn’t refute this principle.

Selina walked out at that moment. “Luke, this is...”

Luke said, “Mindy McCreedy. The first time I came to New York, we ran into hijackers. She, her father and I subdued the hijackers.”

Selina instantly looked at Mindy. She had heard Luke mention the father and daughter before.

Sure enough, the little girl was very beautiful and cute.

That was perfectly normal.

Luke had always been someone who looked at appearances.

Few people who were close to him were ugly, especially the women.

“Are you Luke’s girlfriend?” Mindy asked curiously.

Selina smiled. “We’re good friends.”

Mindy blinked again and stopped asking.

She wasn’t an ordinary twelve-year-old girl. She knew all the basic etiquette, though she didn’t usually use it.

Luke thought for a moment before he suddenly said, “I haven’t seen your father since last time. Can we drop by for a visit today?”

Stumped, Mindy thought for a moment. “I’ll ask Dad. I don’t know when he’ll be back.”

She ran to the side and took out her phone to make a call.

Looking at the pink Titanium phone, Selina smiled at Luke. “This phone cover is quite unique.”

Luke gave her a knowing look.

Selina didn’t say anything else.

This colorful phone cover hadn’t been released yet.

It would only be next year at the very least that Titanium phones would launch these sorts of accessories after other low- to mid-range products appeared.

By releasing them every once in a while, Titanium phones would come across as more novel compared with other phones.

This way, the Titanium phone would maintain its “top brand” status for a long time, and would earn even more money. It was the classic example of a small investment generating large profits at no cost.

The reason Mindy was able to enjoy this treatment so early was clearly because of Luke’s V persona.

Selina knew that, but she wasn’t jealous.

Her phone was one-of-a-kind, personally custom-made by Luke, and the phone cover was much more exquisite.

She couldn’t help but observe the little girl carefully.

Someone who could make Luke show favoritism, even if she was a little girl, couldn’t be ordinary.

She had a petite oval face, and her eyes weren’t particularly big, but they were narrow and slanted, like those of a fox.

She had a high nose bridge and thin lips. Coupled with her bright chestnut-colored eyes, she was clearly a bright girl.

She was wearing a pink Peppa hat and pink woolen mittens, and had the air of a little adult. She was indeed extraordinary.

Selina wouldn’t think that Luke had taken a fancy to Mindy.

While Luke looked like someone who didn’t care much for rules on the outside, he had a bottom line.

As far as Selina knew, there had been more than one or two 16-year-old girls who had given Luke their phone numbers.

He had casually thrown these away, and never crossed the line.

Also, she knew that this guy actually preferred more mature women, particularly those with more outstanding feminine traits.

Mindy, who was short and had a flat chest, had to wait until she was at least eighteen, and for her figure to develop.

Just appearance alone wasn’t enough for a certain someone who was fussy about aesthetics.

Mindy wasn’t on the phone for long before she hung up. “Dad’s happy to have you over, but we don’t have any ingredients at home. I need to buy some first.”

Luke looked around. “You’re not walking, are you?”

Mindy said, “There’s a Chinese supermarket 200 meters away. It’s very close.”

Luke shook his head with a smile. “Let’s go. We should also bring some gifts with us.”

A moment later, they went to the supermarket together.

Twenty minutes later, everybody returned to Mindy’s house.

Taking out a bunch of things from the car, Mindy took a big paper bag from Luke and struggled to pull out a pink beanie from between the celery and the carrots. “Hey, what guest brings ingredients as gifts when they’re visiting?”

Luke spread his hands and picked up four bags of ingredients from the backseat. “Then what gifts do other people give you?”

Thinking for a moment, Mindy had nothing to say.

In all these years, it seemed that the only friend she and her father had who had ever brought a gift on a visit — was V.

But could she talk about V’s gift? No.

So, she couldn’t retort, and could only mumble as she walked, “But I don’t know how to make these dishes. I only know how to make sandwiches, salad, and fried egg.”

She reached the door and scanned her fingerprint before saying, “Open sesame.”

Luke chuckled. “Wow, high-tech. It’s voice-activated.”

Mindy asked, “Isn’t that common?”

Luke said, “There probably isn’t anyone around my place who uses voice activation. It’s too expensive.”

Mindy said, “...You make it sound like you live in the slums.”

Luke said, “They really don’t have much money.”

After they entered, the door automatically closed.

Following Mindy, the three of them entered the kitchen and put the bags of ingredients on the counter.

Mindy went to the fridge and opened it. “What do you want? Coke, juice, milk?”

Seeing the familiar packaging in the fridge, Selina decisively said, “We want Dr. Pepper.”

Mindy looked at Luke. Seeing that he didn’t object, she took out three cans from the fridge and came back.

As she gave them the drinks, she looked at the bags of ingredients and said worriedly, “Your ‘gifts’ are too much. I don’t think my father knows how to use most of them.”

Luke smiled. “I do.”

Mindy’s eyes widened. “You?” She couldn’t help but look at Selina again.

Selina said calmly, “I only know how to eat. I can’t cook.”

Mindy only thought for two seconds before she decisively bowed to the bigshot. “Then I’ll leave it to you. Thank you. I’m going to go and watch cartoons first. Can I get Gold Nugget to come with me?”

Luke said, “You can ask it for its opinion.”

Gold Nugget’s interest in cartoons was second only to TV shows, so it probably wouldn’t refuse.

Mindy nodded happily. “That’s great. Thank you, Luke.”

She bolted out of the kitchen like a colt and didn’t forget to call out, “Gold Nugget, Gold Nugget, come and watch cartoons. Sit here.”

Gold Nugget glanced at Selina, who wasn’t far away. Seeing Selina nod slightly, Gold Nugget lay down next to the little girl to watch cartoons.

The sound from the TV in the living room rang out, and Luke heard a familiar opening track.

He shrugged. “The Simpsons. I haven’t seen that in a long time.”

Selina waved at him, as if to say “take your time,” and then slipped out to watch TV.

She was also a fan of cartoons, and wouldn’t miss the Simpsons. She didn’t mind watching repeats.

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