Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1623 - You?

Chapter 1623 - You?

Chapter 1623: You?


Luke leapt high into the air with his cape fluttering around him and the machine gun in his hand. He looked down from above and fired.

The horned demon, on the other hand, was lying on the ground as it raised its hands to block the bullets.

It had made a majestic appearance like a god a moment ago, but was now like a little brother being pressed to the ground and beaten up.

As Luke had guessed, it took a lot of effort to change the laws of physics in this half-real world.

Most bullets couldn’t break through the horned demon’s defenses.

Thus, when Luke’s Gatling guns and revolvers hadn’t had any effect, the horned demon took these mosquito-like attacks calmly and started to cast its spell.

Even when Luke took out an electromagnetic pulse sniper rifle, which looked similar to a Gatling gun, it didn’t bother to take note.

And so, it was hit.

When Luke went up against a strong enemy, he would test the waters first. As long as he found a weakness, he would deal a tremendous amount of damage.

He had gone all in even when throwing credit points at Mephisto.

The guy in front of him actually dared to cast a spell right in front of his face. It would be a shame if Luke didn’t take advantage of the opportunity.

The horned demon reacted two seconds later.

Its huge body suddenly sank into the ground, and only a roar echoed throughout the town. “Sinner, you’ll be tortured by the evil spirits. The people you killed will return from Hell. They’ll bring your soul to me, and you’ll beg me for mercy.”

With that, it started chanting.

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Luke listened carefully and realized that it was just an ordinary spell to summon an evil spirit.

Someone without mental resistance would indeed be helpless against an attack like this, like most people in the Bat Squad would be.

However, this attack was next to nothing for Luke.

Nevertheless, he didn’t get careless, and covered his entire body with Telekinesis.

This spell could summon evil spirits. He didn’t know yet if it would be a physical or magical attack.

He wasn’t interested in being hit with an attack for nothing.

Of course, Luke wasn’t scared of magic at all.

In any case, it was just a clone. If the other party could kill his clone, then… he could summon another one.

20 seconds later, Luke realized that something wasn’t right.

Given the horned demon’s strength, this summoning spell could definitely be done in one go, but it actually started to recite it a second time.

Most people wouldn’t know what it was saying, but Luke did.

Thinking quickly, he threw out a bunch of bombs from his inventory.

There was a timer on these things.

If he didn’t give a cancel order in ten minutes, they would explode automatically.

At that time, no matter what spell the other party used, it would be hit in the face first.

The horned demon didn’t make Luke wait too long.

Two minutes later, Luke had a strange sensation, as if something was coming out of his body.

It didn’t belong to him, but came from some unknown plane that was nevertheless firmly attached to his consciousness.

“Sinner, look behind you. That is payback for your sins. Repent!” At some point, the horned demon had appeared behind Luke.

However, it appeared at least 500 meters away from Luke this time, clearly to avoid being ambushed again.

The difference was that the horned demon had now grown to a height of 18 meters.

It was just that this gigantic body clearly wasn’t real, and looked more like a 3D projection.

While there was still anger on Goathead’s face at that moment,”” there was more of a sneer, as if it was enjoying a show.

It didn’t tell Luke that once the evil thoughts gathered together, they would turn into evil spirits that would attack Luke.

Only then would Goathead control the evil spirits and turn Luke into one of them.

At that time, it would probably obtain some premium evil spirits.

The only exception was Luke’s soul.

Although it was humiliating for an awe-inspiring demon to have its head almost blown up by a human, this also proved that the other party wasn’t an ordinary person.

This person’s soul might pique even Lord Baphomet’s interest.

If that was the case, enduring the humiliation and hiding underground to quietly complete the summoning spell wouldn’t have been in vain.

It was also because this town’s space was extremely special; it had taken the horned demon a lot of effort to create this place, which could significantly increase the effects of the spell.

Full of anticipation, it stared at the black strands that kept appearing on Luke.

These black strands weren’t solid, but they weren’t wispy either. Each strand was black and shiny – at a glance, they looked a little like something out of a shampoo commercial.

The horned demon was pleasantly surprised. “He actually killed so many evil people?”

Usually, the more people the other party killed, the better the final effect.

After all, people who had killed so much usually had countless evil thoughts gathered around them.

These people were either the worst of the worst or the best of the best.

However, the horned demon didn’t think the latter option was likely.

That sort of existence would have long become a saint of God. How could it still exist in the mortal world?

A moment later, the horned demon’s expression changed from surprise to shock and then to terror.

The black strands that flowed out of Luke’s body turned from dozens to hundreds, and then thousands to tens of thousands.

By then, the horned demon could no longer care how many there were.

The black strands rose up at the same time and tangled together as they continued to climb upward.

As they gathered together, the black strands quickly turned from a rope → cable → lamp post → pillar, and still didn’t stop growing

Countless malicious cries rang out from the black strands. Some shouted for Luke, some cursed Big Dipper, and some cursed V.

When it was almost 100 meters tall, the black pillar started to twist and almost instantly took human form.

After an indistinct head took form, the black giant suddenly opened eyes which lit up with two burning dark red fires as it stared at Luke.

Luke stared at the black giant for a moment.

“It was you!” the black giant roared. “You killed me!”

When it spoke, all sorts of voices of different accents and genders repeated, “It was you! You killed me!”

Young and old, low and high, mosquito-like buzzing and ear-splitting – it all rang out in a few short seconds.

Luke blinked and nodded. “That’s right. What are you going to do about it?”

The black giant seemed stunned. It hadn’t expected such an answer. Even the deafening clamor paused.

Then, there was a loud bang, and countless curses rang out. They were so mixed together that conversely, nothing could be heard but a drone.

The black giant: “I’m gonna kill you!”

As it spoke, it raised one foot and was about to stomp down.

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